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Sup guys, just thought I'd do my weekly blog even though it's already Thursday.  And yes, I will most certainly have the next vlog up sometime tomorrow; I said one a week and I mean it!

Man alive, I've had so much darn stuff to do for the last few weeks!  I'm rendering my Hammer Bros. video right now, and it's probably the most complicated thing I've ever done editing-wise.  I know I've been hyping it for a while now, and I hope everyone ends up liking it.  It's not mind-blowing or anything, but I put a lot into making it slick and funny, and it's a style I hope to maintain for future videos.  Every video won't be like this, but I would be happy with one project that's a little more involved like this per month with other more simple videos mixed in.  But hey, we'll see how it goes.  You $10+ folks should be able to see it tonight assuming everything comes out looking good in the render.

Apart from that, I've written and begun preliminary work for some of the other videos I've mentioned.  I'm just about done with the next Gnoggin video and Lockstin says he'll probably post it next week.  If I do successfully put out a video a week in the coming months, I'mma just say right now, the Gnoggin one counts as filling a weekly slot!  XD  But seriously, I think you guys are going to like it.  Have I said that before?  I think I have.  Well, you are!  It was a lot of fun to make.

Weeeellll, better get back to work.  Oh man, I've still got unboxing videos to edit, don't I?  Dang, I'm behind.  I've got two, and I think I'm going to stick them on my spillover channel and post them on Twitter and Facebook and such so I don't risk oversaturating the main channel with that type of thing, just in case some people are less interested in seeing that.

Kay, bye!


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