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Chapter 604 The Mute Warrior

Hu Bugui pondered for a moment before understanding. "General, you mean Yujia wants to find out what kind of medicinal powder is smeared on the horse's rear?"

Lin Wanrong nodded. "Considering the stubbornness of that girl, she would certainly want to find out what could make her horse behave so erratically. It's somewhat amusing to think that she, with her high status as the Great Khan of the Turkic people, would go so far as to personally investigate a horse's behind."

"I see, I see," Gao Qiu chuckled confidently. "Rest assured, Brother Lin. The main ingredient of the powder I gave you is milk from a female pig in heat, supplemented with milk from nursing sheep and cows, and then mixed with some common fragrant herbs and flowers. I purchased these low-grade materials in Xingqing, and they are mostly sold to the nomadic tribes. They specifically use it to breed mares. I was initially hesitant to bring it up because it doesn't have much effect on humans—just a momentary warmth. But for cows, horses, and mules, it's incredibly effective. Originally, I prepared it for you to use during interrogations, but unfortunately, it wasn't used. What a pity, but I suppose those nomads are lucky. Even if Yujia identifies it, it won't do her much good."

‘Use this for interrogating prisoners? What kind of interrogation method is that?’ Hu Bugui shuddered. Gao Qiu's explanation gave him a creepy feeling.

‘So it's specialized for breeding stallions; no wonder it's so effective,’ Lin Wanrong burst into laughter. ‘What a shame. It's made from the finest dairy products, and yet it was wasted on animals.’

As darkness gradually enveloped the plains, a dull and murky atmosphere hung in the air. A few dim lights emanated from the walls of the fortress at Kyzil. The nomads weren't adept at making lanterns, so the walls were illuminated only by flickering torches. The frigid night wind of the plains blew in, causing the flames to waver and soon extinguishing most of them. The Turks on the walls seemed accustomed to this and didn't find it strange.

Soon, a swift horse approached and whispered something into Hu Bugui's ear. Nodding, he lowered his voice, "General, Xu Zhen and his men have wrapped the horse hooves. They should reach the designated location in an hour."

Lin Wanrong nodded and looked ahead at the thinning crowd entering the city. There were not many people left. With a broad wave of his hand, he shouted, "Kyzil is just ahead. Brothers, follow me!"

Nearly forty riders let out a low growl in unison, turning their horses to follow General Lin. They gave their horses free rein and charged toward the gates of Kyzil.

Step by step, the royal court of the nomads drew nearer. The rugged faces of the Turks patrolling the walls were becoming clearly visible in the dim firelight. Reflecting on the perilous journey of the past month, everyone became exhilarated at the thought that this moment had finally come. Lin Wanrong tightly gripped his saddle, trying to steady his surging emotions.

The walls of Kyzil were made of unpolished, massive stones stacked on top of one another, creating an uneven, jagged surface. From a distance, it looked like a giant, shelled hedgehog. Someone agile could almost scale the wall by climbing from one jagged stone to another.

Standing beneath the crudely built city walls, Lin Wanrong let out a sigh. ‘Building castles really isn't the Turkic people's strong suit,’ he thought.

"Halt! Which tribe do you belong to?" Two Turkic guards at the city gate stopped the horses ridden by Hu Bugui and his men, shouting their question.

"We?!" Hu Bugui burst into hearty laughter, vigorously waving the flag of the Rhinoceros in his hand. "The Yuezhi Tribe! Haven't you heard of us?"

Before the sheep snatching competition, nobody would have had a clue who the Yuezhi were. But now, the situation had changed completely. Word had spread throughout Kyzil and beyond that the small Yuezhi Tribe had not only won the contest but had also bested the Right Prince and even taken the beautiful and intelligent Golden Blade Khan. Their reputation soared instantly. News that the Golden Blade Khan had personally invited a mute warrior from their tribe to a royal feast only added to their fame.

Upon seeing Hu Bugui's Rhinoceros flag—a symbol of strength—the guards' expressions instantly changed. One of them touched his chest and respectfully said, "Salute to the bravest warriors of the plains. Please, enter the city."

Feeling elated by the adoration from the Turkic people, Hu Bugui waved his arm and laughed loudly, "Warriors, follow me!"

"Roar—" A deafening roar erupted from the warriors behind him. They galloped their horses through the slowly opening city gates, their curved blades gleaming like sudden flashes of lightning—brilliant and fiercely cold. The Turkic guards looked on with a chill in their hearts, acknowledging that these indeed were the plains' most formidable warriors, surpassing even the forces of the Right Prince.

Just as they entered the city, cheers greeted them. Looking up, they saw that the wide street ahead was bustling with people holding high torches. The warriors who had entered earlier were already surrounded by crowds. Turkic people started bonfires on the street and danced around them, holding cups of mare's milk liquor. Whether they knew them or not, everyone joined in, filling the air with laughter and songs.

Even the Turkic soldiers stationed on the walls turned around cheerfully to join the singing. They hardly looked like the elite guards one would expect near the capital. Then again, the Turkic people were not known for their discipline; it was their ferociousness and formidable combat abilities that were truly frightening.

The streets were packed on both sides with people crowding together, eager to watch the spectacle and join the joyous dance, as if it were some grand festival.

Lin Wanrong, amazed at this unexpected scene, caught Hu Bugui's eye and subtly gestured toward a tower in the city. Understanding immediately, Hu Bugui waved his hand, and thirty or so of his men, along with Gao Qiu, dispersed into the crowd, leaving only about ten to continue following him.

The structure of the Turkic royal court was simpler than Lin Wanrong had imagined. The cobblestone street they walked on was wide enough for six Turkic horses to walk side by side—the only decent road in all of Kyzil.

Both sides of the street attempted to emulate the grandeur of the Great Hua Empire, filled with shops of all sorts. However, the Turkic people's architectural skills left much to be desired. They had little understanding of brick-laying, roofing, or masonry. A few shabby wooden boards assembled together at odd angles constituted what they considered a storefront. Many merchants simply set up tents on either side of the street, providing both a place to live and a place to conduct business—remarkably convenient. The entire town of Kyzil had not a brick wall in sight, just rudimentary wooden structures and white tents. People and horses lived side by side, creating an environment of utter disarray, not even comparable to a single marketplace in the Great Hua.

Hu Bugui walked beside Lin Wanrong and sneered, "They dare to call this dump a capital city? It's not even as good as our rural administrative office in Jining! The Turks sure know how to exaggerate!"

Lin Wanrong shook his head with a smile, "You can't really compare the two. The Turkic people started as nomads, then transitioned into communal living, and only in recent years have they begun to learn from the Great Hua about city-building. They've gone through generations of hard work to get to this point. Expecting them to reach our level of architecture and living conditions overnight is asking too much. What they have now is already quite impressive!"

Suddenly, a cry rang out from the street: "The Yuezhi Tribe!" Apparently, some Turkic individuals had recognized the flag that Hu Bugui was carrying.

The shout was like a spark in dry grass. The street instantly became a hubbub, as countless Turkic people surged forward, surrounding Lin Wanrong and about ten horsemen behind him, eager to get a closer look. Babbling in their native language, young girls excitedly swung their fists, their faces flushed and voices mingling sweetly with the noise.

"What are they saying?" Lin Wanrong whispered to Hu Bugui.

"They're saying they want to marry you," Hu Bugui translated, chuckling.

Lin Wanrong shivered and withdrew his neck. ‘They want to marry me without even seeing my face first? Turkic women are even bolder than the men!’

While he was still pondering, several bonfires had already been ignited on the ground. Dozens of jubilant Turkic girls, dressed in their brightest festival attire, joined hands and began to dance around them. The light from the fire flickered on their youthful faces and agile bodies, making it hard not to be captivated by their fiery enthusiasm.

A wave of cheers erupted from the crowd. A beautiful Turkic girl bravely stepped forward, her cheeks glowing like blossoming peach flowers as she gracefully danced closer to Lin Wanrong's horse.

"This is the famous 'mute' who took our beautiful and intelligent Great Khan!" some recognized the horseman on the horse, and immediately, the applause grew louder, drowning in roars of approval as the crowd pressed closer.

The Turkic girl at the forefront hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flushed red. With a shy look at Lin Wanrong, she suddenly quickened her pace and pressed her glowing face against the side of his horse.

The crowd, initially stunned, burst into thunderous applause and screams, even the guards on the watchtowers couldn't help but whistle and chuckle. The girl's cheeks turned cherry-red as she cast a shy yet hopeful glance at Lin Wanrong before turning to sprint away.

"Congratulations, General! A beauty has taken a fancy to you!" Old Hu said with a grin.

Lin Wanrong frowned, puzzled. "What beauty? What's there to be happy about?"

Old Hu chuckled. "A lady of the Turkic people took the initiative to come to you. Isn't that a joyous occasion? Although you're the one favored by the Great Khan, most women wouldn't dare marry you. But according to the customs of the Turkic people, if a woman voluntarily presses her head against a warrior's horse's cheek, it signifies that she is willing to spend a passionate night with the warrior. No one can stop her, not even the Khan. Even if you are the Khan's man, they can still snatch you away for a night of spring breeze. Of course, it's just for one night."

‘Is this the prototype of a one-night stand? How audacious!’ General Lin was stunned. "Old Hu, we'd better keep moving. Given what we know, my 'fire seed' mustn't be passed on!"

Encouraged by the actions of the first girl, other beauties followed suit, each approaching Lin Wanrong. The general quickly pulled his horse's reins, trying to move forward through the crowd, while Old Hu burst into hearty laughter.

The bustling street was filled with the aroma of alcohol and the sounds of merriment. The Turkic people were red-faced from drinking, even stumbling in their dance steps. Far ahead, a magnificent palace partially revealed itself. Compared to the surrounding architecture, it was resplendent.

"That's the palace of the Turkic people," Lin Wanrong and Old Hu exchanged glances, excitement gripping their hands.

"Make way, make way!" Among the crowd that was joyously surrounding them, a few robust voices broke through. A squad of Turkic soldiers wearing armor and helmets forcefully cleared a narrow path for two gorgeous, exquisitely dressed Turkic girls to slowly walk through. They were heading directly in their direction.

‘What's going on?’ Lin Wanrong thought, his heart racing. He quickly signaled to Old Hu, and everyone silently gripped their blades.

The Turkic soldiers managed to clear a path through the crowd, and as the two girls arrived beside them, they asked in a soft voice, "Are you from the Yuezhi tribe?"

"We are," Old Hu replied proudly.

A sweet smile spread across the girl's face. "Then, who among you is the renowned Mute Warrior of the grasslands?"

Mute Warrior? Now that's an illustrious title. Old Hu stifled a laugh and quickly nudged the stunned General Lin, "This is the famous Mute Warrior of the grasslands!"

"Ah—Ah—" Lin Wanrong gestured energetically to confirm his identity.

The girl nodded and slightly bowed. "Noble warrior, you have already promised the Great Khan to attend a banquet at the palace. The feast has begun; why haven't you arrived?"

The mute was utterly lost; he didn't understand a word they were saying. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead. Sensing his confusion, the girls used hand signals to ask their question again. They seemed well-trained in the gesture language, as Old Hu secretly signaled from the side.

The banquet had already begun? Lin Wanrong was shocked. He looked up and saw, indeed, that tribes of the Turkic people were entering the palace in a single file, leaving only the tail end visible. Meanwhile, countless Turkic people had encircled the Yuezhi people, preventing them from moving forward.

"We are attendants of the Great Khan, sent by the esteemed Golden Blade Khan to escort you," said two Turkic young women, trying to comfort the mute man who looked flustered and was at a loss for words. "The Great Khan said that you are a warrior, and there will certainly be people with designs on you, seeking to take advantage of your presence. However, as a warrior, you must not be tempted. If anyone dares to bully you, inform the Great Khan. The Great Khan will never let them go unpunished!"

‘Yueya’er sent someone to pick me up? And warned me to resist temptation? What is all this about?’ He shook his head in disbelief, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

One of the young women pointed at the surrounding crowd and loudly asked, "Tell us, are they bullying you? Don't worry, the Great Khan will stand up for you!"

The mute man frantically waved his hands, feeling weakened. The Great Khan will stand up for him? What kind of world was this, where women were stronger than men? Seeing that the mute warrior seemed not to have been bullied, the two Turkic young women nodded in satisfaction. One of them lightly clapped her hands, and a melodious sound of wind chimes filled the air.

In the distance, a high-hanging pink palanquin draped in gauze came into view. Eight Turkic warriors carried the palanquin, its pink gauze fluttering like ethereal clouds, swaying in the wind.

Through the soft gauze, one could vaguely see plush red cushions and golden quilts, along with a faint whiff of delicate fragrance. Wherever the palanquin went, a path automatically opened. All of the Turkic people respectfully lowered their gaze, placed their hands on their chests, and bowed, showing utmost reverence.

"What is this?!" Upon seeing the eight Turks carrying a beautiful palanquin toward him, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but express his astonishment.

When the palanquin was finally set down, one side was lowered to form a narrow passage. Two young Turkic women bowed and softly said, "By the order of the Great Khan, the mute warrior is invited to board the palanquin!"

‘Board the palanquin?!’ This time, there was no need for Old Hu to give him a knowing look; just the actions of the young women made it clear what they meant. The mute's face paled in shock. ‘This palanquin is actually for me? No way, with this pink canopy, how could a grown man ride in it? Wouldn't it be the laughingstock of everyone?’

"Please, warrior, board the palanquin!" Before he could hesitate, the two young women urged him again. One of them even lifted the floating pink canopy high, bent at the waist, and respectfully waited for him to take his seat. Men and women around looked at him with eyes full of envy.

At this point, there was no turning back. Biting his teeth, the mute gave Old Hu a nod and slowly walked toward the palanquin.

Just as he stepped in, the young woman lowered the pink curtain. Eight sturdy Turks lifted him up, and the palanquin was raised high. They slowly headed toward the Turkic palace, while Hu Bugui hurriedly led the group to follow.

As he settled on the soft cushions, a light, fragrant scent filled the air, and the silk blanket felt smooth and soft like luxurious skin.

Looking around at the fluttering pink silk canopy, he weighed his options and contemplated the situation. Suddenly, his face changed dramatically, and he exclaimed, "Oh no, could it be that Yueya’er is planning to favor me?!"


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