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Chapter 33

"Do you, by any chance, know Professor Uregor?"

"How did you know? I am Bungaegor, Uregor’s aunt," came the reply.

'No way. Are they really related?' Yi-Han thought, surprised. He had thought that there was no way all dwarves could be related just because they looked similar, but it turned out they actually had a familial connection.

"Are you acquainted with Uregor?" asked the dwarf, pushing up her pilot glasses, prompting an instinctive sense of foreboding in Yi-Han.

Being remembered by a professor, whether on Earth or here, usually wasn't a good sign. Especially if it meant being dragged into graduate academy...

"I'm not really sure..."

"Wardanaz is Professor Uregor's favorite pupil!" someone interjected.

"That's right! Wardanaz has earned Professor Uregor's approval! He even visits his cabin!"

Yi-Han glanced back in disbelief.

His friends from the Blue Dragon gave him knowing winks, proud of their association with such an esteemed figure.

'These unhelpful, foolish kids!' Yi-Han cursed inwardly. Unaware of his frustration, the students from the Blue Dragon continued to beam with pride.

"Indeed! If you’re Uregor's favorite pupil, then you’re practically my pupil too!"

"I wouldn’t exactly think of myself as his pupil..."

"And to think you have access to his cabin. You must be really acknowledged by him."

"...Yes, that's actually true," another student chimed in.

Yi-Han resignedly admitted, thinking it best to accept the situation and perhaps leave a good impression on the professor.

Professor Bungaegor dismounted from her ride and stood before the students, then announced in a booming voice, "Attention, everyone!"

"Professor, what about the people who have fainted?" someone inquired.

"Leave them be! They'll wake up soon enough," she declared boisterously. Though medically questionable, no student dared to object.

"I am Professor Bungaegor Choidal, your instructor for this semester. Professor Bentozol was supposed to teach you, but he went missing while searching for a unicorn, so I was hastily called in."

'Why is no one surprised by the disappearance of someone hunting a unicorn?' Yi-Han wondered, puzzled by the students' lack of reaction to Bentozol's disappearance. Instead, they were more astounded by Bungaegor's reputation.

"The famous adventurer Bungaegor?"

"The one who tamed a Behemoth and made it her ride?"

"The very person who explored the uncharted Spirit Crater?"

'Perhaps I should have read something other than the economic section of the empire's newspaper,' Yi-Han thought, feeling left out of the conversation.

He realized she was quite a renowned adventurer as several students looked at her with admiration and respect.

"Now, who can guess why I've arrived riding a Thunderbird today?"


A monster so famous that even Yi-Han had heard of it. With its enormous size, swift and aggressive movements, and its unique ability to control thunder, lightning, and whirlwinds, it was a nightmare for anyone flying in the sky or climbing high mountains.

The mere thought of being attacked by such a monster sent chills down his spine.

'This academy really needs to be audited by the empire,' Yi-Han thought to himself.

Meanwhile, another student raised a hand and ventured a guess, "Is our goal this semester to ride that Thunderbird? To get us used to it..."

"Wrong! Hahahaha! What nonsense. It would take you over ten years of practice to even attempt to ride a Thunderbird!"

Bungaegor burst into laughter as if he found it amusing. The student who had spoken retreated in embarrassment.

‘Ah, are there only a few people here who have taken Alchemy classes?’

Yi-Han realized that Alchemy was an elective classes.

In contrast, <Basic Riding Training> was a compulsory subject.

This meant that most students here were unfamiliar with the lecture style of dwarves of the ‘-egor’ family.

"Did you have to ride the fastest mount because you came from far away?"

"Wrong. If I had to ride the fastest mount, I would have ridden Sleipnir. Hm. Wardanaz! You speak."


Although Yi-Han did not want to attract attention, the dwarf professor did not leave him alone.

Yi-Han managed his expression and replied.

"Didn't you ride here to increase our ability to cope when encountering dangerous monsters like Thunderbirds?"

Some students burst into laughter, as if Yi-Han's response was absurd.

The <Basic Riding Training> class was about riding beautiful and cute horses around the vicinity, not a class on 'Surviving Monsters'. Why would such training...

"Correct! No wonder Uregor likes you! There's a reason for it!"

'Damn it.'

He couldn't believe it was actually correct.

Yi-Han shook his head.

Being friendly with Professor Uregor inevitably meant meeting Professor Bungaegor often, so he had no choice but to make a good impression.

Attracting a professor's interest was dangerous, but incurring their displeasure was even more dangerous.

Better to be loved...

"Professor, wasn't this supposed to be a horse riding class?"

"Yes... yes. Why do we have to train to avoid Thunderbirds?"

Some students, still not grasping the situation, asked incredulously.

Why avoid Thunderbirds instead of riding horses?

"What will you do if you meet a Thunderbird while riding? So of course, it's essential training!"

Professor Bungaegor angrily dismissed the notion as nonsensical, intimidating the questioning students.

'Thunderbirds are rare monsters found only in high skies or mountain ranges...'

Yi-Han thought so but did not voice it out.

He had to be careful with his words in front of the professor.

"But don't worry. You'll still get to ride the horses you love so much. Wardanaz, come forward. You'll have to help me with my class."

As Yi-Han stepped forward amid a mix of awe and jealousy, he felt like punching those envious students.

'These clueless fools...'

"A horse is the most basic and commonly seen mount in the empire. Anyone who can't ride one shouldn't be traveling. If you want to ride more challenging mounts, you should at least learn to ride a horse well."

Many students looked bored at Professor Bungaegor's words.

More students knew how to ride horses than those who didn't.

Each had enough experience riding horses for different reasons, wondering, 'What new could there be to learn?'

However, Professor Bungaegor did not get angry at their demeanor.

Instead, she smiled kindly.



Yi-Han felt an ominous sense from that smile.

'This is not just a horse riding class!'

This kind of academy wouldn't let them relax, making it clear this wasn't an ordinary riding class.

"Let's move to the stable!"

The stable, located near the main building, was a clean and spacious facility.

The massive barn-like stable, spanning three floors, opened its doors as if alive when the professor approached.

'It's enchanted.'

Yi-Han could feel the mana hanging in the stable.

Indeed, it wasn't just ordinary horses being raised here, so magic protection was necessary.


"Oh my...!"

Exclamations erupted from various corners.

The sight of the horses lined up on either side of the stable was enough to amaze the younger students.

Horses of various colors - white, black, brown, gold - were clearly of fine pedigree.

The thought of riding such horses naturally brightened the students' eyes.

However, Yi-Han was not fooled. He whispered to Yonaire beside him.

"Be careful."


"Think about the Alchemy class. Professor Bungaegor is from the same family as Professor Uregor. You think there won't be any traps?"


Yonaire nodded hurriedly, a look of realization on her face.

Professor Bungaegor stroked her beard and smiled mischievously, then addressed Yi-Han.

"As my chosen student who will assist me in my classes, I give you the privilege to choose your horse first."

Sounds of jealousy and envy came from behind.

Though they could endure other forms of favoritism, being first to choose a horse was unbearable.

Once chosen, that horse would be Yi-Han's partner for the semester, meaning they would lose the chance to pick the best one.

'...That's what they're thinking. Fools.'

Yi-Han remembered the flash of a smile on Professor Bungaegor's lips.

"It's alright. I'll choose later, I'd like to give the other students the chance. It doesn't seem fair for me to choose first."


"You, young man!"

Fellow students from the same tower admired his gesture.

While others were eager to choose first, his willingness to yield was a display of true nobility.

"So what shall we do?"

"Let's decide the order within our towers and then each come forward to choose. If there's a tie, we'll draw lots again."

"Sounds good."

Students began to line up in their respective groups.

The students of the Blue Dragon also gathered to draw lots for their order. The first pick fell to Gainando.

"Oh yeah!"

Gainando was pleased.

It felt like compensation for the misfortune he'd suffered at the hands of the Thunderbird.

The other students from the Blue Dragon were openly disappointed.

"Why did it have to be Gainando?"

"We should have let Wardanaz go first."

"Hmph. Losers' talk."

Gainando ignored his friends' comments. Curious, Yi-Han asked Yonaire.

"Does Gainando know how to pick horses?"

"Well... I'm not sure. Probably not."

Gainando strode forward and chose the biggest, most temperamental-looking white horse.

Students from other towers looked at Gainando in disbelief.

A big horse wasn't necessarily a good choice.

Especially considering they had to tame and befriend the horse, choosing one with a nasty temper was unwise.

It could lead to problems while riding...








The gathered students were all shocked.

Not only had Gainando been headbutted and fallen backward by the horse, but other students also received blows or were spat on.

The horses...

Why were they so wild?


The horses in the stable, previously calm, began to neigh loudly.

They glared at the students ferociously, as if they were enemies.

It was a moment when their hidden wildness burst forth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I told you. You must learn how to ride horses well. Your first task is not riding, but becoming friends with these horses here. Did you really think I would let novices like you choose a horse?"

"What... what..."

"That's too much..."

Some students who hadn't attended the Alchemy class were on the verge of tears with disappointment. However, Professor Bungaegor continued to laugh.

"If you care for and look after the horses morning and evening, maybe one of the kinder ones will open its heart to you. That's your goal. Just one! Becoming friends with even a single horse!"


'These are definitely not ordinary horses.'

Yi-Han was sure of it.

No ordinary horse would behave like this.

What kind of horse would cause such chaos...


As Yi-Han pondered which horse might be the easiest to befriend, Professor Bungaegor's large hand landed on his shoulder like a pot lid.


"Ah, Wardanaz. I will choose a horse for you."


Do you really have to?


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