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Chapter 614 A Lesson

"Get up, get up," he urgently stretched out his hands to help the brothers before him, who had been through life and death with him. Tears were already swirling in his eyes. "I merely took a few days off to visit a brothel and have some tea, and yet you all managed to find me?"

Hu Bugui, Gao Qiu, and Du Xiuyuan exchanged glances, then suddenly burst into wild laughter. With lifted legs and embraced heads, they hoisted him up and threw him forcefully into the air. "Roar—roar—" What a dizzying feeling! Terrified, he yelled, "I have acrophobia! Hey, Old Gao, don't touch me—damn it, who's pulling down my pants?"

Who could pay him any mind at this moment? Countless soldiers swarmed in, catching his falling body and then tossing it high again. Joyous laughter and tears rained down together.

‘I'm such a failure of a deserter!’ Looking at the faces before him, their expressions filled with excited tears, he sighed inwardly, shaking his head in resignation, torn between laughter and tears.

"I've always said, good people don't live long, but the wicked live for a thousand years," Gao Qiu put him down and wiped his tears, giggling, "Brother Lin, you have several centuries of life ahead, you won't die that easily!"

"True, true," Hu Bugui laughed, "Old Gao, I have to admit, this is the first time I've heard you say something so pleasing!"

Though Du Xiuyuan had stayed behind and not followed them into the grasslands, he was a man of calm demeanor. Noticing Lin Wanrong's pale face, he couldn't help but express his concern, "General, how are your injuries—"

Lin Wanrong nodded seriously, "Brother Du, arrange for a few young girls to give me massages and saunas every night. I believe I'll fully recover in no more than a decade."

"I would if I could, but I fear your wives at home wouldn't approve!" Du Xiuyuan burst into laughter.

His plans to desert had failed, and he didn't even know if he'd make it back before his child was born. He felt a mix of regret and joy. The feeling of reuniting with these brothers who had survived by the skin of their teeth was indescribable unless you'd been there.

Tens of thousands of troops escorted him, excitedly rushing toward the main camp. Along the way, they shared their experiences after their separation, stories of several brushes with death that left everyone sighing.

Before they had even entered the central tent, the silver-haired General Li Tai had already come out to meet them. Lin Wanrong hurriedly stepped forward and greeted him with a fist and palm salute, "General Li, it's been a few days. You look more robust and energetic than ever, a true blessing for us brothers!"

"You think some sweet talk will save you from being punished for desertion?" Li Tai's face hardened, "Leaving your post without permission! Someone, drag this Lin San away and administer two hundred lashes!"

"General—" Tens of thousands of soldiers knelt down in unison, scared.

Lin Wanrong coughed a few times, helplessly saying, "If you want to punish me, go ahead. I've only got half a life left anyway; it makes no difference who I leave it to."

You really can't scare this kid! Li Tai looked him over and finally held back his laughter, "I did intend to punish you. However, you do have some merit, so I won't be too disappointed. Let's consider this a wash—why are you glaring at me? Are you dissatisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Lin Wanrong rolled his eyes, nodding reluctantly.

The general walked directly into the tent with a smile, while Lin Wanrong followed behind him, grumbling silently. Seeing Lin San's displeased expression and noting that no one was around, Li Tai lowered his voice and said, "Don't blame me! It's not that I don't want to reward you. Your achievements are simply too great. Even if I wanted to, I'm powerless to do so."

Indeed, when it came to rank, Lin Wanrong was already a General of the Right. To go any higher would mean replacing Li Tai as the commander of all the troops. His reputation was already soaring—venturing alone deep into the plains, capturing the Turkic Khan; these were feats that no one had achieved in centuries. He had become a hero in the hearts of the people of Great Hua, almost a godlike figure.

"I can't reward you, but there is someone who can." The general handed him a piece of golden silk, smiling as he said, "It's an imperial edict from the Emperor. Take a look."

The edict had only three simple words, causing Lin Wanrong to exclaim in surprise, "Lin San decides—what does this mean?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Li Tai gave him a meaningful look, smiling as he said, "The Emperor's intention is for you to have full authority in the negotiations with the Turkic people."

Negotiate with the Turkic people? Him, in charge? A sense of bewilderment rose within him. He quickly shook his head, saying, "I can't, I can't. My strength lies in romance, not in negotiation. Moreover, I've been injured recently and I'm both physically and mentally exhausted. I'm not up to the task of negotiating. General, you should quickly write a memorial to the Emperor asking him to rescind the order!"

Li Tai slowly shook his head, "That won't do. The Emperor's intentions are clear. From now on, both Zhi'er and I will listen to you. It's not just the negotiations; sooner or later, all these troops under me will also be handed over to you—"

"Ah—" Lin Wanrong was greatly shocked.

"What's so shocking?" The general smiled at him, "I brought you here for this very day. Lin San, I'm getting old. I'm confident that with your intelligence and prestige, even if these men can't be invincible, they will never suffer loss."

Lin Wanrong bitterly laughed and waved his hands repeatedly, "General, please don't make fun of me. Apart from coming up with some bad ideas, do you really think I'm material for a Marshal?"

Li Tai laughed heartily, shaking his head, "Lin San, Lin San, how can you be so clever yet so foolish at the same time?"

‘How am I foolish?’ He looked blankly at the general.

"Your greatest strength is your intelligence, your methods, and your ability to discern characters. You can make people follow you wholeheartedly. When I hand these men over to you and you firmly control this mighty army, you don't necessarily have to be the Marshal yourself. As long as you know how to use the right people, choosing those who are loyal and competent to lead these men, what difference does it make from you leading them personally? Just like how the Emperor treats me—" Li Tai nodded lightly, "This is the supreme art of leadership."

Li Tai's words were heartfelt. Both he and Xu Wei were key pillars of Great Hua, making the weight of his words self-evident.

Lin Wanrong laughed a couple of times, "I haven't thought that far. Let's talk about it later. You, old general, are still in fine form."

Seeing Lin Wanrong's reluctance, General Li Tai also felt helpless and urgently said, "What about the negotiations with the Turks? The Emperor made it clear that only you can make the decision. No one else's words matter."

Negotiations really were a headache. Lin Wanrong sighed and shook his head.

General Li Tai looked at him and lowered his voice mysteriously, "Let me tell you some news. The person coming from the Turks for the negotiations is none other than the Golden Blade Khan. Don't you want to see for yourself?"

‘Yueya’er is here?!’

A pang of sorrow filled his heart. Unconsciously, he placed his hand over his chest. The pain from his wound had yet to fade. Had that single arrow settled all the emotional debts and feuds?

Overwhelmed with various emotions, Lin Wanrong quickly clasped his fists, "Old General, negotiations are not my forte. Moreover, I have recently been injured and shouldn't engage in strenuous activities. Please ask the Emperor to choose someone else. I excuse myself."

"Lin San, Lin San—" General Li Tai had intended to instill the will to negotiate in him but it had the opposite effect. Upon hearing the name of Yujia, the young man turned and walked away, leaving the tent in a blink.

"General, what did the Marshal say to you?" Hu Bugui, Gao Qiu, and Du Xiuyuan were waiting outside and rushed over as he emerged.

What could he say? Lin Wanrong shook his head with a wry smile. After a moment, he asked, "Brother Hu, where are those Turks being held?"

"Right here in this large camp. General, do you want to see them?"

Lin Wanrong nodded. Hu Bugui and the others quickly led the way. Among the captured Turkic nobles, after subtracting those executed at the foot of Kyzil city, fewer than ten remained. This included the Young Khan, Tursun, and Zhao Kangning.

All the Turks had their hands and feet bound and were confined in separate stone chambers, guarded by heavy security. Tursun was kept alone in a room. His hair was disheveled, and his face was covered in stubble. His broken leg lay limp on the floor, a far cry from his formerly imposing demeanor. Hearing footsteps, he lifted his head from the dark and stared for a long time before roaring, "You, you are Lin San?"

Smiling, Lin Wanrong replied, "Indeed, I am Lin San. How honorable of Prince Tursun to remember me. Our encounter at the sheep snatching competition wasn't in vain!"

Old grudges and new hatred flooded his heart. Tursun dragged his broken leg and lunged at the iron bars, shouting, "You despicable person from Great Hua! Yujia is mine! I challenge you to a duel!"

If a duel could solve all problems, the world would undoubtedly be much simpler. Lin Wanrong sighed softly and shook his head, saying nothing.

"Lin San, you're still alive?" A childish voice echoed. The Turkic Young Khan stared at him angrily. Although Salmu was young, he was the future ruler of the plains. Despite his disheveled appearance, he showed no signs of defeat, thanks to Yujia's guidance.

Lin Wanrong leaned in and nodded, "Yes, I'm still alive."

"You hurt my sister! Why haven't you died yet?" Salmu screamed, reaching out his hands to scratch Lin Wanrong's face.

Just as Hu Bugui was about to intervene, Lin Wanrong subtly shook his head, "Salmu, you can curse me to die, but I did not harm your sister."

"You're lying!" Salmu shouted furiously, showing no restraint. "My sister is so fond of you, and yet you deceive her by pretending to be mute—"

"Have you ever thought about why I would travel thousands of miles to Kyzil to pretend to be mute?" Lin Wanrong cut him off, speaking coldly.

"Because your Great Hua is at war with our Turks—"

"Why are Great Hua and the Turks at war?!" Lin Wanrong's face darkened. "Is it because we Great Hua people have bullied you Turks? Have we stolen from you?!"

"Because, because—" The Young Khan hesitated, struggling to articulate himself. He was, after all, only a child of five or six; many ideas about right and wrong had not yet formed for him and required others to impart to him.

"Salmu, I admire your concern and protection for your sister. I also know that you don't want her to be hurt," Lin Wanrong continued coldly. "But do you know how many of my brothers and sisters your Turkic people have killed and injured in Great Hua? You don't want your sister to be harmed, but why is it okay for others' brothers and sisters to be harmed?!"

"Don't listen to him, Young Khan, he's lying to you! He's the one who hurt your sister!" A voice from Tursun shouted in the Turkic language from the other side. Old Hu translated, and Lin Wanrong became furious. "Slap this scoundrel!"

Old Gao rushed up and slapped Tursun hard several times. Tursun fell heavily to the ground, teeth mixed with blood flying out.

The Young Khan lifted his head stubbornly: "None of what you said has ever been mentioned to me by my sister. I don't believe you!"

‘The root of the problem is still this girl, Yujia!’ Lin Wanrong sighed. "Salmu, you have eyes. Why can't you see for yourself? From Wuyuan, Helan Mountain to Xingqing, where is there no trace of war? Where are there no corpses of my Great Hua compatriots? Is this all fake? Isn't this done by your Turkic people?"

The Young Khan thought for a moment, wanting to argue but unable to find the words. After a while, he muttered, "Why has my sister never told me about these things?"

Lin Wanrong had an idea in his mind; it was like writing on a blank piece of paper—the key was what was written. "You can ask your sister about this question yourself when you have the opportunity," Lin Wanrong nodded.

The Young Khan's eyes widened in surprise: "Lin San, are you telling the truth? Will I really get to see my sister again?"

"Of course, I'm not a bad person!" Lin Wanrong smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. When the opportunity arises, I'll even take you around to see how we Great Hua people play musical instruments, write poetry, create art, sew, and build. I will also teach you to read and write, and show you many of Great Hua's wonderful illustrated books—ah, all my favorites!"

This was truly masterful! Old Hu and the others listened, dumbfounded. If the Young Khan learned to play music, write poetry, build, sew, and read illustrated books, all under Lin Wanrong's personal instruction—my goodness, would he still be able to wield a blade when he returned to the grasslands?

"Lin San, you're slightly better than I initially thought," the Young Khan's expression towards him seemed a little less disdainful. "Then I'll ask you one question."

"Sure, go ahead," Lin Wanrong said, his face adorned with the most affable smile.

The Young Khan looked at him askance: "Do you like my sister?!"


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