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Why do these just keep getting longer and longer??? Well, if any of you enjoy this, be sure to drop a comment and let me know. In this one I talk about upcoming videos, side projects I'm working on (one of them is VERY exciting for me), the Big Fat Review of Pikmin, PAX, a bunch of other stuff, and if you listen to the whole thing you just might catch a very special guest dropping by to say hello.

Hope ya like it!



Listening while playing animal crossing. Thanks for your continued effort in these trying times!


Arlo don’t even worry about it! :) haha we understand that times are tough right now and that it’s hard balance YouTube and patreon and life and everything. Stay safe! :)


I like when Arlocasts are long. I listen to them while I drive or play Minecraft or Stardew Valley.


Awesome! I will listen tomorrow! Thanks arlo!


I have to be honest Arlo, your videos have not been showing up in my recommended at all. I have to deliberately check your channel for new uploads. It’s a bit weird and definitely scary for you.


Don't feel horrible guilt! Always happy to support you Arlo. The benefits are just a bonus for me. I'm very intrigued by your video game idea.

Chad Lawson

Would love for the Fraggle pod to become a thing! You should definitely call it Fraggle Talk


Definitely enjoyed all the topics, as for any new topics maybe games/movies etc you're interested in "consuming"? But haven't yet.


Hey Arlo, You mentioned stuff about east coast pizza. There is A LOT of pizza places on the east coast, especially New York, specialty pizzas are the only things that distinguish places, and can make them more popular. That’s usually the reason near me, at least.


Maybe try a little outside of Nintendo, like final fantasy 7 remake, love your content but also want to see you succeed


The longer your Arlocast and videos the better!


Is there some link I can put into Apple podcast so these appear directly in my Apple podcast feed?

Just a random fan

Arlo "Unlimited is my favorite kind of food", hilarious one liners like this are all the reason I need to be a patron! On a more serious note I have the same issue where my work and family take up my day so I get 2 hours of me time from 9pm to 11pm every night so it's hard to get into games, especially my favorite genre JRPGs. Thankfully Animal Crossing has been great at filling that whole since it takes me about an hour and a half to do everything i want and i can watch netfilx at the same time.


Hey Arlo, this is one of the first Arlocasts I've listened to, and - I've got to say - I think this is a great thing for you to do in addition to the videos. I imagine this costs much less than videos to produce, so maybe you could start advertising Arlocasts more to people and use them for the less lucrative topics like Pikmin? If anyone is like me, I basically just watch Arlo videos to hear you talk about stuff, and seeing I can listen to you for just an hour plus is pretty awesome, so maybe you should consider this as an alternate means of content?


I'm definitely considering it! Just got to find the right format and platform.


This is my “I listened to it comment” I’d play the heck out of your game. I am extremely into the idea of Arlo projects expanding off of Youtube into podcasts/games etc On the topic of the Pikmin review, do you suspect that you would release it in pieces, like you did for the Breath of the Wild review? I have noticed that those all racked up good views.


Arlo: you had east coast pizza in Boston. Boston pizza is TERRIBLE. You have to get New York City or north New Jersey pizza. Please, it's so much better. Eventually when things are back to normal, please get some good pizza on the East coast. Sincerely, a North Jersey person living in Boston.


When I first saw the Arlocast, I was like "wowza that's a long 'un" but I was just so relaxed drifting along that stream of consciousness that I was surprised when it ended. I really enjoyed the life ramble at the end too. You're so honest about the blend of quarantine's difficulties and its bright sides. You're just so wholesome and uplifting. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Take care in these stressful times!!💙👊🏼


I like the end parts the most

Mr.Cheesy toad

This was awesome!! Thank you so much for the extra long Arlocast! You making a video game would be amazing, you have such a passion that I think would truly turn into something incredible. And loved the "special guest", can't wait to see him!


First Arlocast as a patron and I loved it!


Also Arlo I think the topic you discussed about why Nintendo and their line of weird spin-offs, and the early 2000s, is something that'd do well as a full video. I certainly understand the hesitance to a video that could be perceived as just blasting Nintendo, but a full discussion on why nintendo is so tone deaf sometimes, why they're the kings of left field, and all in all why they run their business the way they do. Although you've discussed it in some ways before, I think a lengthy discussion video on it would be very enjoyable. Anyways, very excited for the videos you mentioned in development.


Test the waters for the Fraggle Rock thing. Start with a click baity "Muppet Movie Tier List Meme" video but actually turn it into a more in-depth discussion. What tier is Kermit's Swamp Years?


I listened to this while leveling up in Final Fanatasy XIV and it made the time go by very nicely. The surprise visitor was quite a surprise and it will be fun to see what future collaborations you do together. I’d be very interested to see what kind of game you would make if you made a game. If you do a kickstarter I’d probably contribute. It would be fun if you had some tiers for getting to name something in the game or having something named after you. Like an item of a book called “The Legend of PrincessJoySparkles” or something. Having your name in the credits is a fun option too. I hope a blue Arlo character would an appearance somewhere or at least have some reference. Anyway, I enjoyed the podcast and I look forward to seeing your Animal Crossing review.


Great arlocast! 😎

Cole Durrett

The special guest BLEW my mind, can't believe you snagged a star like him.


I have currently played Final fantasy 7 remake for about 63 hours and I think chapter 1-16 is just amazing fun I love the story and gameplay the last 2 chapters is also good but I found the first half of chapter 17 to be a bit repetitive and chapter 18 was to big a shift in tone for my liking in chapter 1-17 your a mercenary working with a eco terrorist group in chapter 18 your fighting the manifestation of fate. I think if you find the time to play it then do it the combat is an absolute blast and the first 16 chapters just as fun even though the last 2 chapters are not as good they are also no way near bad. (I haven’t played the original game or any other final fantasy game for that matter)


THANK YOU for ACTUALLY using "___ and I" correctly (or, rather, correctly NOT using it). Nowadays, it seems like everyone who uses the "____ and I" phrase uses it incorrectly!


I completely agree, I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as he makes it, it’s definitely worth a play


Fantastic Guest Star 😂


I really liked this Arlocast. Would appreciate it a lot, if you could do this more often. :)


These are great, would love to hear more Arlocasts


The guest star was fantastic and cheest and I lovee every second


You know what I think about the changes to FFVII? I think it’s just an excuse to have you fight Sephiroth in every part. Nothing more and nothing less.


I love listening to really long podcasts. It's easier to work or have the house to myself, if someone else is talking. Even though it's just a recording. Your podcasts are the reason why I became your best friend. Also, I wouldn't consider you talking about FF7, as a topic that could contain spoilers. It's such an old, yet awesome game. [I couldn't figure out Materia either. I usually got stuck after the elevator boss fight, or Chocobo racing.]


Learned something new about Arlo, he thinks hamburger and taco pizza are strange novelties. I'm not even from the East coast (midwest all the way baby) and even I think those pizzas are pretty normal my dude. Great podcast by the way Arlo was nice to sit down and work to>