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Been hard at work on v03 in the wake of the Patreon release on v02. I know that v02 release was kind of rushed and came out of nowhere but I'm still trying to get my bearings down on the revamp and it's workload. That being said, I've made some pretty good strides this week in terms of organization and today I wanted to do another exhilarating episode of show-and-tell featuring the bathroom.

Originally, the bathroom made it's appearance around the 3rd or 4th release of the original game (apparently no one had to piss before then). The reason being that as I gained more followers, my budget grew so I could expand and include more sets within the game. In the early updates, I tried to include one new environment per update just to expand the world. When looking at the revamp, I could have included the bathroom and some of those sets earlier but as a homage to the original game, I decided to leave the game "flawed" and just have that bathroom magically popup outta nowhere because that was part of the literal story of my game creation.

So today we get to look at the old bathroom sets versus the changes you'll be seeing in the revamp. 

Pic 1: Here's a shot from the old bathroom that we saw in the original game. Basically I blew out the lights in here and I wanted to make the room a little more dynamic. Like all original sets, it was empty.

Pic 2: Here's one of the entrance shots to the bathroom for the revamp. We'll see this scene in v03. I've dropped a few more random students in just to fill the scene out a bit. There's also a lot more dynamic lighting with harder shadows that, to me, give the room more of a depth.

Pic 3: Here's a second shot from the original game of Zack's entrance from another angle. The room is still blown out and empty. Basically everything is bright except for the actual character.

Pic 4: Here's a concept shot from what I'm looking at doing moving forward. I tweeted about this earlier and this shot is a good excuse to talk about what I'm working on. I've already made it clear that we won't see the repeatable choices seen in the rough draft version of the game. However, the one thing that added some was it simulated time and expanded the world a little bit beyond the linear story that we see in the late game. To replace this, I'd like to give the player a choices to sort of wander around the dorm or other places a bit before you more towards the story stuff. For example, when you wake up, you could just go to class to progress the story, or you may go take a shower or go to the bathroom-- other settings-- before you go to class. These small side choices may cause you to randomly stumble across side characters, giving you a little bit of a glimpse into what happens in their day when Zack isn't there to narrate it in the original game. It's gonna be a lot more work but I think the payoff is going to be simple but rewarding. In this shot, Braden had already left for class and we wouldn't see him until he got back later that day, now we may randomly stumble across where he went before we left for class-- stuff like that.

Pic 5: Alright, last shot from the original game. Here's a urinal shot with Braden at the sink. Again, not a lot of depth here, the lighting is bland. Also, Zack's eyes are crazy and looking at the camera like he did John and we don't need any more of that.

Pic 6: Revamp replacement shot for Pic 5. I still may use the closer cam in future releases but this is the angle I'm going for right now. The slight blur gives it more depth and this bathroom has way more dynamic lighting than the original.

That's all for today, hope you enjoy the new shots. I'm already working on v03 and moving things forward so stay tuned for more teasers.

Thanks a lot for the support. <3





Love it!! The attention to detail is incredible!! The reflections in the various metal components are great!


I forgot that what I followed was just the demo version. I have to join the chorus of approvals on the revamp. The lighting contours, the rich texture, etc. all comes through to establish a hauntingly beautiful hyper reality that transports the viewer right into the realm of these characters. 3d digital art is the perfect medium to experience an adult novel like Straight!? I’m going to start from the beginning and experience the whole thing as new.


i hope you enjoy it. it really is a different experience and i think it's done nothing but improve the original . i really wanted to keep everything from before that worked and only change the stuff that didn't