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 The fight is close, distressingly so,  to the point that hitched breaths weren't simply coming from the overt, overwhelming sexual arousal stemming from the brawl, but rather the fact that the score inches - close to one another - the same way the fighters are as Scorch drools on Celestia's shoulder, her eyes unfocused and swollen badly. Celestia pants softly, her body feeling like it had been to Tartarus and back, feeling the ache in every muscle and the sharp pain of Scorch's rock hard nubs piercing into her own as the Dragon Lord tries not to slump to her knees.

With a grunt, she shoves Scorch back to the corner, making the ring shake as the heavy dragoness moans, grasping onto the ropes for support...

Celestia doesn't say another word, her mind as exhausted as her body, her wits long gone to a place far off and exotic as she trembles, approaching her opponent...it is clear that Scorch has little left to give, with the wicked bitch slumped over, her tits leaking like broken faucets.

The Sun Princess gently grasps onto the Dragon Lord's tight, soaked thong, giving it a little tug and bringing Scorch back to life as the fabric digs into her swollen, bruised pussy. She lifts her head up, just barely, showing enough pride to raise her chest as well out of arrogant habit before Celestia's fist crashes into her bosom, striking both breasts with a single thunderclap of a blow so powerful that the arena rumbles, the audience screams, and the cornerpost explodes in a shower of nuts, bolts and screws - 

The world seems to move in slow motion for a moment, with the heavy post buckling and coming apart, the ropes snapping free and lashing out like whips...and the Dragon Lord flies backwards, out of the ring amid two volcanic eruptions of milk from the utterly destroyed breasts...it was clear she was going to lose a cup size or two during the long recovery, and it would be even longer before they would be back to their big, beautiful size.

With a loud moan, Scorch lands outside the ring, leaving Celestia with a hard-won trophy in the form of her opponent's thong, and two massive jugs of all the milk she had beaten out of Scorch earlier as the attendants scurry forth. The bell rings almost excitedly as the exhausted Princess jumps down from the ring amid the cheers of the adoring crowd. The roar is unreal - the sensation so...fulfilling.  

The Princess wells up with pride as she sees Scorch roll over weakly, trying to get back up slowly, only to look at the two jugs of milk in shame and slump over with a moan. The only sound she can make now is pathetic croaking noises - she is well and truly finished.   


Celestia raises her powerful arms as she takes her victory properly, with a boot-heel lodged in Scorch's bruised tailhole, surrounded by her adoring fans. 



Hot description is made by an awesome Isiy 




Its a shame Scorch lost, but this was an awesome fight.


Cant wait to see the final match of the championship

Sandcastles Luffington

the heel up the asshole really punctuating/penetrating her win!


My favorite one so far!


Perfect lol