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Hey all,

I wanted to check in with another DevLog. For those that didn't know, I tested out an audio DevLog that I dropped a few days ago here. It's in the $20 tier to limit the number of people that saw it in case it's terrible, lol. I'm not sure what the plans are for that in the future but it seemed to go over pretty well and people are wanting more of them. In that version, you'll see a slideshow of a lot of the same pictures (with 2 additional pics not seen here), but I talk through the process more and highlight some specific areas where I'm focusing in addition to areas that I could probably still improve on. I was pretty nervous for the first one and I'm kinda hyper so fair warning for the 900's "um's" that I rattle off, but if you're interested in hearing it straight from me, it's in that tier for now. It's also completely unedited with zero notes. I wanted to be authentic so you actually get a real sense of my nonsense because that's honestly where the creative process comes from. I may also do some actually scene creation videos in the near future as well. People seemed to like it and some wanted to see some actual work in the moment so stay tuned if you're a super fan.

Anyway, on to the pics here.

This is the typical Before/After stuff that you've been seeing during the revamp development and today we'll be looking mostly at the lobby of the doctor's office. There's a lot of exciting visual changes here so here we go.

Pic 1: This is the original entry shot for when they first walk into the doctor's office. I talk about this in more detail in the audio version but this is a pretty boring shot and one of the biggest problems in this scene is that the room is bland and empty. This original version also has like zero shadows so let's jump to Pic 2 where we can see the replacement for the revamp version.

Pic 2: I'm pretty stoked about these. This is the entry shot for the revamp. Rather than having every scene sorta exist inside of a fishbowl, this shot actually shows a transition from outside to inside and we've got a ton of sunlight pouring through a window we'll see in a minute. This angle also shows that the room now has some decorations and stuff including a big ass plant. Also big changes in facial expressions. Each of the characters sorta have their own expectations and trepidations about the doc visit and you can kinda read hints of that in their faces. I'm super happy to show these off and pretty pleased with how the office looks now.

Pic 3: Pic 3 focuses on the secretary desk. This thing is horrible and it's been a joke for a long time. There's zero decorations and there's zero anything on this poor lady's desk. That was a major focus for the revamp-- making this look more like a desk where people would actually check-in at when they walk in versus some lady that looks like she got a detention in school.

Pic 4: Updated secretary desk. The difference here is staggering. Updated facial expressions and I changed her position to look more welcoming and more dynamic rather than just using lame stock poses. There's also completely updated lighting and she obviously has a computer now so she doesn't have to memorize an entire doctor's office worth of information. I'm still working on the use of white in these pictures because it's easy to blow out the intensity but it's pretty doable in this shot. But yep, this is the new secretary shots. We'll interact with her a tad longer in the revamp as well as get a few more camera angles that will show off more of the lobby (there's another shot in the audio devlog if you really wanna see it including the first appearance of someone that's pretty special later in the story). 

Pic 5: This shot is from the old version of the game and shows an overhead of the examination room. We're actually not going to see a ton of lighting changes in the revamp with the examination room. I want to be careful not to blow it out because it's really white already. However, we'll see more dynamic poses and a ton more shots that we ever saw in the old version. Right now, my folder has 100 pics in it and that's just to get them walking to the office, the lobby, and undressing inside the room. We haven't even started all the actual physical exam stuff yet so I'm expecting a lot of pictures. Also, before we jump to pic 6, I want to make sure and point out that I somehow dropped a narcotics prescription in the open on the table in the back, which is hilarious and probably illegal in most places in the world. So i'm happy to report that an investigation has lead to more restrictions on pills laying around the fucking office in the revamp :p

Pic 6: This is a shot from the revamped version of the room to give you an idea. Pretty much same lighting except you cans ee on the back of the chair, there's sunlight coming in through the window. But this angle should give you an idea for the camera shots. Hopefully, more cinematic and interesting angles as they get ready, get bored, and generally just chat inside the room before the doctor comes in. I'm probably going to go overboard on these shots though so hopefully that doesn't turn into a long way (good news is that i have way less writing this time around so that should balance things out).

That's all the teasers for today. Hope you enjoy. If you have questions, hit me up and stay tuned :)




I don't know if you're familiar with Howard Cruse's comic strip 'Wendel'. One of his characters is a writer of science fiction, and after reading his most recent attempt, his mother notes that he's improving, by saying something along the lines of, "At least your dialog sounds like something a human mouth could utter." I bring this up because the new shots look like real humans. It was never an issue in the old version, because that's what there was; but the contrast now is staggering. Str8!? now has artwork to match the story. (Also, looks like I need to find the money to jump back up to the AU$33.50 tier...)


Also looks like you need to update the Complete Nutcase tier description. :)


thanks a lot. i'm really trying to step that part up and make them feel more organic and lifelike and some of the subtle movements and stuff i think really add to that. thanks a lot for added support, too. hope you enjoy my nervous ramblings. i'll get better :) oh, and i may update the nutcase tier. just not yet. i wanna try an actual scene creation video and stuff first and see how that goes over then i could always add that to the description. i'm just generally bad about advertising stuff because i never like to look like i'm doing things for money