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Heya peeps,

So I've been working on the game and have some decent progress. As with all my DevLog Updates, I feel like I tend to drop bad news a little to often  but I'm still not where I wanted to be for this update. As of now, I have around 50 new CGs added to the game and more story in this update than I actually anticipated writing. Originally, my main focus was going to be on the dinner conversation and that got pushed back as I was writing the other stuff. Right now, I have about 2 shorter scenes left to write with around 10 more CGs finished for those scenes and ready to be dropped in while the ink is still drying from the writing. 

Thus, I have had somewhat of a change of heart on this update and may end up pushing back the dinner conversation to the next update. When you see how this update ends, you'll understand why. The following update (v08) will be shorter and end Chapter 3. This will give me more time to focus on the dinner conversation and going back through the beginning of the game to comb through things to make sure shit makes sense. I usually try and do this at the end of each chapter. Rereading my own story may also help in trigger more dinner conversation themes. Problem is, if I do it now, I'm probably going to delay the newest update for a pretty significant period of time. 

In terms of an actual release date, I'm not quite sure and I don't like to make promises I can't keep. Those of you who have been here for awhile, I think, understand that I try to make my deadlines as best I can. I'm shooting for a few days into April though. Once I get the writing done, I need to do testing and then send it out to a few friends for additional testing. I really want to have it released by next week sometime though.


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