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Hello my dear friends!

As usual things are a bit slow right now.  I had this plan to play Star Fox Zero and bust out a review and only be a few days late versus other reviews (oh the day I get early review copies of games...), but of course on top of all the usual life stuff that makes it hard to work, I had family visit me for upwards of a week.  By the time they left I hadn't even started on the review, so I only just now finished.  I know, I know, I gotta start getting on the ball if I want to be a real Youtube guy.  XP  But hey, the review's uploaded and available to my $10+ patrons, and will be available to everyone else later tonight.  I think it turned out pretty good, and I'm hoping I don't get a ton of hate for disliking the game so much.  But hey, that's the internet, right?

So now that that's out of the way I'm trying to decide what to work on next.  I try not to just react to news stuff, though I'm considering weighing in on Nintendo basically ditching E3 this year.  (And for the record, I think it's real dumb.)  Then of course there's all the other stuff I've been meaning to do.  So basically any of those would be fun.  Or at the very least I'm hoping I can keep playing Wind Waker.  I know not all of my fans watch my let's plays, but sometimes that's going to be all I can accomplish depending on what else I'm doing.

Before I forget, many thanks and welcomes to the new patrons that have joined up since my last blog!  You guys are truly amazing, and between these pledges and the tiny bit I get from ad revenue on videos, Youtube is starting to actually be a nice little wedge of supplemental income.  It needs to multiply by five before it can start paying the bills, but this is an awesome start that seriously inspires me.  Your support is just amazing, and I hope I can continue to make enough content that you're satisfied with being a patron.

Well enjoy the review, I hope to see you with some Wind Waker videos soon, and you all have a fantastic day!  :D

Oh yeah!  I forgot!  Extra thanks to Zakanuva for the AMAZING gift!!!  I was seriously floored!



No problem, man! You deserve it!


How do we send you gifts?


You people are too cool! You can send stuff to 3801 Meteor St. Redding, CA 96002.