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Hello my friends.  I've got a big favor to ask of you.  I'm going to present you with a question and I would hugely appreciate it if everyone reading this would answer SUPER DUPER HONESTLY.

With the recent uptick in pledges, that $500 goal is looking closer than ever.  When I made the goal last year it always felt like this super far away thing, and I thought that when the day came I would have more time on my hands to be doing all this stuff, especially with some actual money coming in.  Now I'm looking that promise I made in the face and I'm a little scared.  Suddenly I'm in a situation where I've got much less time to work on videos, and I feel like putting out an episode of Arlo Plays every weekday would significantly hinder my ability to make regular videos.  But of course I also feel like to go back on that promise would be really flaky and lame, especially now that I'm truly appreciating how huge of a deal all this pledging is.  This would be less of an issue if more people watched Arlo Plays, and maybe it'll get there someday, but at the moment it's still a tiny side project that gains very little attention.

So here's the question, and since this only really affects you fine folks who are pledging I really do hope most if not all of you respond.  Would you think it was totally garbagey of me if I changed the $500 pledge to say "a new episode of Arlo Plays every Monday, Wednesday and Friday"?  Because between the recording and the editing and the uploading it can take me a number of days just to put out six episodes, which would last a little over a week under the normal $500 rules and potentially take like 40% of my total working time if not more.  But if it was three times a week, I could put in those few days then have material for two weeks, which would leave so much more time for other stuff.

Seriously though, you've got to be honest here.  If you pledged money trying to inch me closer to that goal and you would feel cheated if I changed it, you let me know.  If it wouldn't bug you at all, please drop a comment saying so.  I need an accurate read on my patrons before I can make a decision on this, because you guys are giving me so, so much, and it really means the world to me.

So let me know, and I'll have an update with what I'm working on soon!



Balance is important and I'd be cool with it :)


I wouldn't mind at all


Don't kill yourself, it's no biggie. I dont watch the LPs personally, just the main channel. Just on here to support you. Stretch goals aren't the main reason for me.


I certainly don't mind; I'm mostly invested in your main channel anyway, and three videos a week is still way more frequent than other YouTubers who produce content at the same quality as yours. I feel like a lot of people probably feel the same, but I'll wait until I see more comments.


Me personally, I just pledged because I thought your stuff was great and that you could use help getting the exposure that the big channels have. I am not too concerned about what happens when you meet your goals, it is just cool that you are. Since you want feedback though, this is what I think - and just take it with a grain of salt. If I was you I would completely nix the Let's Play channel. Take all the videos you made for it and post them in playlists on your main channel, then do a regularly scheduled weekly Let's Play on said channel as filler to keep people coming back in between your usual content. Also, focus the bulk of your attention on the regular content. Pull a Northernlion and post the Let's Plays as is, don't even edit them. If they captured correctly just post them. I think if you had everything on a schedule like that, including a monthly deadline for your heavily edited videos, you'd knock it out of the park. Again, take it with a big ol' grain of salt because I do not maintain a channel of my own. I am just speaking from observation and the work I do IRL. Consistency is your best friend in any business.


The other option would be to just get out of the Let's Play biz and focus everything on keeping a schedule on the content that got you here.


I care more about the well being of you and the quality of your content, so changing the $500 goal is fine.


I'm going to be 100% honest here, and say that I didn't really notice what your next goal was when I joined the other folks in supporting your Patreon. I just liked the videos you were putting out, and wanted to help in a small way to there being more! :) I can't say I'm much of a fan of the let's play videos, but they do seem to be popular with many gamers and youtubers. I've only ever watched one let's play, and that was of Undertale. Of course, lots of guys have done that game, so I don't blame you if you wanted to skip that. Anywho, long story short: you do what's best for you and your channel, and I'll be happy with whatever you're able to share.


I don't watch the LPs anyway so by all means!


That makes perfect sense to me! I really respect you for admitting you need more time instead of just not fufilling the goal and saying nothing. Don't sacrifice quality for quantity. I really look forward to seeing more of your work in the future, best of luck to you!


To be honest, I read it as a new episode every weekend, so i though it would be once a week, I think the Monday, Wednesday, Friday would be fine, I dont think anyone decided to become a patron so they could watch a letsplay video every weekday.

yumehop (no. 1 ol' cobb fan)

I care mostly about your scripted videos and reviews/analysis, so whatever you do the gameplay chanel I wouldn't watch. That's my two cents. Not that I don't like the L.P. chanel, there just aren't games that interest me as of now


I did think that was a bit much to be doing a lets play every single day. The goal itself was pretty unrealistic so there's no harm in changing it. Even doing it three days a week could be pretty taxing on you.


I started doing LPs back in 2008 and just recently finally retired from it. I've seen the community change drastically over the past eight years. There is so much noise out there now that it is really hard to stand out. So, one reason your LP channel may be suffering is likely because there is already so much out there. But, I personally think the main reason your LP channel may be suffering is because it doesn't quite contain what I think your established audience mostly wants: Arlo himself; that is, well, your face. I think the muppet is the biggest draw, and when that is reduced to commentary only, I think your audience is just less interested. Keep in mind I adore both of your channels, and this of course isn't to say the muppet element is the ONLY good quality of your content. But I think there's no denying that it is the biggest draw. So -sigh--- facecam maybe? I'm not a fan myself, but I imagine the numbers may go up if you have much more of a presence in your videos. Another idea is an idea I have for other aspiring LPers too: do a one-month Let's Play advent calendar. For every day of the month- in this case, we'll say October since it's coming up- play a different game every day for ArloPlays. This will provide your audience with much more variety and I think audiences will be much more likely to tune in. You can also use the views as a reference for what kinds of games and genres your audience seems most interested in. But, just an idea if you're interested. Also, I don't mind changing the MWF schedule. Goals change often when when we are more exposed to what it takes to accomplish them. Just retool things in a way that is more comfortable and reasonable. Hope this advice and input is of some use!


I don't mind you changing the $500+ goal at all; I send you an Andrew Jackson every month to help support ALL of your work, not just the LPs. You do what you gotta do, man; I'm with you every step of the way!


I've been in that boat before. Three days a week is a-okay with me!


Even one Let's Play episode per week would be fine. :-)


Personally, I do not mind if you change the pledges around if it would benefit your productivity on this endeavor of yours. Because the alternative of you trying to put out an episode a day causing you to get burned out or not have time for the main Arlo channel helps no one. Do what you have to do! I'm sure all your pledgers would rather you be comfortable than struggle which would show through on your videos.


I don't mind at all personally :)


I think we all understand the immense workload involved with creating your content. In fact, before I even read this post or became a patron I thought that daily Arlo Plays sounded super ambitious, and I have to jump on the boat with the rest of your patrons; it's not something I watch anyway. I'd like to think we all support you because we just love your style and the last thing we want is you getting stressed out!


Personally, I am not a big fan of LP's so I am bias, but altering your goal is fine with me


Oh don't worry, your main content comes first. But 3 times a week is more then enough on the lps.


Changing the goal is just fine with me too. Do what you need to do!


New patron here... I had no idea you're doing LPs. Please don't stress them or let them interfere with your Arlo-ness :)


New patron too, no worries at all. I discovered your videos yesterday and became a patron today. Never been so impressed with a gaming channel on youtube! Thank you!


I don't think that's unfair or garbagey at all! I know this is an older post now, but I still wanted to chip in. I think that that's still an impressive amount of content to be putting out, if you ask me. Most of all, do whatever keeps you happy, that's most important.