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Just wanted to let everyone know that the public release for v.051 has been posted. Here's the links or you can find them in the Overview tab. Let me know if you see any problems, bugs, issues, etc.



Change Log v0.51

-Fixed typos

-Corrected missing Zack visual

-Chapter 2 story is now completed

- Bug: Fixed leg hair issue in Doctor Office

- Added more dialogue to Chapter 1 daily events. These will appear on a random basis exaclty like those added in Chapter 2 during v0.4. However, some events are not updated yet including after adjusting the heat in the room: studying and shower. These will be addressed in the future.

- Night sleep events with Braden now only occur 1 time for each clothing tier. Having it every night was annoying

-Replaced a couple old Zack CGs in Chapter 1 where the tone was off and it was driving people crazy. 

-Fixed an abnormally dark daytime dorm CG early in Chapter 1. Lighting is now corrected


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