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I just realized that it's been way too long since the last update! Not a ton to report on at the moment, but let's at the very least go over what videos are currently in the works.

First up, I've got a video on Mario Kart Tour. I wish I'd thought to do a video on it when the news was first announced, but sometimes I just don't realize how much I've got to say about something until I've had some time to mull it over. That should have gone out instead of The Gamer's Brief, but I was already nearly done with that when I thought about it. But yeah, that should be out this week, just a discussion about what the game might end up being and how I think Nintendo should go about pricing it and such.

Then, assuming Luigi's Balloon World really does come out this month, I'll definitely do a video on that. I don't know if there's enough content to do a "review"-type thing or if I should just record myself playing for ten minutes or something, but hey, it'll be something at least. I just hope it comes out in the next week, because that would be a pretty quick video, and I need a little extra time for another exciting video...

...that I'll announce right now! Yes, my friends, it's time to finally return to the subject of Paper Mario. I haven't done a video on it since well before the Switch's launch, and the Nintendo landscape is very different now. So of course the big question is, if this is a "new" Nintendo, is there any hope for our beloved Paper Mario? I'll dig into this question in the video, exploring every angle and trying to get to the bottom of why Paper Mario became what it became. The script is done, so now I need to shoot and edit. It's a little long and I want to make sure it's really good, so I definitely want to give it as much time as it needs. I had a BLAST getting back into Paper Mario and writing the script, I tell you. The Problem With Paper Mario was my first passion project of sorts, so it was great to return to it, you know? But look forward to that soon. I don't want to rush it out right after the Mario Kart Tour video, but I might have to if Luigi's Balloon World doesn't come out soon and I can't think of anything else to fill the slot.

Then I've got that amiibo video I've been talking about. At least I think I've been talking about it? I told you about that, right? Well if I haven't or you didn't see it, it's a great big fat video about how Nintendo's really not living up to their potential when it comes to amiibo. This is another big project, and it's on a topic I feel is pretty important. For that reason I'm getting The Lonely Goomba to edit it, so it's going to look extra spiffy!

So that's what I've got on my plate so far for this month. I'm not sure if the amiibo video will be out by the end of the month, but who knows. Right now I've released a few less popular videos and my numbers are really quite bad, so I'm excited by the idea of doing the Paper Mario and amiibo videos to try to stir things up again and get them sweet sweet subscribers coming! Recently I've been maintaining an average of one video every five days, which I'm pretty proud of, though I'm thinking I may need to slow it back down to one a week. When there aren't a bunch of Nintendo announcements to talk about it's hard to come up with enough content. It stinks because when my numbers are this low I feel like I need to put stuff out as fast as possible so I can keep things moving, but I have to remind myself that quality always comes first. If I need to slow down, I'll slow down. (At least until more juicy Nintendo news comes down the pipes!)

Well, thanks for reading, and ten million thanks to all my new patrons since the last update! We're stoked to have you here, introduce yourself in the comments! Talk to you later!



Yeah, Nintendo really isn’t living up to their potential with amiibo. It’s often just extra points in a game then it is extra CONTENT like skylanders. I am not a skylanders fan, though I can surely say that they offer more content then Nintendo does.


I’m really excited to see what you have planned, Arlo! Paper Mario is always a good topic so I’m sure people will love that! And for anyone else reading this comment, I’m a new patron supporter so hi!


I'm Donnie! I love Nintendo, I love puppets, I love silliness, and I love solid analysis of any subject. Therefore I love Arlo. Not to suggest that Arlo is a puppet of course, I'm just spitballing here. You're doing great work, and I'm excited about the new videos. If one man's opinion matters, I would respectfully and deferentially suggest that you allot yourself plenty of face time in your videos. You've got the Nintendo, analysis, and silliness covered, just don't forget to let your Arlo shine through. Anyone with a channel can do the other things. Arlo is your differentiating factor. Use that, brother. That's your money. Much love and appreciation for all you do!


All sounds great! Hopefully you’ll talk about the Switch Online even briefly in the Mario Kart Tour video. I was hoping the Its Time For: Metroid Prime Trilogy HD on Switch idea would become a thing as well as top 10 Mario games but whatever you do an amazing job! I do have a creative idea for a video however... “The Status Of 3D Platformers; Will The Renaissance Continue?”. Basically a video with you comparing the big 3D Platformers of 2017 (Odyssey, Hat In Time, Yooka, and Crash) to their inspirations from the prime time of the genre and talking about if you think the trend will continue into 2018 and beyond. Could be a really fascinating!


Coincidentally I spent the last few days replaying Paper Mario TTYD. Looking forward to everything that's coming!


You have no idea how excited I am for the Paper Mario analysis! Your Paper Mario content is always chicken soup for the soul.

Sean Jackson

Bayonetta 2 is coming out for Switch this Friday. Any chance you'll be reviewing that?


Only joined as a patron a couple of days ago. I found your channel late last year and I've enjoyed every video I've watched. Thanks for the great content and humor. Loved the gamer's brief one, so funny. (Just to mention a recent video) :)


Hi, new Patron here. I can't stop re-watching your videos because they're so soothing! I find them great to listen to while playing something else or just when I'm sitting around bored. You're doing a great job, Arlo. Keep up the good work.


Can I throw some video suggestions at you? Feel free to ignore the rest of this paragraph of you dont want to read lame ass viewer ideas... ***Throw Back Thursday videos (gah, come up with something way more cleverly named) where you have some fun/silly/awful/ridiculous gameplay of your fav "old school/Arlo's old school" games. I missed out on Nintendo for a large chunk of years so basically everything between the GameCube and the Switch is new to me. And thusly why I love channels that review older games) ***Nintendo History Lessons -backgrounds, histories of Nintendo creators or systems, history of the business? ****Arlo does MST3K. Can you riff on terrible games? Make fun of how bad bad it is....? Is that too cheap? Maybe... ****Arlo Awards. Games nominated from new to old. Best Of Categories ? Best music? Best gameplay? Best frusturating bosses? Best bargin bin find? Etc. i dunno. Those may be totally worthless suggestions. Im happy with your content. I can tell all the hard work you put into it and I know there is far more hard work that goes into it, than what I see, but we adore you and wont be unhappy with whatever you produce. Make videos that make YOU happy. :)


Sounding good so far! Great to hear that Lonely Goomba is helping to ease the workload!


Keep up the good work, and now I know I have 3 videos to look forward to in the near future given of course whenever that Luigi game comes out. But I'll be here no matter what type of content you post. Like I said once on your Twitter, make videos that make you happy. The fact you want to talk about Paper Mario again makes me feel like you should perhaps take a look at some Paper Mario ROM hacks, to see what fans have done with the series? Just an idea. Anyways, have yourself a good day my fuzzy blue pal!


I really liked Color Splash, it wasn't the series best game or anything but it shows that with refinement you can make a Sticker Star game work well. Although I feel like Nintendo could really hit a new Paper Mario out of the park with their new approach to things on Switch.


Arlo, random question. During one of your post credit Patreon shout out things you mentioned one of your other patrons as your biggest contributor. So, is there a competition for largest contributor, and if so, what's the amount to beat?


Hey arlo! Quick question: do you have merch anywhere? I remember you saying something about it, but i cant find it, nor remember it very well. Thanks in advance!


Good stuff! Though I don't suppose the Breath of the Wild videos are on the way any time soon? Maybe in time for the one year anniversary? Still interested in what you have to say about things. All that build up prior to launch left me hanging with no resolution, haha.


I'm hoping to dig into them in the next few months, but alas, you never know how things will go. XP


I remember watching the 2018 predictions video and being like “wow Arlo’s trying a fancier style!” then at the end laughing when it said “edited by The Lonely Goomba”