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So, in contrast to the somewhat lousy news in my last email, this is something that I've consider for awhile as a supplemental set to the game and I've decided to release a bit to the community and see what you think. While I ultimately distribute the game for free, the Patreon people don't really get anything special other than helping to support the game as it progresses slowly towards completion (Don't worry... there's a ton left!). In the past, I have toyed with the idea of incorporating a gallery into the game but--quite honestly--I didn't know how to do it and it was easier to just leave the game images uncompressed so you could look in the folder at your leisure (Yeah, I'm lazy like that).

In my most recent post, BeatButton reminded me of an old idea I had and resurrected some motivation for that. Given that the story is further along now, I got more ideas for this that I'm honestly kinda excited about sharing.

Braden and Zack mention their phones from time to time in the story, something I never could figure out how to actually code. I wanted them to actually send text messages to each other as their relationship built but I sorta scrapped it due to limited coding ability on my part. However, I got a new spin on an old idea just for the Patreons.


So think Snapchat (Before the annoying update that everyone hates). 

These will be supplemental to the game and show you different angles to things that you may not have seen in the regular game. So kinda like the picture version of the dinner conversation. These will be a special release to Patreon supporters and not included in the public game updates; but I haven't ruled out including them in a lump for the final release of the game. In other words, they'll only be here until I'm completely done with the entire game--which could be freaking years, who knows? I'll number them starting with 01. This restructuring month seems like a good time to release the first ones, too. Least maybe you'll have something to look forward to.

Note: I will start these pics at the beginning of the game--like, the very beginning so don't expect bare butts and peepee's. However, I'm kinda excited about this showing another dimension to the game and give y'all a little something extra. I kinda feel like these would be the digital scrapbook for each of the characters. Many of you have commented on the realism on the game, specifically the dialogue. I feel like this selfie addition for the Patreons will really push things over the edge, giving you an intimate look at the characters taking pictures of themselves rather than being dependent on the "movie camera" type angles that the game relies on. Hopefully, this will mimic the reality of the characters and really make them come alive.

For this first month, I plan to release the first two images for free to the public. Just so you get a feel for what they'll look like. In the future, I plan to add these as a part of the $10 tier, just because I feel like that tier has always lacked extra stuff...especially because of the general lack of full frontal stuff in the game to really "uncensor." Honestly, I feel like most of you just contribute to that tier just to give more money to the project without expecting much in return. That's awesome as hell; however, this is something I'm kinda excited to share with you as a bonus to the game and as a thanks. 

I'll drop the first Zack selfie before too long. But let me know your thoughts good/bad.

Stay tuned...



Braden: Hey, bro, I had a weird dream at night. Zack: I caught you jerking off again? :p Braden: no, ass! Braden: we sent ourselves via Snapchat Selfies! Zack: Oh, that sounds good. Zack thought: ---- (this could get interesting... )---- ---End--


Heh, gonna be awhile on this one but I'm not ruling it out:p


Great idea.