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Chapter 679 Forever Bullied

After a year away, the splendor of Jinling City surpassed that of the past. The streets bustled with people, and vendors' cries were ceaseless. Teahouses and taverns, brothels and opera houses were filled with laughter and noise, creating a lively yet intimate atmosphere.

As he walked by the banks of Xuanwu Lake, the scene of his first meeting with Miss Xiao silently resurfaced in his mind, bringing a warm feeling. The "Food for Immortals" restaurant, which he had founded, thrived under the skillful management of Qiaoqiao. Despite it still being before noon, the main branch by Xuanwu Lake was already bustling with a lively crowd.

Entering the restaurant, he saw the latest promotional offers posted on the walls, drawing a large crowd. The establishment was packed, with servers busily carrying tea and wine to and fro. Behind the counter, a young manager was busy sweating over the accounts.

"Qingshan!" Lin Wanrong called out with a smile.

The young man hurriedly looked up, and upon seeing him, was momentarily stunned. "Big Brother, brother-in-law—" It took Qingshan a moment to come to his senses, and he rushed over for a tight embrace, shouting with excitement.

Qingshan had grown taller and more robust in the year they hadn't seen each other. The childishness on his face had faded, transforming the naive boy who used to follow him around into a valiant young man, a poignant reminder of how swiftly time passes.

As the brothers reunited after a long separation, Qingshan, thrilled, abandoned his ledger, pushing it to the accountant. "Big Brother, why have you returned? And where is sister?" he eagerly asked.

Lin Wanrong nodded. "Qiaoqiao is still in the capital, tied up with family affairs. I'm heading out to sea from Lianyungang, on my way to Goryeo, so I stopped by to see how things are. Qingshan, you've become quite spirited over this year. Not bad at all!"

Proudly, Qingshan said, "Of course, who do you think my Big Brother is? Now, not just in Jinling City, but throughout Jiangsu province, our Hung Hing's reputation rings loud. Nobody dares to bully us anymore!"

"It's good that no one bullies us, but remember, we mustn't use our power to bully others, especially the innocent common folk. Otherwise, we'll be no different from the likes of Cheng Ruinian in the past, and our end will be just as grim. Understand?"

"I do," Qingshan replied respectfully. "Sister has already told me. We used to be the ones bullied. If we turn around and bully others now that we have power, we're no better than those tyrants. The brothers of Hung Hing will never become such villains. We've stopped collecting protection money and don't allow others to do so either. Now, Beidou and the others have started tea houses, run shipping services, and trade official salt. They've earned respect and business is booming. Our thousands of brothers are self-reliant, and the money is flowing in."

The idea of a gang running legitimate businesses was akin to money laundering, and Qingshan had grasped it naturally. Lin Wanrong laughed heartily. "Good, good, you've handled this perfectly. Mere violence is unsustainable; it's business that truly rules."

The two chatted leisurely for a while, with Qingshan sharing amusing tales of Jinling, stirring a deep nostalgia in Lin Wanrong. After some time, Lin Wanrong looked around and asked curiously, "Why haven't I seen father-in-law?"

"Father is at our branch by the Qinhuai River," Qingshan replied with a hint of distress. "Our three restaurants in Jinling are bustling with customers every day. Father and I are swamped with work. Even with several accountants, it's hard to manage. If only sister and brother-in-law were here!"

"Being busy is good; it means there's money to be made!" Lin Wanrong said, patting his shoulder with a smile. "Don't worry. Once I return from Goryeo, I'll take you and father-in-law to the capital for a visit—"

"Really?" Dong Qingshan leaped up excitedly, clutching his shoulder. "Big Brother, I've been longing to see the capital. Little Luo has invited me several times already!"

Lin Wanrong smiled and nodded, watching his little brother's joyous excitement. His heart too was filled with happiness.

Engrossed in conversation with Qingshan, Lin Wanrong lost track of time. Realizing it was already midday and he hadn't returned to the Xiao residence, he quickly stood up. Qingshan grabbed his arm, "Big Brother, are you going to see Miss Xiao?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, and Qingshan smiled. "You probably won't find her now. Early this morning, Madam Xiao and the Eldest Miss went to Qixia Temple outside the city to offer prayers. They even spoke to me briefly when they passed by our shop."

Qixia Temple? Lin Wanrong felt a warmth in his heart, suddenly remembering how he was once captured by the White Lotus Sect, and how the Second Miss had fasted and prayed devoutly for his safety for over a month. Unable to contain himself, he quickly said, "I'll go to Qixia Temple to find them."

He set off immediately, riding out of the city and galloping towards the temple.

Qixia Temple, located to the east of Jinling, was renowned for its thriving incense burning and long-standing reputation. Having visited several times before, Lin Wanrong was familiar with the route and arrived in less than an hour.

At the gate, he saw no sign of the Xiao family's sedan or carriage. Unsure where the Madam and her daughter might be offering their prayers, he proceeded directly into the temple.

The temple was unusually quiet with few visitors that day. The sound of crumbling leaves underfoot echoed in the tranquil setting. He briskly toured several main halls but saw no trace of the Xiao ladies, which he found odd. Finding himself near the back door of the Great Buddha Hall, he casually walked in.

The rear hall was empty and eerily silent, as if one could hear a pin drop. After hastily paying his respects to the solemn golden Buddha, he was about to leave when a soft sigh echoed from the front hall.

"Greatly compassionate and merciful Guanyin Bodhisattva, please bless that detestable man, ensure his safe return. Disciple Xiao Yuruo, bows to you—"

Though the voice was low, it was crystal clear to him. He quickly steadied himself on a desk and stealthily peeked towards the front hall.

Before the incense table, a slender woman knelt silently, bowing deeply. It took her a while to straighten up. With her hands clasped, she murmured prayers with utmost devotion.

Xiao Yuruo, whom he had not seen for two months, seemed more delicate, her jade-like cheeks tinged with a faint sadness of longing. Her slender waist and flowing white dress accentuated her graceful figure, adding a poignant charm.

"Miss, Miss—" A tremulous, almost ethereal whisper, like a melody from the heavens, softly reverberated through the silent hall.

Xiao Yuruo shuddered slightly, looking around in confusion, but saw nothing unusual.

She looked up, bewildered, gazing at the solemn statue. "Bodhisattva, are you speaking to me? Why does it sound like his voice?"

‘The Bodhisattva’ responded, "As the saying goes, what one thinks during the day, one dreams of at night. Hearing his voice in others' words shows the depth of your love for him."

Miss Xiao's cheeks flushed as she lowered her head, then suddenly, sensing something amiss, she looked around sharply and exclaimed, "Who's there?!"

A figure stealthily emerged from the rear hall, chuckling, "Eldest Miss, you will always be the most beautiful Bodhisattva in my heart!"

"You, you—" Xiao Yuruo's mouth opened wide in surprise, her eyes brimming with joyful tears, "How are you here—Are you deceiving me again?!"

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Seeing the sparkling tears in her eyes, Lin Wanrong's heart was filled with tender emotions. He quickly approached and embraced her, "I just arrived in Jinling and learned you were at Qixia Temple. I hurried here without delay, I'm not deceiving you."

Seeing the dust on his clothes and the sweat on his face, it was clear he had traveled a long distance. Miss Xiao softened, took out a handkerchief, and gently wiped the dust from his face, playfully scolding, "I don't believe you! You must have rushed to see your Yueya'er!"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I did visit her, traveling eight thousand li. But to see my Eldest Miss, I would gladly travel ten thousand more!"

Xiao Yuruo's cheeks turned crimson, and she shyly glanced at him, teasingly replying, "Nonsense, eight thousand, ten thousand... do you have wings on your feet?"

The journey they had shared, filled with trials and laughter, had forged a deep and passionate bond between them.

Looking at Xiao Yuruo's shy and infinitely tender jade-like cheeks, a flood of memories surged in his heart. Overwhelmed by emotion, he suddenly pulled her closer and knelt on the cushion.

"Before all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats present, I, Lin Wanrong, swear to protect and cherish my Eldest Miss in this life and all to come, to share joy and sorrow, life and death. If I break this oath, may I perish under the five thunders," he said solemnly, bowing deeply, his eyes shining with determination.

Eldest Miss, overwhelmed with joy, couldn't hold back her tears. Gazing tenderly at him, she murmured, "I, Xiao Yuruo, am willing to marry My Dear, to accompany and serve him in this life and all to come. To share his bed in life, and his tomb in death. Even if the mountains crumble, my love for him shall never waver!"

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily as he stood up, "Eldest Miss, now you can't escape me!"

Xiao Yuruo glanced at him shyly, her face flushed, and chided, "Ever since you, the shameless one, tied that red string around my ankle, I've had no escape!"

The mention of the red string brought back a flood of memories, and they exchanged knowing smiles.

Lin Wanrong held her hand, whispering in her ear, "Eldest Miss, let me see that red string!"

The red string, tied around her ankle, was too intimate to show. Xiao Yuruo's cheeks blushed even more as she shook her head, her voice trembling, "No, you're not to be trusted!"

Lin Wanrong winked and held her hand, whispering, "Then tonight, when we return, you can show me, okay?"

Xiao Yuruo's heart raced, her face flushed, clearly wanting to nod, yet unable to muster the strength.

Lin Wanrong, captivated by the shy, charming allure of Miss Xiao, couldn't resist gently kissing her tender cheek.

Miss Xiao's body shivered, and she clung tightly to his hand, unwilling to let go.

Suddenly, several heavy coughs echoed from the direction of the temple door, jolting the sweetly entwined couple back to reality.

Lin Wanrong quickly turned around, startled: "Madam!"

"Lin San, it's been a long time!" Madam Xiao stood at the doorway, silently observing him with a slight smile.

It had been half a year since their parting in the capital. Madam Xiao's beautiful face seemed a bit thinner, but her red lips and jade complexion, her full figure, still maintained her graceful demeanor.

Caught in an intimate moment with her lover by her mother, Miss Xiao blushed uncontrollably, desperately trying to withdraw her hand from his grasp.

Lin Wanrong, however, didn't relent and held her hand tightly. He nodded and sighed, "Yes, it's been a long time. How have you been, Madam?"

"Fairly well," Madam Xiao replied, looking at the sweet couple with a resigned shake of her head, "Yuruo, come with me."

Miss Xiao softly hummed in agreement, casting a mixed look of annoyance and affection at Lin Wanrong, her coy and charming demeanor sending ripples through his heart.

Once they had moved away from the main hall to a more secluded part of the courtyard, Madam Xiao stopped and turned around. Xiao Yuruo, feeling guilty, lowered her head: "Mother, do you have any instructions for me?"

Madam Xiao chided gently, a hint of reproach in her tone: "That hall is a place for the Bodhisattvas' cultivation. How could you behave so frivolously there?"

Miss Xiao's cheeks burned, and she remained silent. Lin Wanrong quickly interjected: "We weren't being frivolous, Madam, you misunderstand! It was just because Eldest Miss agreed to marry me, and I couldn't help but kiss her once, purely, with no disrespect intended."

"A pure kiss?" Madam Xiao gave him an amused look and scoffed: "I don't need to guess to know it was your idea. If you truly care for Yuruo, don't put her in difficult situations, understand?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Lin Wanrong nodded, sweating profusely.

Despite his current status, he still feared Madam Xiao. Eldest Miss, finding this amusing, laughed softly, feeling immensely tender-hearted. She secretly tightened her grip on his hand and playfully warned, "From now on, you're not allowed to bully me, or else mother won't let you off."

"And what if you bully me? What would Madam do then?" Lin Wanrong quickly asked.

"Do I even need to say?" Eldest Miss smiled lightly, "Of course, she'll side with me! You'll always have to be bullied by me, understand?"


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