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Hey peeps,

Soooooo update: Here we go!

Somehow, I managed to finish the rough draft. Going through it the first time for testing, it doesn't look bad; which makes me feel like there's going to be minimal follow-up "unfuckery" required. A lot of times, after reading through the rough draft, I find places that I wanted a few more CGs or things just seem a bit "off." A few of those popped up today so I've got a few more CG additions in the works (about 5 right now) to tie things together a bit more. Those should be done and hopefully added by tomorrow. The plan then is to read through it one more time then pass it along to a few people to test read before launch. Somehow, I think this update will actually get out on time and shortly after the 1st of the month.

What to Expect:

In terms of CGs, this is by far the biggest update ever! The current number has surpassed 400, suggesting an addition of about 100 visuals for this update as opposed to the past average of around 50-60. This was crazy for me to pull off working, going to school, and doing a full-time internship while cranking out this much content. It probably won't happen again because this shit was kraaaazy. But, I hit the point in the story I wanted to and I feel pretty good about it. Those of you looking for more nudity and sexual tones will hopefully appreciate the additions of this update. 

There is a lot to read in this update BUT depending on how you choose, you could skip through things and miss some of the content. I'm ok with this because you'll end up just seeing it in the next update. Basically, I've reworked some of the evening choices visually to give things a fresh spin. This is where a majority of the new images are coming from. That being said, I have ommitted some parts (i.e shower /dinner and you currently can't do any cleaning for Ernie in the mornings starting in Chapter 3) because they're not ready. It was just too much. I'm planning to do the dinner choices in the next update since it's been under construction for awhile now. Thus, for you to experience the full update and all the content, you may have to play through a couple times and just choose different activities in the evening time. It probably won't unlock anything new but some of you, like me, appreciate the banter between our two major characters. I just didn't have time to fully develop ALL evening activities with new visuals during the same update. 

What NOT to Expect:

While I anticipate minimal bug fixes, some have helped identify some gaps and bugs in the previous version. While I normally try to immediately correct those in the following build, that's not going to happen this time. These are not game breaking but I'm aware of at least one (basically that you can give Braden the onesie more than once). In trying to fix these, it was pulling me away from the current build so I pushed that back to fix in the following update (v0.7). I'll apologize about this but my fear was in breaking more things last minute trying to fix something minor. I didn't want to delay things if I didn't have to. I'd rather give my stupid self more time with it. Basically v0.7 will target these types of fixes and flesh out the evening activities that were neglected in his update.

CG Quality

I want to address this briefly because the CG I linked above is something I'm really proud of. The look and smirk on Zack's face really captures the essence of our sarcastic MC. The quality and lighting is on point and a drastic step up from previous models. However, I don't want to give the impression this is the full quality moving forward. This is an example of my goal for quality but I haven't quite learned how I pulled off the lighting so well. Thus, despite having a new video card, some of those visuals are still a bit fuzzy. I'm still learning, folks and I want to be very upfront and honest about that. Eventually, I would go back and essentially redo every CG in the game once I've learned how to do this shit but, for now...things will be a bit inconsistent but hopefully some of you will be impressed when I get one of these right every once in awhile. There's also an amazing one (in my opinion) of Zack in the shower in this update. PS: I used it as my new profile pic. It's a new fav of mine as well where I feel like I nailed it.

Guys, thanks again for the support and for following me. I always welcome feedback (good or bad) and appreciate you riding this wild rollercoaster with me. Let me know if you have questions or just check-in and give me your thoughts in the comments.




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