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Hello! First things first, I'm selling my leftover Arlopalooza 2017 shirts, and I want to give you guys a chance to buy them before I publicly announce it on Twitter. It's good to remember that my official store with those fancy designs from the contest will be launching pretty soon. However, if you're looking to own a shirt from the first Arlopalooza EVER (how prestigious!) then here's your chance! I'll give you guys a day or two, then tell everyone else. Here's the link to the shirt on Bonanza:


Anyway, onto the update! Here's what I'm working on!

First I've got a video that talks about what exactly makes a game "perfect for Switch." I mean, we all hear it all the time, right? That such and such game is just PERFECT for Switch, such and such would be RIGHT AT HOME on the system... But what does that mean? What kinds of games truly are perfect for it? This one is being edited by Kane from Farfetch'd Reviews, so look out for it when it goes up next week!

After that I'll be doing something of a mid-year update. Thanking everybody (with an extra special thanks for you guys, so watch out for that), filling everyone in on my con appearances this year, talking some more about Arlopalooza, and (hopefully, if the timing is right), announcing the launch of my shirt store.

Then I'm doing a video talking about the list of million-sellers that Nintendo recently updated. Basically all the games on Switch that have sold over a million copies. I'm going to talk about the highest selling games and what the numbers mean for those series and for Nintendo. I'm pretty happy with this one, and it will be edited by Kane as well, so at the very least you know it will look good!

Then when I get back from PAX West I'll put out a video talking about the great relationship Nintendo's got with Ubisoft and Bethesda. It was originally going to only be about Bethesda (spurred by the announcement of Doom Eternal coming to Switch), but I realized that I had already started working on a video about how chummy Nintendo and Ubisoft have been recently and decided that I should combine them into one video.

Sorry I don't have a ton of other stuff to talk about or elaborate on this time, but at least we've got a pretty clear idea of what the next month looks like! Thanks SO, SO much to all my new patrons since last time! Introduce yourself down in the comments!

See ya next time!



In the video about Bethesda and ubisoft, you should mention blizzard and the video with reggie and the blizzard president.


Yes, I considered that! I might have a little section talking about other smaller examples of good chumminess.


Sounds great, but I hope you start doing more out of the box and creative videos instead of just doing 12-15 minute discussions on all the current news. I absolutely love those but I want stuff that really makes me think instead of talking about stuff I already know about!


Cheers Arlo! I've been a fan of the channel for a while now but only recently have I gotten some more money to be able to support you, and I'm happy to do it! Looking forward to the launch of your store. Upcoming videos look awesome, stoked!


So are these all the videos you have planned or are these just the non-review ones and we can still expect some games in-between?


I'm fine with Arlo talking at me, he's perfectly entertaining with that alone, but it's true I wouldn't mind some variety. Maybe an "Arlo Takes Over" series where Arlo takes a game franchise and hypotheticals about what he'd do to make it, in his opinion, "perfect" - kinda like in his amiibo problem video, only about particular franchises? And of course the Zelda Theatre video was a riot, we should get more of Arlo playing with toys. Hey, maybe the amiibo could actually see some use. Arlo said he'd love a story in which all the Nintendo series and characters come together for an adventure, why not make one of his own?


There isn’t really much for him to review until Super Mario Party, plus we just got a ton of reviews.


Looking forward to the shirt store. I want me some Arlo merch.


Nintendo and Ubisoft have always been friends, not just recently but Ubisoft imported lots of games as early as on wii, most people would think it started with Kingdom Battles but no otherwise Nintendo would never let their Mario be in the hands of someone else x)


In your video on Ubisoft and Bethesda you should also mention other third party publishers that do or don’t have a good relationship with Nintendo right now (could also be a separate video for the don’ts), such as Square Enix, Blizzard, Activision, Rockstar/Take2, and Capcom. Let’s not mention EA :)