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Hey guys, time for an update!

Well The Gamer's Brief is still going great, people really responded well to the second one.  In fact I don't think anything I've done has gotten such an immediate and strong response from fans.  As I've said, I would really love to make these weekly, and failing that, once every two weeks.

Other than that, not a ton more to talk about.  I can't remember if I've mentioned it here, but my Paper Mario video has hit 100k views.  I'm still pretty much reeling from that.  The newest Gnoggin x Arlo video just came out, and as usual I'm going to lazily suggest that that counts as a straight-up Arlo video, absolving me from needing to release any other videos this week, heh.  I've got a Toon Link amiibo review that's been waiting to go out for ages.  I'm still debating what my next big project should be.  The Zelda concepts video was fun, so maybe another thing like that.

I do have one request for you guys though.  While I'm going to try really hard to do another Gamer's Brief this week, things might be a little scarce for a short while.  Vlogs are going to be hard to do, though I'll still try my best.  And regular content is going to be a little hard to maintain.  I won't bore you with details, but let's just say I've got a close business associate (VERY close) that works behind the scenes with me on my stuff (VERY behind the scenes), and that associate may or may not have just had a baby.  Suffice it to say, without his help things might be slowed down considerably for a while.  We'll just have to see where things go.  But your patience is always appreciated.

Finally, while we're on the subject of you fine folks, I'd like to thank and welcome any new patrons that might be reading this!  I'm pretty much exploding with gratitude for every single person who decides to contribute anything.  And to be super clear, if any of you ever decide to halt your pledge for any reason, there will be absolutely ZERO hard feelings.  Like seriously.  Even if you just decide that you're not getting your money's worth, never feel pressured to keep paying money if you don't want to.  I'm so grateful that anyone wants to pay me anything EVER, so times like these when life gets in the way and I'm less able to deliver regular vlogs and videos and stuff I get a little nervous.  I guess Patreon creates a bit of pressure, because now you're actually getting paid to do this stuff!  So yeah, just keep that in mind.  You guys are all awesome regardless of how much you pledge or if you decide at some point you can't/don't want to pledge any more.

Well, that's it for now!  Hopefully I'll be bringing you a new Gamer's Brief soon!



Seems like it was good that the paper Mario game is one that people don't want and that it got announced in such a casual way, because it introduced a lot of people to your channel, so while we might not get another good paper Mario game soon, at least its not all bad. Also grats on 15k subs!


I'll always pay for quality. Maybe you should change the $3 + rewards to be just an "exclusive vlog" or a "monthly vlog", like for critical updates or if you really have an idea you are buzzing on and just want some early feedback. That would be some pressure off, and you could probably time it to go with when you receive your Patreon money. Like, "Hey thanks for the support guys, I'm working on the top ten reasons why Scribblenauts is an Illuminati recruiting tool this month! See you in July!" Only not that.


I might just do that. Like I could make it a monthly thing, but it would be a much bigger video. Once I'm in the process of making a video it can basically be as long as I want it to be and it doesn't matter; it's the setting up and the editing and the rendering and the uploading that take time. That's why it's hard to do them frequently. So I'll think about it!