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 Hey guys!

Sorry to disappoint, but no Aaryn today. It’s Blayke, resident jack of all trades, office eye-candy and your one true love ;) jk Kimora

So, you’re probably wondering… why the fuck am I here and where the fuck is Aaryn? Well, he’s forced me to do this because he thought it was only fair since this is a project that I’ve been working on. Needless to say, I’m super nervous so please take it easy on me!

A few months back I had this crazy idea of transforming the script into a new media. This game has all the makings of a coming of age novel, it’s a story that should be accessed by anyone and everyone whenever they want… not just when they’re on their computer.

Words are art, and there’s no better way to paint an image than with the imagination. We want this story to stand the test of time. Technology is fleeting, it’s out of date as soon as it goes to production. But words only grow more powerful with age. That’s why we’ve decided to transform the script into a coming of age novel. To let this story blossom in a new form for you all to enjoy.

This novel adaption will vary somewhat from the game. New ‘scenes’, new locations, potentially new characters. As writing drives the imagination we are able to explore aspects we have been unable to so far in the game. We can flesh out each individual, describe the wind blowing through Zack’s hair, mimic the sensation of cool water dripping down their skin and really hone in on the story aspect of the game.

So, myself and the team are happy to preview this to you guys. We decided that there aren’t enough ways for us to thank you for your support, so this is just another way of doing that.

This a draft version of the Prologue & First Chapter and can be downloaded below in PDF format.

This is by no means a finished product, and it’s just a way for us to test the waters. We don’t want to spend time on projects like this if it’s not something the community will be interested in. So please, let us know… is a novel adaptation of Straight!? something you want?

The novel is an addition to the game, not a replacement. Think of it as just another consumable form. The game is still our main focus, and this will be worked on in the background if there is enough support for the idea. Working on this novel will in no way impact the production time of the game, so don’t fret about that! The full novel would be released at the completion of the game, hopefully in both PDF & physical form.

Let us know your thoughts below or on the Patreon chat in discord :D I’ll be there to welcome any comments, so please… let us know :D

Thanks for reading this long ass post, but I’m afraid you have some more reading to do now ;)

Love you all, thanks for being so supportive of the game and the team. <3

Your one true love,

Blayke <3

Straight!? Novel Adaptation: Chapter 1: Here 




Idea: good and well written... but personally, I don't like pure novels. I prefer a good game. ; )


Thanks for compliment ^ :) Good job that this is just additional content then. The game is still very much our main focus


Outstanding......Would make a GREAT mini Series too


Yeah, we’re hoping to continue to put this out slowly