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due to many factors I'll explain in a moment, I've decided to cancel the current animal crossing project as well as any long-form animation

some of the reasons include my free time getting shorter going forward, but also me having trouble getting motivated enough to work on these lengthy projects whenever I do have the opportunity to do so 😔

seeing how easy it was for me to whip out those edits on twitter, I think it's better for me to limit myself to work on short loops for the time being
this would mean you will get finished animations more often, instead of months of slow updates

the only thing left to decide is how to manage patreon 🤔
as you know, till now I would only charge after a longer animation had been completed. with those out of the way, I can only think of a few options
either charging monthly to streamline the whole process or charge every few animations (do remember that you can set a limit to how many times you can be charged in a month)

anyway, I'll leave a poll, but feel free to tell me your thoughts
again, sorry about this 🙏



I prefer charging monthly :D But then adding a goal for yourself of like "2 short animations per month". I think patreon lets you skip months if you feel you were inactive.


ooh, that's nice 👀 always thought I'd have to contact support of something I'll def look into it, thanks 🥰