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 Hey guys!  I figure it's time for an update, so here is the update!

At this moment I'm working on a video that came to me very suddenly and got written and shot just as suddenly, and I'm actually closing in on the end of editing.  It's about Miiverse and why Nintendo decided to go without it on the Switch.  It also goes off on a bit of a tangent about their policies regarding Youtube, which is kind of fun because it will mark the first time I've addressed the issue on my channel.  I'm hoping to get this one done within the next few days assuming I can get enough time, so you $10+ dudes can expect to get an early look soon.  And speaking of early access, uploading to Google Drive worked out well for the last one, so I think I'll do that for the foreseeable future.

As for what's next, it's really hard to say.  On the one hand, I've got about a million ideas for videos.  I mean this is a considerably large list, each of which I could easily just plunk down and write to completion.  Maybe one of these days I'll share the list or at least some of it.  Thing is, it's getting to the point where I really need to start buckling down for my Breath of the Wild review.  It's really expanded to something huge in my head, and I want to release each part as I complete it but I also need to make sure it acts as a cohesive whole, which means pretty much writing it all beforehand.  So you can see why I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, and even just deciding how to break everything up is hard.  What if halfway through one part I decide I actually want a chunk of it to be in another part, or I decide to spin one part off into it's own entire video?  Etc.  But there's nothin' to it but to do it, so I just need to start outlining, at least to get things started.  But of course there's also the issue of balancing this planning process with my regular content; if I can get it all planned and written I can have the review be all I produce until it's done, but until they start coming out I need to give enough time to other content.  So that's where I'm at, trying to decide what to work on in the meantime while I start laying out my roadmap, so to speak.  One thing's for sure though, and it's that I really do want to do it this way.  I mean things could change once I start getting things on paper, and I could decide that one video really would be enough, but at the moment I'm way into the idea of breaking it into parts.  It's just too grand and important a game to not explore in great detail.

Actually you know what?  Scratch that part about not sharing any of my list.  I'm going to give you a handful of my recent ideas and see what you guys think.  This might not have a direct influence on what I work on next, but I will be fun to get an idea of what sounds good to you guys.  The available choices are displayed as they are in my notes, with a little description after each:

"Wii U: a slightly sentimental postmortem"

I've focused a lot on the Wii U's shortcomings (as have we all), so this would be one that mostly talks about what the system did right, and my good memories with it.  I'm still trying to decide if I should script it or do it "talking head" style to give it a more personal feel.

"3DS games that should have gotten sequels---Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus, Link Between Worlds, Luigi’s Mansion"

Spoiler alert, but those are the four games I would talk about.  Nintendo took a lot of time to develop these games and it's silly to me that they wouldn't make at least one sequel for each.  I mean you build the engine and the mechanics and everything, just give us some new levels and a new story!

"Genres and Me -- My relationships and experiences with different genres.  RPG’s, FPS’s, platformers, etc."

Just a personal piece, exploring my gaming tastes to give people a better idea of where I'm coming from when I talk about games.  A tiny bit of a fluff piece, I'll admit, but it's just fun to talk about this kind of stuff.

"Switch is here.  What’s Nintendo’s next move?  Arlo Predicts"

Predicting what kind of system Nintendo will come out with next.  I might even talk about two different scenarios--one with a failed Switch and one with a successful Switch

"What’s next for Zelda?"

This is a fun one.  It would be a whole video going over my own ideas for what they could do with the next Zelda.  Some would be more general ideas about where the series could go, and some would be specific mechanics I think would be cool.  I'll just have to decide how to balance the two. 

"Paper Mario partners I want to see"

Pretty self explanatory.  All the Mushroom Kingdom (and beyond) races I'd love to fight beside in the true Paper Mario sequel that will definitely never happen.  (Again, it's fun though, right?)

"What would a failed Switch mean for Nintendo?"

This is a really interesting one.  The Wii U put Nintendo in a pretty rough place, so what would yet another failed console do to them?  At this stage I find it extremely unlikely that the Switch WILL fail, but it's a good talking point.  And I think I might dip into that "third party" territory that seems to be pretty taboo in the Nintendo community, so we'll see if I stir up some heat.

Playing Super Metroid After the Fact

I didn't play Super Metroid until just a few years ago, so I think it would be interesting to talk about why the game is so awesome from the perspective of someone with no nostalgia or anything for it.

Breath of the Wild’s Worst Enemies

Breath of the Wild has got an enemy that I think is more insidious than even the dreaded [SPOILER DELETED], but you'll have to wait and see what it is.  ;)

So that's what I'm considering at the moment, but as always, it's all subject to change and being pushed aside for stuff that comes to me suddenly.  Tons and tons of thanks to all my new patrons of these last few weeks!  You guys are super amazing, and we're glad to have you here in the discussion!

Stay tuned for another update, hopefully soon if I make some decisions about that BotW review.  See ya!



The Genres and Me one sounds like a great filler one. Easier(?) and faster(?) to produce and also not time sensitive. Maybe make that one when you have extra time and sit on it until you are pressed on time to produce content so you have some filler to throw in? (Paragraph break, darn you, Patreon comment system!) What's next for Zelda and Nintendo's next move sound like VERY interesting topics and should garner a fair number of views. BotW worst enemy sound like a really fun one that should capitalize on BotW for view counts pretty well and hopefully bring in new people. (Paaaaaaragraphs. Patreon, are you listening?!) Failed Switch sounds good too and it is certainly something I'd go out of my way to watch in a stand alone video, but isn't it a topic that has been touched on already with your How the Switch Could Ruin Everything? I guess that one didn't go into the future of the company much if that worst case did happen. Honestly all of these sound good.


You're right, I did go into it a little with my Ruin Everything video. So I might retread a little, but then go more into what their next business decision might be. For instance, would they even make another console? If so, what kind of thing would it be? I'm still deciding if I want that to be its own video or if I just want the whole thing to be in the "What's Next" video. Maybe with that one I'll only cover what might come next if the Switch makes it, then save the failure scenario for its own thing. Man, too many choices! XP


I am loving every video that you do, but that's as an Arlo fanboy. I think Arlo goes from great (and handsome) to timeless (and handsome) is when you do your less topical videos. For my own two crumby cents I like the Genres and Me (it sounds so cute when you say it like that) and the Super Metroid After the Fact. But what ever you do I'll bet it's great! Keep on keepin on!


Hey Arlo. I have said before that I'm totally for any kind of BOTW content you want to share, and that's still true. But I also want you to know that Paper Mario is one of my all time favourite games--sometimes most favourite when I'm in the right mood--and I would be thrilled to have a discussion about your preferred partners, or any other Paper Mario topics you'd like to make video about. I hope that one comes out sooner rather than later ^_^


;n; So many good choices!


I'm just glad I got to vote for all the videos. Sure, that might not help narrow it down which one you do first or which ones need more focus, but they all sound delightful. I for one, appreciate filler content time to time! Though it was for a Halloween special, I loved seeing which thing spooked you in a video game! Aaaannd I'm always down to talk about Paper Mario! I know I sound nothing more than a fanboy, I can accept that, but I genuinely can't wait to see which of these videos comes out first!


Lots of great video ideas! I'd personally like to see the "Genres and me" one the most.


I think it would be cool to see your opinions on Mass Effect Andromeda assuming that you've played it. I know its a bit irrelevant now but I would love to know your thoughts.


Hey arlo what do you think about the breath of wilds soundtrack.Love your work!!1!1!!


I'd love to do something on it, but I haven't even had time to play it yet! XP


As someone who bought a Switch on day one, I'm excited for the future. However, I also just bought a Wii U, because I was really interested in the system's library, but didn't have much extra money until recently. So, of course I'd like to see more Wii U content, as I'm really enjoying my Wii U. I'm curious to know what Nintendo franchises you'd like to see on the Switch this year. Maybe an E3 predictions video?


You betcha, right before E3 I'll be doing a big predictions/wishes video. And I can't wait to do it!