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Hey all,

It's been awhile since I did another text dump on v019 so I wanted to drop some details on where things are at again.


Things are continuing to move forward with the writing, although it's been slow. I've warned that this update is much more technical writing in contrast to what I would generically label emotional writing that has taken place in the other updates. I would also state that I'm still attempting to slowly make the game more cinematic. While I would like to include more animations, we likely wont see things like that until the full revision. When I reference cinematic shots here, it's me trying to get the camera angles a little more interesting in addition to shot transitions and flashbacks to earlier parts in the story. Writing-wise, we can expect a lot of flashbacks through this next update and the end of this chapter. I really want to try to make those experiences seem more cinematic and flow smoothly. Given that I don't know the first thing about that either, it's been a process of trying to combine that vision with that of the writing and get those two things to cooperate. 

Right now, the update is fairly lengthy and is around 2,600 lines of code--comparable to the past few longer updates. That being said, I still have about half of a scene to code and then one more long (and honestly the most difficult scene in the game) left to write. The problem I'm running into right now is that I'm probably going to have to do a full playthrough of the game again. This last scene is a bastard to write and the scene that I've feared writing for 3 years. I wanna make sure it works; specifically tying up a few things at certain parts in the story. Because of how fucking long this game is, that can take a few days for me to get through a playthrough as well. I don't really wanna do another re-read but right now, there's a ton of people in the community that have played this game way more times than I have (I think I've only fully read through 3 times at different points). So that could push me back but it's probably necessary. I'd rather sink the time into it and try and make sure things make sense that I would assume that it's fine and fuck something up. 

Right now, after I post this, I'll be quietly on Discord doing a playthrough so forgive me if I continue to be quieter than normal until this update is done.


Right now, I got 398 CGs done and they're comparable quality to what we saw during the last update. For those that have the $5 and up access, you've already seen some hints at night time shots in one branch that I'm really happy with. I'll also mention that I've briefly gone back to a few updates ago and redone a few quick night time CGs with Ash (still Max at the time) and Zack talking outside and used the same lighting. After this next update, I may try and do a hotfix to go back through and patch in revised night time lighting shots just cause the new style looks hella better.  I will say that the last scene left to write is mostly conversation so I don't really anticipate a huge problem or workload related to CGs for that one--it's just bitches talkin'.

What to Expect

Without spoiling too much, this update should be another rollercoaster for emotions. So expect things to be failing unpredictable like they hopefully  have been so far. I'm also shooting for a bit more closure in this update than we've seen in the past so hopefully a few questions will get answered (while obviously posing a few new questions because we still need something to look forward to with the last few updates and one chapter left after this one). There's also a new setting which is hinted in one of the teasers that's really cool and has a different vibe than anything we've seen yet. Overall, a lot happens in this update in a very short period of time and we're going to see more character development--honestly, I think I'll call it character shift more than anything. 

I also wanna thank all the supporters for sticking with me on this update. I really hope it's worth it and this update is very much one of the most important in the story. With the continued nonsense in the world and a litany of real life stuff on my end, it's been hard to write an already daunting chapter. So I appreciate your patience and support and I'll never take it for granted. 

Everyone please stay safe out there and hug somebody that you appreciate. Shit is crazy right now and we need to stick together.



Thanks for the update. Something to look forward too.


Thanks for the info - the story has always been worth waiting for updates - I'm betting this one is no different. Take your time (WHAT AM I SAYING?) -- as an author I know how it feels to push a little, then release something and afterward find you dropped a major section. I am completely looking forward to v19!!!!!!!!


Thanks. It’s always tough to balance the anticipation with just wanting to get it done. Hell, if nothing else, I just want a break for awhile and typically after an update, it allows for me to catch my break a bit. Not too much longer hopefully