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Hello my beautiful friends!  I thought I'd change things up and do a public post celebrating the new year.  How are all you patron and non-patron folks alike doing?  My holiday truly was fantastic, though I suspect I’m going to have to jog about a thousand miles in order to work off the food-related horrors I inflicted upon my poor body.

Here would normally be where I would fill you in on the projects you can look forward to in the coming month, but unfortunately those of you who aren’t patrons are out of luck; this could have been a rare peek into the future of Arlo...but I’m not sure what I’m doing yet!  There are a handful of projects that I’ve had on the backburner for a while, but as far as the immediate goes, nothing is solid yet.  Partially this is because I just finished up a lot of stuff I’d been wanting to do for a while and had been really focusing on that.  But also because the Switch event is soon, and I’m going to be focusing pretty heavily on that.  I’m not sure if I’ll have a video out between now and then, but after the event there will at least be a reaction video and some sort of analysis/thoughts thing.  As usual though it all just depends on how it goes down.  I could get five ideas for all I know.

But onto business!  In my latest video I talked about some of the stuff I want to see at the event versus stuff I more realistically expect to see, but I thought it would be fun to put down some straight-up predictions.  I am, to the best of my ability, going to try to guess what we’ll see revealed for the Switch’s launch/launch window.  And in fact, I’d love it if you could all do the same down in the comments!  Then after the big day finally comes we can see who was closest!  Okay, here we go:

Launch dates:

USA, March 21st.

Japan, April 8th.

Europe, March 28th.


“Standard” bundle--console + base + that controller thing you can slip the joycons onto, $250.

“Deluxe” bundle--Everything in the standard bundle + 32gb microSD card + pre-installed game + six months of Nintendo Network “premium” subscription.

Launch titles:

Nintendo Land-style collection--four Nintendo-themed mini games built around two-player/one screen multiplayer.  Pack-in for the Deluxe bundle.

Breath of the Wild.  (I know I previously predicted that it would be delayed, but I’m going to throw caution to the wind and go for it.)


Luigi’s Mansion HD

Mario/Rabbids RPG (I didn’t want to pay attention to such a rumor, but I think I might just be a believer now).  Looks like budget/download title, but sold at full/close to full price.

Launch window titles:

New Animal Crossing

Mario Kart 8+, enhanced port with new features/characters


Teaser reveals unnamed Metroid title, no gameplay shown.

Teaser for Splatoon “Inked Edition,” enhanced port, no release window.


Announcement of paid subscription service for Nintendo Network, Nintendo’s answer to PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold.  My Nintendo integration.

No Gamecube for Virtual Console announcement.

Screen is not a touch screen.

Uses microSD cards.

Miiverse on the system.

No mention of 3D Mario.

System is region-locked.  [ADDED 1/10]

Alrighty, well that’s the stuff that I’m 100% sure will ALL go down on the 12th!  Okay not really, but it’s certainly fun to give it a shot.  Remember to make your own predictions before the day comes!  And before we go, tons of extra special thanks to my new patrons since the last update!  You’re all SERIOUSLY amazing.  Like, no joke amazing.

See you at the show!!!  8D 



Arlo i had a mons error and my 20 buck pledge didnt go through im gonna straighten that out and plg on april


So dont put my name at the end of your vids yet srry


Okay, so, one thing I really agree that no one has said up until now ( except you ) is the possibility of a "deluxe edition" including a release game + premium online fee card ( or the like ) . I don't know if they want to make paid online yet after the disaster of what is Eshop ( and how ridiculosly easy is to hack for those who have CFW ). I think having online free would be a selling point for Switch, because this would be an extra advantage from Sony and Microsoft, and since Splatoon is a very well known title, having it near launch + free online could be a huge seller. Edit 1: Don't you think it would be better to have normal SD card slot instead of MicroSD since there is the possibility of having MicroSD used with an adapter? I mean, I don't know but I think the MicroSD are far more expensive than "normal" sized SD. Also, in terms of BOTW, I think if there might be a slight delay from the launch, Nintendo should do a demo and distribute it freely day 1 of the console and have it to be played in stores if it's true there's going to be Switch to be played in February.


I'm not much of a predictor. More of a wisher... Metroid and MOTHER 3 for me!


Alright, here are my predictions for the event: Launch date: - March 17th worldwide Price & Bundles: - $250 for the standard bundle with a 32GB console, both JoyCons, the dock, and the JoyCon Grip - $300 for everything in the standard bundle plus the Splatoon port. Maybe more storage like 128GB. Launch Titles: - THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD - Mario Kart 8 port - Splatoon port - Third party game that isn't Skyrim - Just Dance 2017 - Probably more 3rd party stuff that I can't think of Games Coming Later That Will Be Talked About At The Event: - Mario Rabbids RPG (September or October) - Smash Port (Summer) - Beyond Good & Evil 2 (2018) - More 3rd party stuff, not Retro Studios GameCube Virtual Console Games Available At Launch: - Luigi's Mansion - Super Smash Bros Melee (GameCube Adapter is supported launch day) - Super Mario Sunshine Other things mentioned: - Pro Controller, Extra Docks, and Extra JoyCons will be available Day 1 - Nintendo will tease the future of Virtual Console with the GameCube stuff and Mother 3 - Micro SD Cards will be supported - Games will only cost $49.99 on the Switch - An achievement system will be shown off


I really hope Nintendo doesn't make people pay for online. I love my wii u and the free online is what makes it stand out. But I don't see me using online so much that I'll pay. Next to Mario maker I barely used online feature for games. There is going to be a switch party in Toronto (which is only a 1-2 hour drive) I might go to it but I'm not sure. But looking forward to the reveal


My predictions: • Launch price: $250 standard, $300 bundle with a game (BotW or Splatoon 2 [which will henceforth be called Spla2n]) • Launch Titles: BotW, Spla2n, Skyrim, random 3rd party game that's yet to be announced •GameCube VC: Available day one, with Melee, Luigi's Mansion, and, most importantly, Super Mario Sunshine • Launch window titles: Mario Kart 8.5, Super Mario for Switch, Animal Crossing 5, and a Pokémon Sun/Moon enhanced port (all but confirmed with the hi-res models in the code) • Touchscreen: Yes, but not main focus. Right JoyCon with IR sensor will act as a substitute while docked • Launch Date: March 19th, 2017 USA, Late March other regions • Custom JoyCons: Sold during launch window, probably when separate docks are available.


I may need to wager a giant Arlo shape sugar cookie to the one closest.... or just give it to Arlo himself, anyway, to the predictions! <b>Launch dates:</b> Mar 10 Worldwide (Joking, but hey, it is Mar10 day!) March 17 Worldwide <b>Price:</b> $249.99 for Standard-- Console, Docking Station, "Standard" controller for the joy cons to attach to. $299.99 for Deluxe- Console, Docking Station, Pre-Downloaded Game (Predicting BotW), 32 Gb MicroSD card/System Memory. (Good thing I got a couple of 128GBs ready to go!) <b>Launch titles:</b> Super Mario RPG/Rabbids Crossover...(?) LoZ:BotW-- I could see it being delayed, but think it'll be ready by lanuch. Mario Kart Switch/8.5 Splatwon Skyrim 3D Mario- Also, hoping the "Crazy Cap" shop we saw in the trailer means multiple characters to play as-- think how you used different caps to change characters in SM64 DS. If not, I'm just hoping the game is like Sunshine/64 <b>Virtual Console:</b> A few returning games from GBA/NES/SNES/N64 2 or 3 each. Gamecube VC announced- Luigi's Mansion/Sunshine available (Melee to come soon) <b>Other:</b> Introduce My Nintendo "Network" Program-- As others have mentioned, a similar system to PS Plus, Xbox Live. Maybe not realistic, but- NO MORE Friend Codes! Just a simple name registration, this is shown with Mii system. New IP is shown.


A demo would definitely make a delayed BotW easier to swallow. People could still get hooked on the game.


I didn't even think about Mario Day! They HAVE to release it then, it's too good a marketing opportunity to miss!


(Is vibrating violently due to the hype)


Ookay, here we go: RELEASE DATE: I agree on March 21st in the U.S. and the later release in Europe, but is there prior precedent for an even later release in Japan than the U.S. and Europe? That seems odd to me. I would think JP at least within a couple days of the U.S. release. PRICING: Only one version available at launch. $250 with 32gb internal memory, expandable via microSD. Bundled with a token minigame pack. No "pro controller" in the box, just the Joycons and Joycon hub. LAUNCH TITLES: Breath of the Wild. Seriously, anything else would be a disaster if a bait and *S*witch. Mario Kart 8 with the additional maps/characters. Similarly treated Switch edition of Splatoon, Skyrim, Mario/Rabbids RPG, plus one unexpected 3rd party ports along the same lines as Skyrim. LAUNCH WINDOW TITLES: Hub-world style Mario title (SURPRISE!), HD Luigi's Mansion. TBD: Trailer with gameplay for Pikmin 4 (get HYPE, Arlo!), release date set for fall/winter 2017 (to be delayed in Q3). Teaser, no gameplay, of Animal Crossing. No sign of Metroid (😭), with the exception of a possible token generic cameo as part of a concept Nintendo montage. OTHER: Fleshed out online experience, sans friend codes, but not a paid service like their competitors and probably not as intuitive. No GCN on virtual console (😖). Touch screen (IIR, a post announcement patentent application contained that). Battery removable with a screwdriver with plans to take advantage of new Li-ion battery tech rapidly approacheling commercial availability within the next year or two, should increase battery capacity by up to %100 within the same space. They won't mention this during the announcement.


You know what, this was probably (while still being inaccurate in a decent amount of aspects) the most accurate Switch Presentation predictions I've seen. Good job, Arlo! You're slightly above average!


I can see your goals again yay!


So... why can't we see your goals again?