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Chapter 649 Flower Mountain Festival

Upon hearing this, Yilian hurriedly and lightly jumped onto a large rock nearby, gazed into the distance for a while, then suddenly tightly hugged his arm, excitedly shouting, "Ah Lin Ge, look, look, it's the Holy Maiden, it really is the Holy Maiden!"

Following the direction of her pointing finger, a bright figure quickly emerged from the White Miao village embedded halfway up the mountain. She wore a round-necked, narrow-sleeved beautiful shirt with three shiny silver edges embroidered on the elbows, and a pleated floral skirt. The collar and waistband were decorated with five-colored white jade, sparkling and beautiful. She was adorned with glittering silver ornaments on her head, neck, and chest, and the silver rings and jade bracelets on her wrists and ankles jingled softly, like the pleasant sound of mountain springs.

With her arched eyebrows, red lips, and face flushed with rosy clouds, she moved slowly along the mountainside, her gaze conveying gentle brilliance, like a warm spring breeze brushing past. Her Miao attire, filled with ethnic characteristics, further accentuated her mature and charming figure.

It was indeed Master Sister! Lin Wanrong stared with fixed eyes, mesmerized. He and An Biru had met countless times before, but he was still stunned by her beauty today. Not just because it was the Flower Mountain Festival, but more so because of the unique charm she exuded in her Miao dress. This was the most authentic, unadorned Sister An.

An Biru walked down, continuously waving and smiling, greeting the Miao people around.

"Holy Maiden, Holy Maiden—" All the Miao people seemed to go crazy, whether young people, children, or elders. They continuously cheered and jumped, loudly calling the Holy Maiden's name, excitedly rushing towards her.

Leading them was an elder Miao man with white beard. He held a little girl under three years old in his arms, who was extending her tiny hands towards the Holy Maiden with wide, joyful eyes.

An Biru quickened her pace and took the little girl into her arms. The girl was overjoyed, looking up at her with devout eyes, her tender voice echoing in the valley, "Holy Maiden, Daddy and Mommy said you are our Miao village's phoenix! When I grow up, I want to be a beautiful phoenix like you!"

Tears glistened in An Biru's eyes. She smiled and gently kissed the girl's cheek. The whole valley fell silent, then erupted into jubilant cheers. Countless Miao people, holding up their hatchets, shouted in unison, "Holy Maiden, our phoenix! Holy Maiden, our phoenix!"

Lin Wanrong watched, deeply moved. Sister An's prestige in the Miao community was not only due to the honor inherited from her ancestors, but also because of everything she had silently done for the Miao village over the years. A Miao woman, wandering alone in the outside world, had endured much hardship to bring blessings to her hometown. All these efforts were remembered in the hearts of the villagers!

"Holy Maiden!" Yilian, moved to tears, suddenly jumped down from the rock and dashed towards the mountain path.

Lin Wanrong quickly grabbed her, "Yilian, where are you going?!"

The girl's chest heaved with excitement, "Ah Lin Ge, I want to go see the Holy Maiden, I want to be someone like her, it's been my dream since I was little!"

"Have you never seen her before?" Ah Lin Ge asked with a smile.

Yilian silently shook her head, "The Holy Maiden was never in the village before. I had no chance to see her."

He had forgotten about that. Sister An has always been in Shandong, promoting the White Lotus Sect, so she indeed spent very few days in the Miao village. No wonder Yilian had never seen her before.

The young girl stared blankly at An Biru, who was smiling in the distance. Her eyes reflected admiration, envy, and longing as she murmured, "Ah Lin Ge, the Holy Maiden is so beautiful, no wonder so many Miao people like her. Even you like her! Ah Lin Ge, do you think I can become someone like the Holy Maiden?!"

Master Sister is an idol throughout the entire Miao region. Yilian's admiration for her was only natural. Lin Wanrong smiled and nodded, "Yilian, you may not believe it, but you and Sister An, whether in personality or temperament, are very similar! In you, I can even see the shadow of Sister An from the past! You will definitely become a woman as outstanding as her, I have no doubt!"

"Sister An?" Yilian looked at him, puzzled.

"Oh, that's the Holy Maiden, nicknamed Sister An!!"

Yilian's face turned red with excitement, and she tightly grabbed his arm, her long eyelashes fluttering rapidly, her voice trembling, "Ah Lin Ge, can I really become someone like the Holy Maiden? You're not lying to me?"

"Of course, when has Ah Lin Ge ever lied to you? You will definitely become someone like the Holy Maiden!" Lin Wanrong smiled and nodded, "But, it will be quite troublesome for you then!"

"Troublesome, what do you mean?" The Miao girl blinked her beautiful eyes, confused.

"Just think about it, once you become someone like the Holy Maiden, all the young men in the Miao village will like you just as they like the Holy Maiden. Won't that be troublesome?" Lin Wanrong laughed heartily.

"Ah Lin Ge!" Yilian lightly scolded, stomping her foot in embarrassment, sneaking glances at him, whispering, "I don't want them to like me!"

Lin Wanrong hummed in response, laughing, "Although you admire the Holy Maiden greatly, now is not the time to meet her. Just look, how many people are surrounding her? Can you squeeze through?!"

Yilian looked up and was immediately scared, sticking out her tongue. She saw a sea of people around the Holy Maiden, countless Miao villagers encircling her, playing the lusheng and dancing, with the love songs of the Miao echoing in the sky, and a few young men from the Yingyue Hamlet could be seen as well.

Knowing she couldn't get through, Yilian felt a bit gloomy. She looked up at the Holy Maiden, who was poised and at ease in the distance, her eyes full of envy and admiration.

This girl's infatuation with Sister An was evident. Lin Wanrong nodded, "Since you like the Holy Maiden so much, alright, I'll think of a way for you to meet her later."

"Are you serious, Ah Lin Ge?" Yilian hugged his arm, almost jumping with excitement.

Lin Wanrong nodded proudly, "Of course, don't you believe me?! Don't forget, your Ah Lin Ge is the smartest person in the world!"

Yilian pressed her cheek tightly against his arm, her heart thumping wildly, silently murmuring, "Thank you, Ah Lin Ge! You are the smartest person in the world, and also the kindest!"

Lin Wanrong grinned, thinking to himself that this girl was getting too close to him, and it wouldn't be good if Sister An saw them later!

During this conversation, Lin Wanrong felt somewhat uneasy and quickly looked toward the distance. Coincidentally, An Biru, amidst her busyness, glanced over in his direction, lightly glaring and smiling enigmatically!

Recalling what Sister An had said the night before, Lin Wanrong was startled and hurriedly moved his arm away a bit. Yilian murmured, "Ah Lin Ge, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," he carefully moved his arm again, "I saw the Holy Maiden smiling at me!"

Huh? The girl looked in that direction and saw the Holy Maiden smiling gracefully, chatting happily with the villagers. When did she glance over here? Yilian wrinkled her nose and giggled, "Vain!"

Suddenly, a commotion arose in the distance. Two groups of Black Miao warriors were pushing through the crowd, trying to get closer to the Holy Maiden. An Biru frowned and asked, "Zhalong, what are you doing?!"

The one leading the Black Miao warriors was none other than Zhalong, the younger brother of Zhaguo, the acting leader of the Miao village. An Biru's gaze was cold, yet her smile was as charming as a flower. Zhalong, dazzled, quickly bent over, "Zhalong greets the Holy Maiden! Lord Nie of the Xuzhou Prefecture has arrived at the cliff, and Leader Zhaguo is accompanying him. The Flower Mountain Festival is about to begin, please, Holy Maiden, move to meet him!"

"Lord of the Prefecture?" An Biru chuckled seductively, a hint of coldness flashing in her eyes, "Well then, thanks to his concern for our Miao homeland! Zhalong, go and ask Leader Zhaguo to come see me!"

Her words were calm but carried significant implications. Zhaguo had been acting as the leader of the Miao village for many years. The Holy Maiden's request for him to come see her clarified the relationship between them. The true leader of the Miao village was only one, and if Zhaguo came, he would naturally have to do so as a subordinate, to greet the real leader. With the Holy Maiden's high prestige in the Miao village, her words were akin to directly stripping him of his power.

Zhalong's face turned red and white, unsure whether to agree or refuse. In his hesitation, Elder Hannong, standing behind the Holy Maiden, glared and angrily said, "What are you waiting for? Quickly call Zhaguo here to meet the Holy Maiden, our leader."

The Elder's words were even more straightforward. The surrounding Miao villagers, upon hearing that the Holy Maiden was taking back power, erupted into cheers. The news spread rapidly, and all the Miao people were excited.

Yilian's face turned red with excitement, "Ah Lin Ge, did you hear that? The Holy Maiden is taking back power, good days are coming for our Miao village!"

Sister An's words left no room for ambiguity, clearly intending to force Zhaguo's hand. Lin Wanrong chuckled, ‘It's easy for her to take power, but I have to clean up the mess. My life is indeed hard!’

Zhalong left with a pale face, and after some time, the tall and robust Zhaguo quickly approached, holding a hatchet, and stood in front of An Biru. He stared at the Holy Maiden, his lips trembling, and after a long time, he bowed, "Zhaguo greets the Holy Maiden!"

An Biru hummed softly and smiled, "It's Zhaguo. It's been a few days, how have you been?"

"Zhaguo is fine, just missing the Holy Maiden day and night! Zhaguo hopes that the Holy Maiden would become my wife!" The Miao people are indeed passionate, and Zhaguo expressed his admiration for An Biru openly in front of everyone.

At the Flower Mountain Festival, besides the Miao people, there were many Han people who came to watch the festivities. Zhaguo intentionally spoke in Hua language, making it understandable for both Han and Miao people, aiming to amplify his presence.

The Miao people immediately erupted into excitement. Lin Wanrong hummed, "This guy is shameless, using his power to openly propose to the Holy Maiden. He's a bully in the Miao region, intimidating others into submission. Isn't this just to make others back off without a fight?"

"Miao men are not so easily deterred!" Seeing his angry expression, Yilian chuckled, "Ah Lin Ge, you seem jealous. People who don't know might think you're the Holy Maiden's beloved!"

‘Am I not her beloved?!’ Tired of explaining too much, he was at a loss with her disbelief.

Hearing Zhaguo's words, Sister An laughed heartily, shaking her head, "Zhaguo, thanks for your concern, but to be my little brother, you'd first have to ask if others agree!"

She glanced over silently, catching sight of Yilian leaning on that little brother, and huffed softly.

Lin Wanrong broke into a cold sweat and stealthily pulled his arm back.

With the Holy Maiden speaking, the Miao men around her cheered, holding their hatchets and glaring at Zhaguo, ready to challenge him.

Zhaguo gritted his teeth and hummed, "Let's talk about this at the Flower Mountain Festival! Holy Maiden, Lord Nie from Xuzhou Prefecture has arrived. The festival is about to begin, please, Holy Maiden, move forward."

The Flower Mountain Festival is a major event in Xuzhou, and it's common for officials to attend. An Biru smiled and nodded towards the elder, "Uncle, let's go meet this Lord Nie."

Zhaguo led the way, with the Holy Maiden and the elder following. Soon, they reached the center of the venue, near the flower pole. An official sedan chair approached slowly, and a middle-aged man in a red robe with a kind face emerged. Seeing An Biru's beautiful face, he exclaimed in delight, "Is this the Holy Maiden? I am Nie Yuanqing from Xuzhou. It's a great fortune to meet the Holy Maiden today!"

Nie Yuanqing was a subordinate of Prince Cheng. In the past, Prince Cheng had used the safety of the Miao village to force An Biru to lure Lin San, a memory still fresh in her mind. Watching the soldiers following Nie Yuanqing, the Holy Maiden smiled and nodded, a hint of coldness in her eyes, "Lord Nie, it's a long journey. I apologize for our poor hospitality in our Miao village."

"Where, where," Lord Nie kindly said, "The Han and Miao people of Xuzhou are one family. There's no need for formalities. The Holy Maiden is too modest."

Yilian had already pulled Ah Lin Ge and squeezed through the crowd. Hearing this, she hummed and muttered, "Nice words. When you were extorting our money, why didn't you say Han and Miao are one family? Corrupt official!"

Her voice was a bit loud, catching the attention of several Black Miao who were patrolling nearby. They glared and approached angrily, "Did you just say that? How dare you slander the Prefectural Lord?!"

Yilian, fiery by nature, bit her lip and retorted, "So what if I said it? This corrupt official, extorting our Miao people to poverty, everyone in Xuzhou knows it. You Miao people, siding with Zhaguo, acting as his accomplices, are the disgrace of our Miao village!"

"Well said!" The surrounding Miao people applauded and cheered in response.

"You dare slander the leader and the Prefectural Lord? Are you rebelling?" A few Black Miao guards became furiously angry. They howled and rushed forward, reaching out to grab Yilian. Just as they were about to catch her clothes, they suddenly felt a sharp pain in their wrists as if clamped by a tiger's jaw. A dark-faced Red Miao man, grinning insincerely, stood in front of them and chuckled, "Who did you say is rebelling?"

"You! Who are you?" one of the Black Miao guards cried out in pain.

Before Lin Wanrong could speak, Yilian had already stepped forward to protect him, "I said it, come at me if you dare, don't trouble him!"

Another Black Miao guard said leeringly, "Is this your little brother? He looks all crooked! Little sister, since you're as beautiful as a flower, I'll let you off easy! Just call me 'good brother' ten times, and I'll spare him!"

"Call your mom!" Lin Wanrong, infuriated, increased the pressure on his hand, and with a crack, the Black Miao guard screamed as his hand bone was broken. His sudden action and imposing aura stunned the other guards, who didn't dare to even breathe.

"Today, I'm sparing your lives for Yilian's sake," Lin Wanrong's gaze turned icy, his murderous intent overflowing, "Go back and tell Zhaguo and Zhalong, those who do too much injustice will bring about their own demise. Tell them to wash their necks and wait to be beheaded. Get lost!"

His aura was of a man who had emerged from the battlefield, his hands stained with countless blood. Usually, his jovial demeanor masked this, but once angered, he was feared by both gods and ghosts. His roar terrified the Black Miao guards, who trembled and fled with their heads down.

‘What a beautiful place Xuzhou is, ruined by these people. If I don't set this right, I'll write my name 'Lin' upside down!’ He was furious, his weathered face as dark as ink, his fists clenched, breath heaving with anger.

After a while, he came back to his senses and noticed Yilian's silence. Looking up, he saw her staring at him, seemingly entranced.

"What's wrong?" he smiled, waving his hand in front of her face, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Ah Lin Ge, the way you were just now—" Yilian said softly.

"Really?" He touched his cheek, embarrassedly chuckling, "I always thought I look a bit more handsome when I'm angry than when I'm smiling. Didn't expect to go overboard today and scare you!"

"No, it's not that," Yilian shook her head slightly, whispering, "I like seeing you like this. When you smile, you look like a bad person, but when you're angry, you look like a good person."

Lin Wanrong was taken aback and then burst into laughter, amused by her summary.

"Am I wrong?" the girl hurriedly asked.

"No, no, you're absolutely right!" he nodded, "There's nothing more accurate than that! Sometimes even I'm not sure if I'm a good person or a bad person!"

"But I know!" Yilian looked at him, her eyes fluttering rapidly, her face suddenly flushing like rouge, covering her mouth and giggling softly, "That Black Miao mi duo just now said that you have crooked eyebrows and slanted eyes, hee hee!"

I'm not a good person anyway! He laughed self-deprecatingly. Before he could say more, there was a loud sound of firecrackers in front. Amidst the thick smoke, An Biru was holding an iron tied with a red ribbon, planting a small green tree next to the high tree's flower pole. Elder Hannong, the officials, and Zhaguo stood behind her, clapping in unison. The shrill of music and drums began, and all the Miao people started dancing and laughing joyously.

"The Holy Maiden has planted the tree! The Flower Mountain Festival has begun!" Yilian exclaimed excitedly, jumping up, "Ah Lin Ge, let's go!"

Before Lin Wanrong could understand what was happening, he was already pulled into the excited crowd by the young girl. Miao men and women, old and young, joined hands, encircling the flower pole, singing and dancing to celebrate the harvest festival.

He absent-mindedly held Yilian's hand, forming a circle in the crowd. The girl's cheerful laughter rang in his ears, surrounded by excited, smiling faces. He felt as if he too had become a part of the Miao people.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves echoed crisply through the valley. Far away, twenty to thirty magnificent horses galloped towards them, and the Miao people cheered loudly as countless young men burst out of the crowd.

"The horse-catching event has started!" Yilian clapped her hands excitedly, "Ah Lin Ge, hurry, go!"

‘Horse-catching? What's that?’ He looked bewildered. Yilian chuckled, "Don't you know what horse-catching is? It's a test of bravery for the young Miao men. If you can catch one of the horses and then pass through the ring of fire in front as quickly as possible, a girl will take a fancy to you and come to sing with you, hee hee."

She pointed ahead, where several rings of fire, about four feet in diameter, were already set up and burning fiercely at a distance from the galloping horses. Riding a horse through these rings was not only a test of skill but also of courage.

Lin Wanrong was stunned, "But with so few horses and so many people, what about those who don't get a horse? Won't they find a wife?"

"If they don't get a horse, they can still jump through the fire rings on foot," Yilian explained with a smile, "But of course, the most outstanding girls won't come to sing with them!"

‘So that's how it is! To win over the Miao people and marry Sister An, I must participate in this horse-catching event and can't do poorly!’

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard a long and powerful whistle. A robust figure emerged from the crowd and charged towards the horses. The Black Miao warriors erupted into applause and cheers. Yilian exclaimed, "It's Zhaguo, he's also going!"

Zhaguo's intention was clear; he was doing this for the Holy Maiden. He sprinted ahead of the other Miao young men, still managing to wave at the Holy Maiden in the stands. Beside her, Lord Nie nodded with a smile, "Leader Zhaguo is truly skilled!"

The Holy Maiden nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze stealthily glancing towards Lin Wanrong, who was talking to Yilian. The girl was beaming like a flower, while Lin Wanrong's face was filled with shock, as if he was petrified, unable to move.

Sister An pursed her lips, huffed softly, and relaxed her clenched hand, her face suddenly revealing a hint of charm.

"Ah!" Ah Lin Ge, with a worried expression, suddenly screamed in agony, leaping up and startling Yilian, who was talking to him: "Ah Lin Ge, what's wrong?!"

Lin Wanrong glanced briefly and saw the Holy Maiden smiling charmingly at Zhaguo in the crowd, seemingly quite appreciative of him, while completely ignoring this side.

"It's nothing, just felt like a needle suddenly pricked my butt, it'll be fine in a bit!" Ah Lin Ge bitterly smiled and shook his head.

Yilian, thinking he was joking, giggled with blushing cheeks. Lin Wanrong rubbed his backside, resignedly saying, "So, to become the most outstanding Miao man, I must win at horse-catching?"

"Yes!" the girl nodded lightly.

No choice then! His expression suddenly turned serious, "Alright, I'll go!"

Yilian quickly grabbed him, "Ah Lin Ge, if you don't want to, don't force yourself. Even if you don't catch a horse, someone will still want to sing mountain songs with you!"

But what use is it if others are willing? Sister An must be willing! He chuckled, patted the girl's arm, and rushed into the crowd vying for horses.

Thousands vying for twenty or thirty horses, the chaos was unimaginable. As Lin Wanrong charged in, he felt dizzy, surrounded by people everywhere, not even a horsehair in sight.

Just as he felt helpless, he caught a glimpse of the robust Zhaguo, leisurely moving through the crowd. Wherever he went, the Black Miao guards surrounded and protected him, preventing others from getting close.

Lin Wanrong hummed and secretly followed them. Just a few steps in, he heard the chaotic sound of hooves ahead. Two fast horses rushed past, with people swarming to catch them. Zhaguo, extremely agile, quickly grabbed the reins of one horse under the cover of his guards. With a swift kick, he landed steadily on the horseback. The horse neighed and galloped forward, with the Black Miao guards' fierce looks preventing anyone from daring to challenge.

Cunning guy! Lin Wanrong stomped his foot in annoyance. All eyes then fell on the other black horse, but everyone's hearts skipped a beat. The horse's tail was tied with a short rope about three feet long, already half burned, sparking flames. The horse, already spooked, was running wildly. A Miao man tried to approach it, but before he could grab the reins, he was violently kicked away.

Damn it, who did this! Lin Wanrong fumed, seeing Zhaguo disappearing in the distance, already dozens of yards away. Without further thought, he bellowed, "Get out of the way!"

The flaming horse raced past, opening a path straight ahead. In the gaze of many Miao youths, he chased after the horse, running as fast as lightning, miraculously keeping pace.

It's usually horses chasing people, not people chasing horses. The onlookers were stunned!

After chasing for several yards, running out of breath and seeing the gap between him and the horse widening, he no longer cared, roared furiously, and with all his strength, leaped forward, landing sideways on the horse's back.

This horse-riding posture was extremely dangerous, especially on a spooked, flaming horse. The horse reared up, attempting to throw him off. As the reins flew in front of him, he used one hand to desperately cling to the horse's back, while the other hand, swift as lightning, fiercely grabbed the reins. With a fish-like leap and a large split action, he amazingly flipped over from the horse's back to a front-facing position. Although he was seated a bit too far back, he was at least stable.

This series of movements was executed cleanly and gracefully, like a performance. The Miao people watched, barely blinking, before erupting into cheers after a long pause.

"Ah Lin Ge, Ah Lin Ge—" Yilian stood on a large rock by the hillside, tears glistening in her eyes, jumping up and waving frantically at him. An Biru's tightly clenched fists suddenly relaxed, and she giggled, her cheeks flushing as she watched him, murmuring, "What a dashing black horse rider!"

The Miao people from Yingyue Hamlet were ecstatic, telling everyone, "Look, that's Ah Lin Ge from Yingyue Hamlet, one of our Red Miao!"

While everyone was engrossed in watching, only Red Miao Ah Lin Ge knew the struggle. The flaming horse, although good for its persistent sprinting and keeping others at bay, was bad for its inability to slow down!

Who lit this horse's tail on fire? Riding a flaming horse, the wind whistled past his ears like flying on a plane. Pulling the reins could barely control the direction, and slowing down seemed impossible. He glanced around in frustration, noticing that not only his mount but also five or six other horses had their tails lit. The only difference was that the other flaming horses were riderless, and Zhaguo in the lead, apart from himself, was far ahead of everyone else.

With about a mile left to the finish line, he was about twenty yards behind Zhaguo. He had to admit, if not for this flaming horse, how could he have been so close to Zhaguo?

One was a vigorous fast horse, the other a blazing flame horse. The horse-catching event at the Flower Mountain Festival had turned into a solo duel between Leader Zhaguo and this unknown Red Miao young man.

"Go, go—" Zhaguo shouted loudly, constantly looking back, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Despite his twenty-yard lead, given the Red Miao man's earlier display of horsemanship, who knew what else he was capable of?

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, appreciating the advantage of riding a flaming horse. He didn't need to whip or shout; the horse chased after Zhaguo on its own, saving time and effort, determined to chase him down.

The two, one behind the other, kept chasing. The rope on the flaming horse's tail was about to burn out, smoke billowing from its backside. The horse, with wide eyes, ran like the wind, as if it might take off at any moment. Lin Wanrong, accustomed to dealing with horses on the battlefield, had mastered the art of controlling them, a skill born from life-and-death situations. Zhaguo, although an excellent rider, lacked that edge of life-or-death instinct.

The Miao people had never seen such an exhilarating chase. They stopped playing their lusheng and dancing, gathered on both sides of the cliff, their eyes wide open, witnessing this extraordinary scene.

The distance gradually closed from over twenty yards. Ten yards, five yards, the two horses slowly approached each other. With the finish line in sight and less than a hundred yards remaining, Lin Wanrong's horse's rear was ablaze. The steed neighed in pain, shooting past the seat of Zhaguo like a rocket. The villagers of Miao people burst into tremendous cheers. The young people of Yingyue Hamlet clapped their hands red. Yilian watched, not daring to blink, her fists clenched tightly, her breath nearly held.

"Eh, I've seen this Red Miao mi duo before!" Elder Hannong, sitting next to the Holy Maiden, murmured softly.

The Holy Maiden's cheeks flushed, whispering, "Yes, Uncle, you should recognize him!"

Hannong hummed, "He's the son-in-law of the Buyi family from Yingyue Hamlet, Yilian's little brother! That day, he tried to climb the mountain, and I knocked him down!"

"Really?" An Biru giggled. Her lips tightly pressed. She was both angry and annoyed. If her little brother was with her, she probably would have turned him into a hedgehog by now.

Lord Nie, looking at this Red Miao little brother, also exclaimed in surprise. His brows furrowed, as if trying hard to recall something.

Lin Wanrong paid no mind to what others thought. His horse ran faster and faster. As it leaped past Zhaguo, a faint sound was heard, and a Miao arrow shot out from behind, aiming for the horse's leg.

Fortunately, the horse's speed was so fast that it defied common sense, and the Miao arrow missed, landing far away. He looked back and saw Zhaguo staring at him coldly.

‘Playing dirty? I'm the ancestor of it!’ Lin Wanrong snorted through his nose. If it weren't for the horse being unable to turn back, he would have already dealt with this youngster.

After surpassing Zhaguo, the horse's speed became unstoppable, leading by more than ten yards. The flames climbed up the horse's tail, its body trembling violently, rushing forward as if mad, its direction increasingly difficult to control.

The crowds on both sides watched with bated breath. Not to mention Yilian, even the usually composed An Biru clenched her hands tightly, her sweat dripping.

Lin Wanrong's forehead was covered in sweat. At this moment, he dared not make any rash moves, only relaxing the reins and carefully correcting the angle. Looking ahead at the burning ring of fire just a few yards away, he suddenly let out a light roar, "Go——"

Silence prevailed all along, but this final shout was the most important. The horse trembled, unable to change direction in time, and instinctively leaped forward.

The horse, like a rocket shot out, suddenly soared into the air, almost flattening its body, moving both swiftly and quickly. Lin Wanrong lay close to the horse's back, only hearing the sparks crackling by his ears. The man and horse, like a lightning bolt piercing the sky, nimbly and quickly passed through the ring of fire, not even touching a single flame.

This was a skill honed through countless life-and-death situations on the battlefield, purely a natural sense for both man and horse, yet harmoniously perfect.

"Ah Lin Ge!" A tender call rang out. The girl Yilian actually leaped down from the big rock, running towards him like mad.

The crowd was stunned for a moment, then erupted into a tidal wave of applause. The Miao villagers clapped and cheered. This was truly an unprecedented, spectacular scene in the history of the Flower Mountain Festival.

"Yilian, don't come over, the horse is spooked, I can't stop it!" Seeing Yilian running fast, tears sparkling in her eyes, her delicate body like a swaying flower branch, Lin Wanrong urgently waved his hand and shouted.

The mountainous cheers drowned out his voice. The girl had no idea what he was yelling. Seeing him waving, her steps quickened in joy.

The fire horse was already out of control, as fast as lightning, with direction beyond control. He desperately waved his hands and pulled the reins, but it was futile.

"Get out of the way, quick!" He suddenly sat up on the horse's back, his eyes blood-red, desperately waving at the sprinting Yilian.

Yilian, seeing the fast-approaching horse, was dazed. Her cheeks suddenly flushed red. She cupped her hands to her mouth, shouting at him with all her strength.

The crowd nearest to her burst into cheers, countless mi cai smiling and surging forward, pushing Yilian ahead. Yilian glanced at him shyly, then lowered her head demurely, her cheeks red from her ears to her neck.

The mountain was filled with voices. Lin Wanrong, in a moment of panic, couldn't hear what she shouted. An Biru, however, with her high martial skills, was stunned. She silently shook her head and sighed, both angry and annoyed, "Disobedient little brother, I'll deal with you tonight!"

"Move, move away!" Watching Yilian's shy demeanor, Lin Wanrong's throat became hoarse from shouting. By the time the girl heard him, the fast horse was already upon her.

Yilian's eyes suddenly widened in terror, softly calling, "Ah Lin——"

The fire horse was swift as lightning. It swooped past like the wind, nearly trampling the girl's tender body under its hooves. Lin Wanrong's eyes were blood-red, his eye sockets cracking. He suddenly let out a long roar, lunged down from the horse like a drawn bow, and swiftly scooped up the little sister with one hand.

The wind howled. The horse's hooves grazed Yilian's clothes, the force slightly painful. He snatched her up from the ground just in time, suddenly holding her across his chest, gasping for breath.

The surrounding crowd watched in horror. Once the danger was averted, they erupted into whistles and cheers, countless mi cai rushing towards them.

Lin Wanrong was somewhat annoyed, "Yilian, what are you doing? You could have been killed!"

Yilian trembled lightly in his arms, motionless, shaking her head silently. She gently said, "I'm not afraid of dying!"

‘You're not afraid of dying, but I'm afraid of Master Sister. Holding you like this, Sister An will definitely needle me tonight!’ He lamented in his heart, hurriedly looking towards the distant platform. An Biru was looking this way, a sweet smile on her lips, her eyes indescribably charming. To outsiders, it might seem like she was casting flirtatious glances. Only Lin Wanrong knew, the more charming Sister An, the greater the danger.

Eventually, the fire horse, completely exhausted, slowed down silently. Lin Wanrong, holding Yilian, leaped down, looking at the horse rolling on the ground. He silently sighed, drew his hatchet, and with a swipe, cut off the horse's neck, then turned away without looking back.

The many mi cai of Yingyue Hamlet had already surrounded him, all showing admiration with thumbs up. Even Kunshan, who had always been opposed to him, felt embarrassed to be against him anymore. The girls' eyes were somewhat ambiguous, surrounding him and chattering non-stop with endless questions.

After laughing for a while, Lin Wanrong suddenly felt something strange about the surroundings. He stealthily raised his head and saw that a group of beautiful Miao girls had surrounded him at some point. There were Green Miao, White Miao, Black Miao, and Flower Miao girls, all shyly looking at him, wanting to speak but too embarrassed to say anything.

The mi cai of Yingyue Hamlet became tense in an instant, encircling him in the middle. Both sides stared at each other, chattering non-stop in Miao language.

Lin Wanrong blinked in confusion and hurriedly asked Yilian, "What are they doing?"

Yilian giggled, "What I said last night has come true. These mi cai are all interested in you and have come to sing with you!"

Sing? Lin Wanrong was so frightened he gasped, ‘What if Sister An hears this? Won't she kill me?’

Before he could finish his thought, a beautiful White Miao girl finally overcame her shyness. She looked up at him and sang softly:

Brother plays the drum with two beats,

Brother sings a song with double tones,

If you don’t believe, look back,

Behind brother, a sister follows.

Singing to court is the most important part of the Flower Mountain Festival. This mountain song was a blatant expression of affection. One side sings first, and if the other side is interested, they must respond with a love song.

The White Miao girl shyly lowered her head, waiting for his response. Lin Wanrong felt uncomfortable all over and hurriedly said, "Yilian, what should I do now?"

The girl chuckled, "Remember our bet last night? Now you’ve lost!"

According to their agreement the night before, besides Sister An, if anyone else came to sing with him, he would lose. From the current situation, he had lost miserably.

‘Do I really have to sing?’ Frightened, he bowed and said, "Ladies, I won the horse race by chance, it wasn't real skill, and I don't know how to sing mountain songs! Please leave!"

"Ah Lin Ge, you ride well, and you are handsome. To say you don't know how to sing mountain songs, I wouldn't believe it even if you killed me!" The waiting White Miao girl shyly spoke up, having even learned his name, evidently well-prepared.

What to do? He whispered, "Yilian, can we cancel the bet?"

"No way!" The girl firmly refused.

"Do I really have to sing?" He looked pained.

"Of course, you have to sing," Yilian lowered her head and spoke softly, "but you're not allowed to sing with anyone else!"

"What do you mean?" He was suddenly startled.

"My silly Ah Lin Ge, don't you understand?!" One of the mi cai from Yingyue Hamlet laughed, "Of course, it's only when Yilian sings that you can sing! You can't sing with others!"

Yilian, embarrassed, turned to leave. The girls of Yingyue Hamlet quickly stopped her, stomping their feet, "Oh my, dear sister, at this time! If you hesitate any longer, your Ah Lin Ge will be taken away by someone else, and it will be too late even if you cry! Sing, come on, sing!"

The crowd urged repeatedly. Yilian, famously known as the oriole far and wide, who could easily sing mountain tunes any day, was now clutching her clothes tightly, her cheeks as red as blood. She stealthily looked at him, not daring to open her mouth.

Finally, one clever mi cai found a bamboo piece Yilian had carved for Ah Lin Ge the day before, quickly placing it in Yilian's hand, "This, this is it!"

Yilian looked at him shyly and finally mustered up great courage to sing softly:

The sun shines on the high cliffs,

Gold and silver flowers fall,

I don’t cherish gold and silver spread on the ground,

But cherish Brother for his talents.

After singing the clear and melodious mountain song, Yilian sighed in relief and lowered her head, feeling both shy and hopeful, stealing glances at him.

This was life-threatening! Lin Wanrong's heart thumped wildly, recalling every moment since entering the Miao village and Yilian's care for him, his heart filled with mixed emotions.

Seeing him furrow his brows in silence, the mi cai of Yingyue Hamlet became angry, "Ah Lin Ge, are you made of wood? You made a bet with Yilian last night. If she sings, you have to respond! If you go back on your word, then you're no longer a friend of Yingyue Hamlet!"

Having lost the bet, he naturally had to keep his word, but the few songs he knew had been scared out of his mind by the shock, let alone singing a love song casually.

"I, I don’t remember!" he said hastily, waving his hands.

"Don't remember?" The mi cai giggled, "That's easy!"

They picked one from the bamboo slips, covering the last line, and handed it to him with a smile, "Sing this one!"

Lin Wanrong looked carefully, "Just three lines?"

"Yes," the girls laughed, "A little more than three lines, and there's a simple line at the end. Don't worry, you are our Ah Lin Ge, would we harm you?"

With nothing objectionable in those few lines, Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth:

I traveled thousands of miles,

Not for gold or wealth.

Not for silver or rice


The girls suddenly let go of their hands, "——to see my beloved —— Stop, are you tricking me?! This doesn’t count, it doesn’t!"

"It's not tricking you!" The mi cai giggled and jumped to Yilian's side, "Little sister, your brother has sung! What will you give him?!"

Yilian, overwhelmed with embarrassment, couldn't even raise her head. She stole a glance at Ah Lin Ge, her hands trembling as she gently untied her pristine white waistband, slowly offering it to him, calling softly, "Ah Lin Ge——"

This was really bad! Lin Wanrong's expression was solemn, he shook his head silently, "Yilian, it's not like this!"

Yilian's face turned pale, her body swaying, "You, you don’t like me?"

Lin Wanrong clenched his teeth, "I can’t like you——"

"Snap," the waistband in Yilian's hand silently fell to the ground.

"Ah Lin Ge!" She looked at him gently, tears streaming down, suddenly turning her head and running up the mountain.


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