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Chapter 627 A Double Blessing in One Shot

"What?" He leaped up as if his rear had been propelled by a rocket, his speech slurring in disbelief, "Qingxuan is going into labor?"

Yushuang nodded frantically, "A messenger from the manor reported that after having breakfast, Sister Princess felt unwell. She chatted with Sister Xian'er for a while and, in less than an hour, she started to feel labor pains. The midwives have already entered her room! Sister Princess doesn't even know you've returned yet!"

Lin Wanrong was suddenly filled with panic and joy, not knowing where to put his hands, his voice trembling loudly, "Let's go, let's go, we must hurry home!"

He dashed out in a frenzy, with the young ladies of the Xiao family flustered as well, the elder sister grabbing her younger sibling, about to follow him, when he rushed back like a whirlwind, "Second Miss, there's something wrong with how you relayed the news! How could you say 'something's wrong'? You should say 'It's wonderful, wonderful, Sister Princess is giving birth!' That's more like it! Remember that for next time!"

Yushuang couldn't help but laugh, chiding him, "Noted, noted! It seems you're set to become a teacher before you're even a father!"

The group hurried out, with him on horseback and the two Miss Xiaos in a carriage! At this moment, the sun shone brightly, the streets were crowded, and their progress was painfully slow. Gao Qiu, leading the way, sang out loud, forging a path through the throng.

"Qingxuan, Qingxuan—" As soon as he caught sight of the placard proclaiming "The First Talent Under Heaven," he began to shout anxiously. He leaped down from his horse onto the steps in his eagerness, moving so fast that he missed his footing and tumbled down in an undignified heap.

"Ouch!" A crisp cry of pain echoed as he fell, coincidentally crashing into a woman. He landed fiercely upon her soft and delicate body.

"Big Brother!" A voice called out tenderly, tinged with pain and softness, startling him. He looked up to find the woman's eyes filled with a seductive fervor and tears, staring intently at him as if she wished to consume him whole.

Blinking, he exclaimed joyfully, "Ning'er, is that you? Welcoming me like this is indeed special!"

Luo Ning let out a whimper, her voice tearful yet coy, "Nonsense! I heard your voice and hurried out to greet you, not expecting you to tackle me to the ground without a second thought. This is broad daylight—Big Brother, these past months have only made you naughtier!"

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, pecking her cherry-red lips, and gently pulled her to her feet. Not having seen her for several months, Ning'er seemed slimmer, yet her figure was even more enchantingly curvaceous, dazzling to behold.

"Big Brother, you've lost weight!" Miss Luo gazed at him, tears of joy streaming down her face.

"Not at all, I've simply turned all the fat into pectoral muscles!" He chuckled, gripping Ning'er's hand urgently, "Qingxuan, where is she? Where's Qingxuan?!"

Luo Ning snapped back to reality, quickly responding, "Big Brother, you've come back just in time. Sister's labor pains have started. She has already entered the birthing room; it's likely she will give birth today! Sister Xian'er is there helping her relax, and the midwives are all in attendance. I'm going to fetch some clean clothes for her!"

Only then did Lin Wanrong notice the large bundle in her hand, stuffed with snow-white and goose-yellow garments, all Qingxuan's favorites.

"Good, good!" His voice trembled, "Ning'er, where is Qingxuan? Take me to her quickly!"

Miss Luo complied with a sound and hurriedly led him by the hand toward the rear courtyard. In the half-year he had been away, the number of maids and matrons in the household had increased; all were clever and nimble. It seemed likely that the Emperor, his father-in-law, had sent them in preparation for Qingxuan's confinement. As they caught sight of him, everyone greeted him joyously and bowed in respect. He waved his hands dismissively, his thoughts already with Qingxuan.

Arriving at the base of Miss Qingxuan's embroidered building, the maids and matrons were bustling about so busily that none noticed his presence.

"Make way, quickly make way!" A woman carrying hot water hurried past. She walked swiftly, her small, fair nose dotted with delicate beads of sweat, eager to ascend the stairs. She had only taken a few steps when she realized someone was blocking her path. Without raising her head, she spoke with a trace of irritation, "Move aside, don't block my way, I need to bring hot water to my sister!"


"Clang!" The wooden basin in her hands fell to the ground, the steam billowing forth. She shook violently, not daring to lift her head, her trembling hands reaching for his chest as tears blurred her vision.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, is that you?" she murmured to herself.

"My little treasure, it's me, Big Brother is back!" Lin Wanrong grasped her delicate hand, his heart trembling with emotion.

Perhaps this girl wasn't the prettiest or the smartest, but ever since he was the penniless Lin San, she had stood silently by his side without a word of complaint.

Qiaoqiao, touching his face, gazed dumbfounded at his clothes and then suddenly began to weep softly, "Big Brother, it's Qiaoqiao's fault for being so clumsy, the clothes I made for you are one size too large, they don't fit you anymore!"

Lin Wanrong felt a sourness in his nose and cradled his cheek in her palm, "Who says my little treasure is clumsy? The clothes Qiaoqiao makes are the best fit! Big Brother has been dieting recently, but once I eat the pastries you've made, I'll regain the weight in no time, just you watch!"

Before the delighted girl could respond, Big Brother's expression suddenly darkened, "However, there is one thing that infuriates me to no end!"

Seeing his angry expression, Qiaoqiao was too scared to speak. Lin Wanrong playfully scraped her nose and then stamped his foot on the shattered wooden basin, "You mustn't do such rough work anymore! You are my little treasure. I'm too heartbroken to have you serving others! Isn't this asking for my life? Remember my words! If you dare to do it again, I'll have you lie in bed for ten days, and Big Brother will attend to your every need, feeding you and dressing you!"

"Big Brother!" Qiaoqiao whimpered and burrowed into his embrace, tears of joy streaking down her cheeks, her heart filled with sweetness as if it were drenched in honey.

Miss Luo Ning, who was particularly close to Qiaoqiao, saw the two of them and chuckled, "Hurry, let's not talk anymore. Sister is still upstairs; we don't know how she's doing!"

"Aye!" Lin Wanrong, as if waking from a dream, quickly grabbed Qiaoqiao's hand and dashed up the stairs. As he climbed, he heard several faint whimpers.

"My Dear, My Dear—" that softly murmured call, so delicate and frail as if she was barely breathing, was Qingxuan crying out unconsciously!

Whimpers and words of comfort gently emanated from the room: "Sister, do not fear, your husband will return! He must return! The heartless man, who knows where he is enjoying his carefree pleasures. Is having a baby a trivial matter? Leaving you to suffer alone here!"

"Qingxuan, Qingxuan!" Lin Wanrong exclaimed in alarm, taking the stairs two at a time in his rush, scrambling and stumbling upwards: "Wife, I am here. I've arrived!"

He dashed forward, swiftly lifting the curtain to the inner chamber, about to burst in. But from nowhere, two midwives appeared, flustered as they pushed him back: "Oh my, Master Lin, the Sir Consort, you cannot enter, you simply cannot!"

Lin Wanrong's eyes widened in a mix of shock and anger: "My wife is bearing my son, how can I not enter?! Stand aside. Stand aside!"

His commanding presence was genuinely frightening, and the midwives hurriedly offered apologetic smiles: "Sir Consort, childbirth is an unclean affair for women, and men must not intrude. Even if you and the princess are married, it's not permitted! This is a rule passed down by our ancestors. Deviation is not tolerated, it could ruin the family's fortune!"

These rules are too damned inhumane! Sweating profusely in his urgency, he dared not press on. He could only stand outside, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Qingxuan, Qingxuan, don't be afraid, your husband has returned, I am here!"

"My Dear?" Qingxuan paused at first, then her voice filled with delirious joy, she called out faintly: "My Dear, My Dear. Is it truly you? Ah—"

Startled by her cry, Lin Wanrong jumped, banging on the doorframe: "Qingxuan, how do you fare? It is I, I have returned. Do not fear. Your husband is right here guarding you! Damn it, they won't let me in!"

"You heartless My Dear!" Qingxuan began to weep, a mixture of heartache and happiness. As the pains of labor intensified, she couldn't help but let out soft moans.

Knowing Miss Xiao Qingxuan's usual strength, to hear her moan was a clear indicator of her intense suffering. Lin Wanrong, in his desperation, was beside himself when suddenly the curtain lifted, and a beautiful, haggard figure rushed out, throwing herself into his arms: "Husband—"

"Xian'er?" Lin Wanrong was both shocked and overjoyed, holding her tightly: "Why do you look so worn?"

Miss Qin twisted the tender flesh of his waist fiercely: "You haven't written for months. How could I not be worn? Hmph, if it weren't for knowing you had my Master with you, I would have gone to the frontier to settle scores with you! See if you dare to flirt with foreign temptresses again!"

She was as perceptive as if she had clairvoyance. Lin Wanrong chuckled dryly, taking her hand anxiously: "How is Qingxuan? When will she give birth? Her cries of pain are tearing my heart apart!"

Miss Qin Xian'er sighed: "Today I have learned the true pain of childbirth! The midwives say this is but the first wave. There are several more to follow. I dread how much more she will have to endure today—all because of you, you merciless man!"

Hearing the tone in her voice defending Miss Xiao Qingxuan so vehemently, it seemed as though the relationship between the two women had greatly improved, which made him involuntarily express his amazement: "Xian'er, you're not quarreling with Qingxuan anymore?"

The moment he spoke, he realized his blunder. Miss Qin gave him a scornful look: "When have I ever quarreled with her? It's you who's been causing trouble!"

"No quarrel. No quarrel," he reassured himself joyfully, feeling a profound sense of relief.

Miss Qin spoke in a hushed tone, her voice reflecting the solemnity of their bond, "In the past six months, my sister and I have become each other's support. By day, she keeps me company – we talk, write, practice the zither, and visit the Emperor, our father. At night, we reminisce about you, that heartless man. With her belly so big, bearing your child, how could I possibly make a fuss?"

As long as Xian'er and Qingxuan got along peacefully, it was the greatest tranquility he could hope for at home. Lin Wanrong felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.

Suddenly, a sharp cry of pain emanated from the chamber. Xiao Qingxuan's teeth clamped together so tightly, the grinding noise seemed to echo against the bedpost, sending a shock of alarm through Lin Wanrong, "Qingxuan, my wife, what's wrong? Speak to me, please don't frighten me!"

Miss Qin quickly turned and rushed inside. A midwife called out to calm him, "Sir Consort, do not panic, it's just the second wave of pain!"

Explaining the stages of childbirth to him was like casting pearls before swine. In his two lifetimes, he had seen and known much, yet this experience of fatherhood was entirely new to him, making him feel more clueless than an ordinary man.

Qingxuan, breathless, called out firmly, "My Dear, I'm not afraid. I will surely bear you the finest child! Do you believe in me?"

"I believe, I believe!" he nodded frantically, his imagination painting a vivid picture through the curtain - Xiao Qingxuan's disheveled hair, her pale, exquisite face, and her body, sweating like rain. He clenched his fists silently, tears blurring his vision.

Although Miss Xiao was brimming with confidence, the reality of childbirth for a woman was never as easy as said. There were tales of labor that lasted days and nights!

She clenched her teeth, trying to suppress her cries of pain, softly calling out his name, a continuous echo that never ceased.

From noon till dusk, as midwives bustled in and out, he paced back and forth in the hall, occasionally speaking loudly to hear Xiao Qingxuan's responses. The tension was so great inside him it felt close to snapping.

The Eldest Miss took hold of him, her voice gentle, "You've been pacing for hours. Please sit down and rest a while, have something to eat."

Yushuang, Ning'er, and Qiaoqiao quickly handed him some pastries, which he refused with a shake of his head, lamenting, "How can I eat at a time like this? It's the dead of night. She's been in pain for so many hours. Qingxuan has already been through several waves of pain! Why isn't the baby born yet? I'm dying of anxiety!"

He slumped down next to the eight immortals table, staring eagerly towards the curtain, wishing he could rush in and take on Qingxuan's labor himself. Yushuang reassured him, "The longer the labor, the stronger the baby will be. They are sure to be extraordinary! My mother said she labored from morning to night with me!"

"So that's why you are so extraordinary now!" Ning'er teased with a wink, and Qiaoqiao let out a soft, coy laugh. The Eldest Miss, feeling a mix of amusement and sympathy, gently stroked her sister's hair and shook her head slightly.

Hearing the Second Miss speak in such a light-hearted manner, he felt somewhat relieved. Looking at the lovely ladies around him, he suddenly put on a stern face, speaking earnestly, "You've all witnessed the agony of childbirth. Let me declare seriously that I am a very democratic man. The decision to have children in the future is entirely up to you, and I will only be involved in some... supportive activities."

Yushuang blinked innocently, "You scoundrel. What do you mean by supportive activities?"

"Tch!" The ladies flushed red and hastily turned their heads away.

Ning’er’s cheeks were flushed with a charming crimson as she gazed at him with eyes seductive as silk threads. “Big Brother, I’m not afraid of pain. I must bear you a child! When will you come to assist me?”

He hurriedly cleared his throat with a couple of coughs. Qiaoqiao let out a giggle, “Then Big Brother must be very willing!”

“Sister Qiaoqiao, what about you?” The Second Miss whispered, “Would you be willing to bear a child for that bad man?”

“Me?” Qiaoqiao blushed, “Marrying Big Brother means to wash his clothes, cook his meals, and bear his children; I cannot omit any of these!”

Ning’er smiled and glanced at the Eldest Miss, “What about you, Sister Yuruo?”

Xiao Yuruo’s face was painted with shyness as she sneakily peeked at him and quickly lowered her head, her voice so faint it was nearly imperceptible, “Mother said our Xiao family is short of members; we need to adopt a male heir!”

Lin Wanrong perked up his ears and after a long listen, suddenly burst into laughter, thinking that he must strive to earn money. Otherwise, just the burden of these sons and daughters would crush him!

An earth-shattering cry of pain from inside the house scared everyone’s soul half away. Lin Wanrong shot up, his face deathly pale, “Qingxuan, what’s wrong with you?”

“My Dear, My Dear—” Those cries of anguished wailing seemed to cut into his flesh.

The midwives were anxiously shouting, “Quick, push, push hard, it’s coming out!”

Miss Xiao’s cries grew more piteous with each passing moment, causing Lin Wanrong to tremble with fear, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

Another cry of agony rang out, and two midwives rushed out, kneeling on the ground, “Sir Consort, the child is in the wrong position. I fear it’s going to be a difficult birth!”

Difficult birth? Lin Wanrong’s mind exploded at the thought—difficult births were often a prelude to death in these times!

“Quick, fetch the doctor!” he roared at the two women, frantic with rage.

Ning’er silently shed tears and shook her head softly, “Big Brother, these midwives were personally selected by the Emperor, they are the best in the capital! The ordinary physicians are not their match!”

The young ladies were already weeping silently. Lin Wanrong’s heart felt as though it had burst, his eyes bloodshot as he howled at the midwives, “I can live without children, but I cannot live without my Qingxuan! You must save my wife, or I will kill you all!”

“No, My Dear. I want our child! I must give birth to him! Ah—” Miss Xiao’s piercing cry of agony seemed to tear everyone's heart apart.

“Wah—” A baby’s clear and loud cry suddenly sounded, like a benediction from heaven, instantly filling the entire Lin family courtyard.

Lin Wanrong was stunned, feeling as if his heart had been wrenched away.

“Congratulations, Sir Consort, you have an addition to your family, a new member!” The midwives burst out ecstatically, not even cleaning the blood off the newborn before thrusting him into his arms.

He trembled as he took the swaddled baby, and before he could even look at his son, another agonized cry from Qingxuan echoed from inside, and the midwives shouted in unison, “Not good!”

That cry shattered his courage, “What’s not good, is it my Qingxuan—”

“There’s another, another one!”

“Wah!” This cry was even louder than the first, startling even the midwives inside. After a moment, they cried with joy, shouting, “Congratulations, Sir Consort Lin, another addition, a double blessing in one shot!”


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