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I know I already did two videos on this subject, but I couldn't help but sit down with some of my good friends to blab about it some more! Here are some of the wonderful things you can look forward to in this episode:

-Even less focus than my two pre-show videos!

-Worse audio quality with table thumps, sniffs, water drinking noises, etc.!

-Me coughing the whole time!

-Dan being a downer and bringing up Kirby Star Allies! (It wasn't me though! HA!)

-Gross jokes about bugs and chicken bones!

-Overall questionable entertainment value!

(Also, inb4 people tell me my voice sounds weird. I'm still recovering so it's a little deeper than usual, and also whenever I record myself further away from the mic people tell me my voice sounds deeper, so it might even sound extra weird here.)



Speaking of your voice, I have a question for you, Arlo. Do you pitch shift or otherwise alter your voice at all for your content? I know that's a fairly common technique for a lot of Youtubers (like Dan from Extra Credits, for example), and your voice just fits your fuzzy blue persona so incredibly well I was curious if there was some movie magic at work there.


I've never been more excited to look forward to such stuff in a podcast.


Everyone who liked this is a liar.


Where did you take questions from?

Maciej Kuczyński

Arlo: I'm a pretty organised person. Recording: *stops because of card getting full* 😂 (Of course it's no biggie, just found it slightly funny. :D)


This is incredible.


Saw you mention in Microsoft direct that you not sure if anyone watched this one so im here to say that I did. I really enjoyed hear yours and your friends commentary on e3 and getting side tracked alot. Also CHICKEN BONES FOR SMASH.


I thoroughly enjoyed this format, Arlo. Been enjoying it in segments on my commute to and from work. I must say, I think this would be a fantastic format for a YouTube podcast too. Just getting together on conference with a couple other people for topical discussion or Q&A. Not super frequent, but maybe at least for big events like E3. I would love to see something like this from you again again at the end of the week where you guys discuss your impressions and what you guys are looking forward to (or planning to avoid).


Hey, if you don't like the format that's cool. Making blanket statements devaluing the opinions of people that do like it kinda isn't cool though.


Obligatory comment to say that I listened to the whole thing! Thanks for answering my question.