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Sleepy Dave

A pic of my opponent's screen as i would be playing Konga :3

Sandcastles Luffington

you raise a good point! I guess I'd mostly play as Astrid, despite her few but impactful appearances. I'd play Meili and Sylvia a lot too, but I'm the kind to play everyone a little bit for variety and to see everyone's ending in Story Mode

Flex Master J

I'd definitely play as Nefertiti. Her special punch is a favorite of mine.

Sandcastles Luffington

good pick. She's plenty fast. that's the one where she fakes the uppercut just to hit you in the crotch, right? I always liked Mei's Super where she does that palm strike barrage that bounces their tits all over the place, E. Honda style


Great idea about Story mode, it would tale a lot time to invent for each girl her own path! But anyway, sounds sweet.

Oh God She's Loose

I'd be over in the game's erotic wrestling DLC as Felina or Olga