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My next audio is a milf audio for younger guys and It made me wonder what you all might prefer me to make for my nsfw's. 

(Listener's age)



I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking what age we want the listener to be?


I'm talking like you're a dad and your kid is going off to college or something. Late 40's maybe. Which isn't "old" but it's older since I'm 20.


It would be nice have some audios where the older guy isn't always/automatically called "daddy". Its fine to have some audios do this since some folks are into the daddy kink (judging from the number of ASMR artists covering this), but it would be good to have more variety with older guys.


a side note but I'm super excited for this MILF audio. It's something I've notices, more or less all the character you portray are like around 20, so a mature character will a nice change of pace(and well I also prefer older women so there is that..)


Apologies in advance for length. These are just the ideas that popped into my head. 1. Lonely guy who has his professional and financial life together and outwardly looks like his life is in order. However, he's has had a tough time with relationships in the past. The reason could vary and be different stories. Perhaps he's simply had bad luck in partners or only recently realized all his past relationships were toxic because he picked bad partners. Alternatively, perhaps he married his college sweetheart, but they cleaned him out in the divorce 10 years later, so he had to spend many years rebuilding his life and hasn't dated in a long time as a result. 2. Older guy hasn't dated in years and is simply nervous about performing in the bedroom since it has been so long. This could be done in a serious tone or in a humorous tone ("People tell me sex is like riding a bicycle but I don't recall pedaling..."). 3. Older guy gets introduced to modern slang or is confused by it ("Wait... I though yeeting was a euphemism for ___"). Like he's heard it used but never got a definition of it. 4. He got so focused on work/career that he blinked and his 30's are behind them now. 5. He's really into retirement planning with 401Ks and IRAs, both traditional and Roth. Bonus points if this audio was made lewd. 6. He's old enough now to realize he was a jerk/bully to people when he was younger and is trying to make amends for it now. 7. He's making a big career change. Like his old job is comfortable and safe but now is has to quit to chase after the big dream job. 8. In D&D style worlds, he's an experienced wizard. Alternatively, he's a ranger whose still active but has seen things and his body has the expected wear and tear.

Richard Hardslab

Listener's age doesn't really factor for me. Although I do find it weird to be called "daddy"


9. Late bloomer: was quiet / awkward in high school and college but hit his stride in his 40s and is doing great. There are probably multiple ways the meeting him later could be played (example: narrator always had a crush).