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Arlo in a Hotel: The Q&A/Vlog Collection

In April of 2015 I stayed in a hotel for a while, and I posted regular video updates answering questions and talking about bunnies and stuff. Here they all are together so you don't have to dig through my smelly old Facebook page to find them. (Seriously, it's a ghost town over there, people! Go comment on my posts so I don't feel like a loner! XD) Support me on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/ArloStuff TWOOTER: @ArloStuff BOOKFACE: www.facebook.com/ArloStuff INSTAGRAHAMS: ArloStuff



I really love these, might be time to make a Facebook to like your page...


Also the dance at the end was good


Great vid Arlo. Though it brings up a few questions for me. I do a bit of writing as well, what is your novel about? Is monkey doo-doo hard to get out of your fur? And, is Votre Toast your favorite song to sing into a bannanna because they used it in Five Nights At Freddie's? Thanks again Blue!


Wow, I had no idea that was the actual name of the song! I don't know enough about FNaF to have heard it from there. The novel I was working on at the time was a fantasy novel. I've got a bunch of half-finished projects and just about nothing that's actually completed and published. The monkey's doodoo, very fortunately, did not hit me. I managed to Matrix out of the way exactly in time for it to pass within inches of me.


Darn! I missed out on the Q&A! ...Oh, well; it was still cool to see! Who was the green guy at the end of the last vlog? Is he a cousin of yours or something?


His name's Marko. He's from another Youtube show that I help produce called Fuzzaboom.