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Chapter 624

Before anyone could express their surprise at the fact that a Duke of imperial descent had behaved in such a manner towards a commoner, Yuder's expression, which had been blank for a moment, contorted, and he violently withdrew his hand as if it had been burned.


Disgust. Confusion. Anger.

And all other negative emotions that he could not hide were openly displayed.

The fierce emotions that swept through his wide-open eyes were laid bare for all to see.

Gradually, the laughter around them died down, and silence fell.

As Yuder exhaled a hot breath between his tightly clenched lips, Kishiar suddenly burst into clear laughter.

“Oh, did you not like that? Now that you've become the Commander of the Cavalry, I thought you'd be worthy of such a greeting. It seems my little joke has elicited quite the response.”

Everyone gasped as they saw the scratch on the lips of Duke Peletta, who had just raised his head. The man who nonchalantly rubbed the slightly bleeding wound seemed to ponder what more to say before adding just one more sentence.

“Hmm… Well then, Count Yudrain Aile. I wish you well as the new Cavalry Commander from afar. Though, anyone would probably do a more sincere job than me. …Anyway, take care.”

With a nonchalant greeting and a wry smile, Kishiar turned his back before getting a response. He approached Emperor Katchian, who had been observing the situation, to bid farewell.

“Then, I shall take my leave now. I am about to depart for Peletta and have much to do before I go.”

It was clear from his expression that he wasn't actually busy with many tasks. Emperor Katchian, hearing his sophisticated yet frivolous tone, nodded with a cool smile.

“Then, there's nothing to be done about it.”

After showing his respect, Kishiar withdrew. As he moved away, the nobles, who had been silent until then, began to chatter and laugh again.

It wasn't unusual for the carefree Duke Peletta to draw criticism for his thoughtless actions, especially when he ended up bleeding from his mouth for trying to mock someone of common birth. It was so typical of him that it was almost laughable.

“Who said that the new Commander stood in Duke Peletta's shadow at this gathering? He seemed like nothing but an enemy.”

“It seems that even Duke Peletta can only toy with the Cavalry for so long, and that was all there was to it.”

After a few comments, people quickly forgot about him. Instead, their thoughts were filled with the new Emperor, who had shown a dignified and unshakeable power, unlike the previous imperial family, whose influence had completely waned.

Contrary to everyone's expectations that the Cavalry would be disbanded, the young Emperor had instead bestowed a great title and opportunity on the new Cavalry Commander. Wouldn't those who had been loyally serving the Emperor, even if they were of common birth, receive recognition? The thought quickly spread that under Emperor Katchian's reign, even those who had been unfairly pushed out of the center of power due to lack of family influence might now dream of new opportunities.

The nobles, quick to notice the changing tides of history, congratulated themselves for being there and began to make their calculations. Emperor Katchian, too, smiled willingly at their greedy gazes, his face suggesting he already knew what they were thinking.

The fact that a common-born novice had been granted such an overflowing title and name no longer attracted anyone's interest.

And there was Yuder, silently watching the back of Kishiar as he opened the door and left alone.


Could this be the last time with Kishiar La Orr?

He hadn't imagined a beautiful ending, but he never expected it to end like this either.

An indescribable feeling welled up in him, but the inexperienced youth didn't know how to express or resolve it.

Yuder watched the man disappear beyond the door without looking back even once and clenched his fist. Just as he was about to turn away with the cold wind and head toward the opposite exit,

“If you grip your fist that tightly, you might hurt your hand.”

Yuder stopped in his tracks as if he had seen a ghost. The man who had just disappeared was now standing in front of him.

How could this be? Yuder stepped back in surprise and caution, and the man smiled with softened eyebrows. It was a smile that seemed fragile and pained.

Yuder saw a smile he had never seen before, yet it was strangely familiar, and the unfamiliar Kishiar La Orr spoke.

“Can you see me now? So, who am I?”

“…Kishiar, La Orr.”

“That’s right.”

Yuder then realized something. Initially too shocked to recognize him, the man's attire was completely different from that of Duke Peleta, who was just in front of him. He was dressed simply, as if about to travel, and his complexion and eyes were different from before… in a way.

If he had to describe it, it felt more like a living person.

Quickly looking around, he saw the nobles still bustling. Emperor Katchian was quietly talking with the chief attendant. They seemed oblivious to Duke Peleta’s disappearance and his return in a different form. Only Yuder seemed to see Kishiar here.

How could this be possible? Lost in thought, the man slowly continued.

“It’s time to wake up from this dream.”

A dream? This?

It seemed unbelievable. Yet as he turned his head, the faces of the nobles and the emperor began to blur strangely. The Hall of Glory they stood in did the same.

Yuder, feeling the ground beneath him turn into darkness, reflexively grabbed the man in front of him. The man did not push Yuder away but instead held him tightly, as if invisible strings were binding them together.

Feeling the familiar scent from his embrace, Yuder faintly felt his mind waver.


Yes. Now it seems clear.

All that he had just seen was something he had experienced before…

Suddenly, a feeling of deep falling engulfed them. They fell like leaves into an abyss. Yuder clenched the embraced body tightly, gritted his teeth, and... opened his eyes wide.


Breathing heavily, he saw the shabby walls of a cabin beyond his breath.

‘A dream…’

He had experienced dreams of the past many times, but this dream was somewhat strange. The situation at the appointment ceremony was one thing, but what about Kishiar suddenly appearing in the middle of it?

Kishiar, who suddenly intruded midway through the dream, was wearing the same clothes as the man currently embracing Yuder with his eyes closed. This had never happened in his past dreams before… Could it be an effect of the heat period?

As Yuder pondered whether to wake the man with his eyes closed, lost in thought, the lashes of Kishiar fluttered slightly. A moment later, his eyelids opened, revealing his bright red eyes without a hint of sleepiness.

The man, after silently observing Yuder's features for a while, quietly spoke.

“...I once wondered why you reacted differently to the same action. I couldn't figure out why you welcomed a kiss on the forehead or cheek, yet recoiled from one on the back of the hand.”

Yuder felt a sudden sinking feeling in his chest.

Kishiar looked down, a faint smile on his face.

“Now I understand the answer.”

“Commander. You couldn’t mean, just now in the dream...”

Before Yuder could finish, Kishiar pulled him in closer with a stronger embrace.

“Yes. It was me.”

The idea that they had shared the same dream was already hard to believe, but this time, Kishiar had entered Yuder's dream with clear consciousness.

Even though he now knew what had happened in his past life, seeing it directly like this was a vastly different experience. It might even be better than seeing his own death, but remembering how until recently Kishiar had been endlessly reviewing the strategy game without even sleeping in secret, Yuder was at a loss for words.

“...I didn't intend for it. That…”

“It's okay.”

Before Yuder could slowly speak, Kishiar firmly replied.

“I was a bit surprised when I realized it was your dream. You didn't seem to fully recognize me, so I just followed and watched you. I never thought I'd see my previous game-self in this way...”

After a brief pause, as if choosing his words, the man chuckled.

“...Seeing it firsthand, I guess I feel relieved.”

Relieved? It was a different response than Yuder had expected.

But looking at his expression, he didn't seem to be lying. Even employing all his senses and subtle connections, he felt the same.

Still, Yuder cautiously sought confirmation.


“I've really lost a lot of trust after the last incident. It's easy to destroy but hard to build, isn't it?”

Kishiar made a pained face as he shook his head, then tapped Yuder's head with a clearer smile than before.

“But it's true.”


“I won't ask how you felt then. I don't wish to.”

Kishiar asked if he could talk about his impressions and question him. Slowly, Yuder nodded in unfamiliar feelings.


It took a little while for Kishiar to start speaking, unlike his playful words earlier. He caressed Yuder's hair and back for a long time, lost in thought, then slowly began to speak.

“Your outfit was really beautiful.”

“...I've never thought that way.”

“No. At first, I thought it was the same as mine, but upon closer inspection, I realized the embroidery and fabric were quite different from mine. But then... a question arose.”

“What is it?”

“I once saw you in a Commander's outfit in the illusion of Nahan.”

Kishiar, with an unsmiling face, brought up something unexpected.

“The outfit I saw then was the same as the one in the dream.”


“I didn't think much about it then, as the illusion itself was the issue. I only recognized that you were wearing a Commander's outfit. But seeing an outfit that I had never seen before in an illusion, what should I think of that?”



Coming back to it, damn I just realized he literally addressed Kishiar by his actual name, I mean I know it was a dream but damn that did not click


My thoughts were that while Yuder was in his illusion with a dead Kishiar, he was probably dressed like the Calvary Commander in his fears and Nahan just took that same image and showed it to Kishiar. Although Kishiar did say he started having dreams after Yuder joined the Calvary so… idk 🤔🤔