I'm a total jerk and I gotta change something. (Patreon)
Hey guys. So I knew I should have slept on these changes more, but I was so excited to start giving everybody the new perks that I went ahead a little too hastily. Thing is, I wasn't knowledgeable enough about the Petreon process, and I didn't realize that the site takes a lot more in processing fees from a $1 pledge. Therefore if you pledge a buck, significantly less of that money will actually go toward the channel. It wasn't as much of a problem before when I had several tiers, but now that $1 tier is going to be the most common, and that's going to have a big impact.
So I'm making the tough decision to raise the bottom tier to $2. It's not a lot more and I'm hoping it isn't a problem for some people versus the original $1 price, but mostly I just feel like a jerk for making a promise that I couldn't keep and inconveniencing everyone who's already edited their pledges or made new pledges. Part of me wants to wait a little while so more people can see this before I make the change, but I think it might be better to just rip the band-aid off now before more people sign up without knowing that it's going to change.
So once more I need something from you. Patreon won't let me edit the dollar amount for a tier, so I have to delete the $1 tier and make a new one. This might remove your perks, and if it does, you have to re-submit your pledge. If you paid $1 originally, you'll have to pay the difference. But I'm pretty darn sure if you lowered your pledge from $3 to $1 for example, you should be able to just bring it back up to $2 without being charged anything.
I'm suuuuper sorry about this, guys. I really really hope you consider $2 to still be worth it, and that you don't have to go through too much trouble to fix this up. If you're mad at me, take some comfort in knowing that I feel awful about it. XP
Thanks, and I hope to still see you in the Discord!