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A video about how Nintendo should make more 3D platformers but don't let anyone know about it



luv you Arlo !!


Yay. Thanks Arlo. Not to sound sound like a beggar or anything but you mentioned in your top ten video games of the decade post that you would be posting a podcast. I was just wondering if that was still happening. It’s not rush I was just wondering. Hope you have a lovely day🤗


Thank you, Arlo! You’re awesome!


Thanks for showing footage from Poi. That really is a lovely little game


Interesting video


Was that Tak and the Power of Juju footage I saw in there?? I thought I was the only person alive that had ever played that


Okay back at it again with thoughts based on the actual content of the video! ... yes. Just make them. I remember the first year of the Switch, it was great to have the thing, but other than Zelda 3d games were just not there. And I remember feeling very lost when I would turn on the eShop, and see plenty of very neat looking 2d games... but knowing those only were so exciting. I (I ended up playing Lego City Undercover, it was okay) I’d take this even a step further and say that this is the primary problem of the Wii U! Where were the 3d franchises?? Games are substantially more interesting when they are in 3d


Great video! I absolutely loved it. One thing I disagree on is going 3D with DK. DKC is a lot more advanced than Kirby or Yoshi, so I think it should stay the same. DK64 was also such a disaster, I never want multiple Kongs again! Definitely think it’s time to experiment with Kirby & Yoshi tho.


I want more 3D platformers dangit!


Really interesting video. They've already had Yoshi playable in 3D in Sunshine and Galaxy 2, so they even have a base they could work with for a 3D game there. Kinda surprised though there wasn't any mention of Sonic in your discussion, since aside from Mario its probably the main source of 3D platformers since the mid-2000's (albeit ones of significantly variable quality).


haven't watched it yet but didn't you say there was going to be an early cast really soon?


Definitely agree about wanting more 3D games - even when they’re objectively worse than their 2D counterparts, open 3D games are just way more enjoyable to me. I think the fact that I like the Sonic Adventure games more than any other Sonic game is a testament to that.


Great video!! I honestly love 3D and 2D platformers, but I’d love more 3D to balance things out! Also, I’ve thought for years that a 3D Kirby game could be just about the coolest thing ever with all of Kirby’s copy abilities and solving puzzles based on that, but I feel like no one ever talks about it so I’m glad to hear it here! Also... Arlo, how dare you bring up a 3D Ice Climber game. You have ignited in me a deep desire that now shall never be quenched...


I think you hit the nail on the head - 3D platformers are sneakily difficult to get right. For every memorable classic N64/PS1 era 3D platformer, there were 50 disasters. But...the good ones are REALLY good, and Nintendo knows how to do it!


love the new editing touches to this video, its nice to see you more often peppered throughout the video, rather than just being predominantly a voice over, aside from the intro and outro to the vid. Glad to see you get more screen time in your own videos


Great video Arlo - keep being awesome :) - I love me a 3D platformer. Considering downloading Mario 64 on the Wii U cos I love it so much. But maybe a switch port is still on the cards?....


You know what my dream game is? I mean, Star Fox Grand Prix is one of them, but what my BIG BIG one is? A Platinum developed 3D character action game starring CAPTAIN FALCON. Imagine Falcon's Smash moveset in a game that plays like Bayonetta. Levels could be segmented by racing, like how flight segments are used in Bayo. Miyamoto isn't sure what to do with F-Zero? BOOM.


Never was much into DK or Yoshi, but I'd really like to see a 3D Kirby. Air Ride sort of touched what one could maybe play like, if a bit unrefined, but it feels like they've done the 2D platformers to death. The only one that's stood out to me since Kirby 64 is Planet Robobot and that's only because of the robo-suit gimmick that spiced things up (especially when compared to its more traditional 3DS counterpart, Triple Deluxe).


more 3d please


I'm pushing back against that idea. There is no objective reason to make the case that 3D platformers are "objectively" worse than 2D. It's just that 3D platformers serve a different purpose and have a different goal in mind to be considered well designed. It's a fallacy just like the idea that "The human eye can't perceive 3D space on a 2D screen."


I swear I wrote this comment before but I must have never submitted. I want more high-profile people to push back against this idea that 3D platformers are objectively less well designed than 2D platformers. If you want to hold to the idea that games are art, then you must accept that art in all mediums have gone through massive shifts over centuries. What we value changes. What we consider "good" changes. There are art periods. The "artform" of game design is so young that to argue something as hard lined as "3D platformers are inherently /objectively/ bad game design" is incredibly ignorant to how art works. 2D platformers serve a purpose, and their are guidelines to what makes them good, but 3D platformers serve a different purpose, under different guidelines. To put one or the other on this "lower tier" of "objective game design" is not a real argument. We should have rules for what good game design is but we should be open to new rules and new ideas as well! Often these 3D platformers adhere to the rules of good game design, just from another perspective... often literally. The whole idea is a fallacy created by a generation that did not adapt as well to moving in a 3D space as people who have more directly grew up with it. I've never not known an Analog stick. I was born in 3D platforming. Molded by it. I did not see a 2D platformer until I was already a man, and it was blinding... I suck at 2D platformers but I'm great at 3D ones.