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HELLOOOOOO my wondrous patrons! I hope you are all doing well!

It's been close to two months since my last update, but for perhaps the first time in my time with Patreon, I had an okay reason; I simply had nothing to tell you! I told you just about everything that was going on through the rest of the year, and I've just been working on those video. But I started to get nervous going so long without an update, so I thought I'd stop by and let you know how things are going and what next month might look like.

First off, THE ZELDA REVIEW IS COMPLETE. I am immensely pleased and relieved that it's behind us now. It was a ton of fun, but also a ton of work, and at the end of the day I think it might be the best thing I've done so far on this channel. Thanks so much for all the kind words and everything while the parts were coming out. I really do hope you guys enjoyed it. One of these days I'll release a video with the whole thing compiled together, but it will probably be a few months into 2019 at the earliest.

Soooo, I got some big news for you guys. I'm considering doing an update video in the near future just because I've got so much stuff I would love to tell all my fans, but I'll fill you in. You know Kane from Farfetch'd Reviews, the guy who's been doing some editing for me? Well recently he and I came to an agreement. Basically, at least for the time being, he's working on ArloStuff full time! He'll be responsible for most of the editing duties on at least four videos per month--which, as you know, is the minimum I try to maintain. This will allow me to put out more videos, work on more large projects like the Zelda review, and even do mysterious side projects that I've been hinting at for ages now but haven't been able to actually work on. I'm exceedingly excited about what this means for the channel, and as always, it's all thanks in large part to you guys. Seriously, your consistent support has enabled me to do great things with this channel, and I'm confident that 2019 will be the best year of ArloStuff hands down. So everybody reading this, give yourselves all hugs for me! You're seriously amazing!!!

Moving on, right now Kane is working on the 2019 prediction video which will hopefully be finished and released in the next few days. The image I posted here is a little teaser of my Animal Crossing prediction. That's right, the man can edit and he can draw, so expect to see lots more fun little doodles like this in my videos. After that he'll be editing the 2019 wishlist video, which will also go out ASAP, and then hopefully he'll finish with my 2018 year-end review for release on Christmas. Then of course there's the Smash Ultimate review. I don't know when it will be out, but I finally finished World of Light and I'm about to start writing the script, so I think mid-week next week is doable. I'd like to have it out before the two-week mark if possible.

That's all the stuff you know about for December, but what about January, you may ask??? Well right now there's only one definite, and it might actually release December 30 or 31, I'm not really sure if I want to wait until the new year yet. But it will be something of a "top whatever" video. I don't know how many games I'll cover yet, but I'm thinking around seven. These won't exactly be my "top" games of 2018, because I really didn't play enough games in 2018 to have that many top ones. These will be games that stood out to me in some way--that left something of an impact on me, or that were indeed just good games. Kind of a loose format, really.

After that though, all I've got are ideas. I don't know what will end up happening because some topics become less topical as time goes on, and of course sometimes I just change my mind, but here are my current ideas for videos I want to do in the pretty immediate future:

A video talking about Nintendo's recent decision to start allowing their content to be used on Youtube without them flagging videos for copyright and taking all the revenue, and how it shows a continuing shift in the company's philosophies. Something of a continuation of "Why No Miiverse on Switch?" (I think it was called). I would have loved to do this one when the news dropped, but that's the holiday rush for you.

A video talking about the idea of releasing a game with very little content and updating it later, looking at how Kirby Star Allies has improved. Another one I would have loved to cover already, but I might still be able to make it happen.

A video talking about how Smash leaked early and how that affects everybody. Yet another that was relevant and kind of isn't anymore. But we'll see. It's really something I would like to talk about.

Beyond those I've got loads and loads of general ideas, though most of them are a little more in-depth and would take more time. I lose track of what ideas I post here, but I'll leave you with a few to get you thinkin' about the future. These are pasted right from my ideas doc, as they are:

My number one nostalgia fix (Super Mario 64)

So About Those Switch Hardware Problems…

Should/Will Mario Kart 9 Come to Switch?

Where Can Smash Bros. Possibly Go After Ultimate?

Majora's Mask vs Twilight Princess--Scariest Zelda?

The Wii U Gem That Didn’t Have a Chance (Nintendo Land)

Skyward Sword on Switch Talk?

Samus is a Monster

Well that's that! Ten thousand thanks to any and all new patrons! Introduce yourselves down in the comments!

I'll talk to you later! :D




I would love to see a Majora's Mask vs. Twilight Princess comparison! I've been following your channel for over a year now, and I'm glad you're optimistic about 2019. This year was great for your channel, I hope you will grow even more next year. Love ya, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year :D


The nostalgia video and the video on Mario Kart 9 sound awesome! I honestly think you should drop the news videos that won’t be relevant anymore. I’ve got a cool idea for ya-In Defense Of: Demos


I'm excited to see your 2019 predictions and wishlist videos. If it hasn't crossed your mind already, I'd like to see you talk about the new Switch model that's supposedly coming out next year.


I myself would love to see a video discussing the importance of demos.


Thanks for the update, man. Really looking forward to those prediction and wishlist videos. Last year's were great and I loved them! I hope you'll have an amazing Christmas! Best wishes from Germany. :)


Great video ideas. Can't wait to see them. Merry Christmas and a great new year from Hungary . 😊


Zelda review was really great and I'm really excited for Smash content!


If you title your Smash leak video as “The After Affects of the Smash Leaks,” then I think it’ll still work as topical, not 100% sure though


I would love to see "Samus is a monster." Sounds like my kind of Arlo-y goodness!


I’d watch all of them? But that’s not the question, so how about the Nostalgia and Mario 64 one? Congrats on the channel growth too. I was watching the Arlo Christmas special last night where you talk about being on the precipice of 200,000 subscribers. Now you’re past 300,000 and it’s just under a year later. Way to go dude!


arlo, could I please ask you to post your full game awards reaction to at least patreon if not youtube? I really want to see the whole thing, because I don't just care about your nintendo stuff


"Samus is a Monster"? I'm intrigued...


I considered it, but I don't think I will. We didn't really say anything interesting, and I think a few times we got a little too snarky. Just doesn't seem like the sort of thing I want to post anywhere.


Cool, you hired someone! That's big.


A video on releasing games with little content but updating over time sounds great! Its rather timeless too as it could be applied to more than just Nintendo but the medium as a whole. Maybe talk about sequels and what purpose they serve in the future when games could just keep being updated with new content. There is a lot of potential with that idea. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


I really want to know why you think Samus is a monster haha