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Heya folks,

Please don't post spoilers in this thread. The $1 folks may not have played v0.10 yet (  unless they stole it :p  ). I'm going to try and make the DevLog posts more generic and open to all Patreons so that the $1 folks can be included. Basically, I feel like they financially contribute but don't get much for it and that's unfair. All pictures teasers will still be at the $5 and up level, though.

Ok: like...wow! I continue to be astounded by the number of new faces around here over the past week(s). So, again: I humbly thank you guys for the support and for sticking around. There's an indescribable feeling when you spend time writing something like this and people enjoy and are willing to support it, interact, and debate your vision.

For those of you who have played v0.10, I was surprised by the open acceptance of the update. I was expecting a lot more mixed results and harsh feelings. While some continue to be concerned, the cliffhanger from that update has motivated me to quickly start working on the next installment because I need closure, too, folks!

Progress so far is pretty steady. For those new to the page, you can track current update progress from the Overview tab. I try and update that pretty regularly when I have an idea of what's going on. The only part that is usually misleading are the CGs because I never know how many I'll actually do. So trying to quantify that in percentages can be a bit tricky sometimes.

What to Expect

So the next update will pick-up exactly where the last one left off and will start Chapter 6.  For now, I expect this to be a shorter update than the last one for a few different reasons. 1) The last one was fucking big and I'm tired; 2) I really want to push this update out sooner rather than wait for a longer update like I did in the last one--anxiety is high right now in the story and I don't to wait any more than you do; 3) These next two updates are going to be some of the most difficult writing I've had to do for this story so I need to cut it in half and tackle it in smaller doses.  So, in short, expect a smaller update on the sooner side that will explore the events from the last episode. No ETA yet, though. I got some papers and my last few weeks of school coming up so I'll probably be more fucking dramatic than my own visual novel is.

The next two updates will concentrate on a lot of the build-up we've seen since some of the unsteady whispers that began to appear in Zack's monologue back in earlier chapters. I know a lot of people have questions, most of which start with "what the fuck...?" but I anticipate in having the majority of those questions answered within the next two updates. To do that, I have to tread carefully on the dialogue and go back and re-read earlier parts to make sure shit actually still works. So hopefully I can have it out fairly quickly; but the re-reading may slow me down a bit--just sayin.

Three things to expect in this update:

1. One new location added for an important scene that I'm really excited about. I'll be teasing a picture of this in the coming days or weeks--depends on when I get to it. I'm writing this update in chronological order and it's near the middle/end.

2. A possible brief return to an old location we haven't seen for awhile depending on your choices (*cough).

3. My CGs are going slower this time around but I'll tease some in a few days. Basically, I'm still working on my lighting techniques. Overall, I'm pleased with my progress for this next update and am looking forward to showing off more crisp graphics. Still not perfect but that's why this shit is a work-in-progress. I think it looks better, though and hopefully that will stand out as an improvement.

That's it, no more spoilers, for now!

As always, if you have questions, feedback, or just want to check-in, hit me up. Thanks again for the luv, messages, likes, reblogs, videos, word-of-mouth recommendations, and of course for tossing a few bucks my way to help with the development. Y'all rawk!




Im gonna do this without spoiling anything. But you know what you just did, and now i'm stuck. Sitting and waiting for the next update. WHY U DO TIS TO ME. Im sad now


Really good story though, im actually excited for the next one. In the meantime im gonna sit here and find something to pass the time after screaming for 5 mins. Fanboying and Sadness dont mix. It is actually a horrible mixture that you somehow pulled. This is some BULLSHIT XD

Barbara Smell

200 Patrons! YAY!!! NEW RECORD! Gratz!


Dude..I know, right! It's crazy the amount of support the game is getting! I'm overwhelmed! Steady making the writer speechless...