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Hey there, how ya doin'?  It's been a couple weeks since my Paper Mario video.  Geez Louise, at this rate it won't be long before it hits 100k views, and that's just craziness to me.  My subscriber count has officially doubled since posting the video, and it's so much fun having so many new fans posting in the comments and following me on Twitter and all that.

Whenever I record for a let's play I try to do about four or five hours, and I figure each chunk like that can probably warrant a highlight video.  These act sort of like an ad for my LP channel, and for those who aren't interested in that sort of thing they kind of act as standalone videos.  That's what I figure at least.  So hopefully I can do more playing in the future and put out more of them.  I would actually like to start finishing the games I've started.  We'll have to see, though; sometimes finding the time to play and then edit all the footage can be hard.  That's why I do it so sporadically.

Right now I'm about to post another Zelda video--it should be the next thing that comes to the channel.  AAANNNDD since you're my loyal patrons of course you get the inside scoop.  It's about six concepts that I want to see again in future Zelda games.  But of course I can't help but elaborate a bunch on how the concepts could be expanded upon, so it just sort of becomes "Six Ideas for Zelda Games," heh.  But it should be fun.

Apart from that I've got more ideas than I know what to do with, and it's kind of tripping me up.  The pressure to make great stuff for all these new followers has got me overthinking everything.  But now I've got like three different comedy-related series in the works.  The problem of course is finding the time to do any of them.  I have this fear that I'll put out the first episode of each one and then everyone will be sitting there like, "Okay, so where's the rest?  We want one every week!" and I'm like "But those EACH took me two weeks to do!"  But hey, I just gotta keep working.  I'm hoping to unveil one or two of these three comedy projects very soon.

Well hang tight my friends, and I'll talk to you soon!


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