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Hey all,

So super boring post here but this is something that needs to get out there with some notification because it will effect some game supporters.

Beginning July 1st,  Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges based on recent law changes in several countries and US states. This will not affect everyone, for example, changes based on VATS in the EU were already implemented in 2015 so EU supporters will not be affected at all.

Patreon has posted a complete list of these changes including affected countries and US states here 

 Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location not the creator's, and what is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments. 

Moving forward, Patreon has stated they are developing a tool for content creators to use to try and maximize the savings for game supporters with more information about this over the next month before it rolls out. Rest assured, I have a keen eye for loop holes and really want to maximize the savings to you, so stay tuned. Odds are there will be changes to the content tiers that exist now to maximize those savings but I do not anticipate less content. When decisions are made regarding this, I will publish a detailed public post to highlight the tier changes and why they were made to comply with the legal requirements. But expect to see some random changes in those tiers over the next few days or month.   For more detailed information directly from Patreon, here is a link from Patreon's CEO explaining the changes in a lot more detail as well as other links associated with FAQs that some of you may have. 


If you have further questions, you can post them below, DM me, or hit me up on the Discord and I'll stumble through them as best I can; math and taxes aren't my strengths by any stretch. 

On June 1, Patreon will notify anyone who is a current game supporter here with additional information. Thus, if you don't get contacted then, I'm assuming you're not affected. 

More to come later on this....stay safe, all.




Thank you for the information. Love you.