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 Celestia hits the mat with a resounding thud, causing the crowd to gasp as the shy referee begins to meekly count, only to be roughly shoved by the brute of a dragon lord, sending the little pony halfway across the ring with a yelp! The princess groans, both in the agony of having taken so many brutish punches in such a short amount of time since the start of the round, and also from the inability of protecting her precious ponies.

She can barely move at this point, taking a much needed breather on the mat, only to shriek as Scorch's glove grabs a handful of her lovely, sweat-matted mane, roughly dragging her across the ring and out under the bottom ropes. She crashes down onto the unforgiving ground, breasts first, cushioning the blow at a steep price as Scorch continues to drag her across the ground, making her scream as she leaves trails of white on the ground while her opponent claims her like some sort of prehistoric cavemare.

The crowd ramps up its collective excitement as the grinning Dragon Lord brings her poor victim all the way up to the barriers separating the hungry fans and the brawlers they so love - before hauling her up onto her unsteady heels. Celestia is an absolute mess - her eyes barely fluttering open, her cheek swollen, and her lips drooling onto her heavy breasts as she wobbles slightly...only to groan oncemore in agony and humiliation as Scorch lets out a victorious roar, grabbing both of Celestia's battered breasts from behind and crushing down on them with all her might, causing two volcanic eruptions of hot titmilk to rain down on the adoring audience...  


Hot description is made by an awesome Isiy 




Scorch is awesome for offering the cheering audience a much needed refreshment.


That is hot


Scorch knows to give the public a great match