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Aaaaand we're back for another enormous wall of text in the least efficient way possible. After all, as long as this game is right now, you've probably come to expect lots of reading and rambling. So here we go...

Alright, so the past DevLog sorta explained what the attack plan was and how we're doing things this time around. I wanted to drop another note to clue you guys in on where we are. As previously stated, while I try and keep you guys up-to-date using the Overview tab, the amount of work for this update is really proving difficult to quantify into a percentage of completion. What I have added over there, is an extra stat that shows the number of CGs completed. This will hopefully show you guys that things are still being completed as the days tick by. Looking ahead, I'm hoping that a few of these scenes I haven't gotten to coding yet will allow the use of some old CGs to speed up the coding and reduce new image load, but we'll see. I can honestly say things moved a lot faster before when I wrote the story around the most efficient way of creating graphics as opposed to how it's been written in the past few updates where we just write then try and figure out pics later.

To better show you a breakdown of where we are, I'm going to list out the scenes and subscenes for v0.17 and where the writing drafts and CG completion is:

Scene 1: Draft Complete

Scene  2:  Draft Complete  and CG Complete

Scene  3.1:  Draft Complete  and CG Complete

 Scene  3.2:  Draft Complete 

 Scene  3.3: Draft Complete 

 Scene  3.4:

 Scene  4:

 Scene  5:

 Scene  6:

 Scene  7:  Draft Complete 

 Scene  8:  Draft Complete 

 Scene  9:  Draft Complete 

 Scene  10:  Draft Complete 

 Scene  11.1:  Draft Complete  and CG Complete

 Scene  11.2:  Draft Complete and CG Complete

 Scene  12:

Keep in mind that the biggest previous update was at 6 scenes. Some of these are somewhat short but friggen Scene 11 is like an half a regular update by itself. While I normally work at least 4 to 5 nights a week after work on the game and can usually crank out at least 30 hours or more over the weekend, I'm also going to burn vacation time next week from my regular job to try and get more done on the update. This will hopefully speed up more of the process and give me about 8 to 10 additional hours of dev time per day for next week. So I'm optimistic to whittle this down some more. I'm hoping to have another report by the end of next week or so to let you know where we are then. But for now, keep an eye on the CG count periodically and I'll prob do more writing by the end of the weekend I hope. 

Let us know if you got questions, folks. 

Again, love you all and thanks, as always, for the support in this. I can't really ever say it enough.




I am in agreement with the previous comments. Don't wear yourselves out! It is obvious through your updates that you want to make this next update a very good one. In my opinion, it will be well-worth the wait. Also, I thoroughly enjoy your "wall of text" posts... ANY posts, really. Once again, thank you for all the blood (hopefully not??), sweat, and tears you and your team are putting into the project. xxoo


The older we get; the more we learn to be patient. Things come to those who wait :) And the other way I see it is.. there are thousands of games out there to keep us occupied in the meantime, and those creators need feedback for their efforts too :)