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Chapter 538 The Goddess of Healing

"You wicked woman—" Hu Bugui, who was following Lin Wanrong, had just climbed into the carriage when he witnessed the perilous scene. His soul nearly left his body as he let out an angry roar, reaching out to grab Yujia's wrist.

"Hold on, Brother Hu—" A large hand reached out diagonally and firmly grasped him. Lin Wanrong's solemn voice echoed in his ear, "—Don't move; she's saving someone."

Saving someone? Hu Bugui was shocked. This Turkic woman was clearly pointing a knife at Little Li's chest. Could stabbing someone also be considered saving them? But General Lin looked serious, not like he was joking, so Hu Bugui suppressed his doubts and watched how Yujia would save the person.

Yueya’er was solemn, her sharp dagger slowly approaching Li Wuling's chest. She gently cut through his skin, and a slow trickle of bright red blood flowed out, making one's heart tremble. Li Wuling lay motionless in the carriage, feeling no pain.

Yujia took a handful of crushed herbs in her left hand, aimed at the cut, and gently applied the herbs. Strangely enough, the bleeding from Li Wuling's chest stopped almost immediately.

Incredible! Lin Wanrong was dumbfounded. The herbs Yueya’er used were from her medicine cart, which he had never seen before. Yet their hemostatic effect was miraculous.

Although it was a minor cut, the force and precision required for the incision were difficult to manage. Sweat beads formed on Yueya’er's smooth forehead, shining brilliantly.

She paused for a moment, then made another small cut near Li Wuling's arrow wound, preparing to apply the hemostatic medicine. Lin Wanrong hurriedly leaned in, "Let me do it; you focus on the surgery."

The Turkic girl glanced at him and snorted, seemingly not understanding his words.

Seeing that Yueya’er didn't seem to trust him, Lin Wanrong became anxious and gestured, "Mine, to stop the bleeding. Yours, the surgery. Together, perfect harmony!"

Hu Bugui, who understood General Lin's "Turkic language," quickly translated. Yujia paused for a moment and then handed him the herbs.

Her fingers were long and white, like jade onions. Despite the urgency of Little Li's injuries, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but feel a thrill as he lightly brushed against her hand. The sensation was as smooth as spring water, irresistibly delightful.

Yujia seemed to notice his lecherous action and snorted angrily, glaring at him. Lin Wanrong pretended to be serious, "Ah, these herbs are so slippery; I almost couldn't hold them. Sister Yujia, after we're done here, I'll strip naked for you to have a good look. But for now, focus on the surgery."

Old Hu was too embarrassed to translate this into Turkic and just laughed it off.

Watching Lin Wanrong successfully stop the bleeding with the herbs, Gao Qiu who had been silently observing finally sighed, "I've been practicing medicine for many years, and only today have I truly opened my eyes. I never thought that combining a few things could produce such an excellent hemostatic medicine."

‘You call yourself a seasoned physician? I suspect you've only practiced medicine in the slums,’ Lin Wanrong disdainfully snorted. "Brother Gao, what kind of medicinal herbs are these? How come they work so miraculously when my Yueya’er uses them?"

Proud when it came to medicine, Gao Qiu began to flaunt, "Don't underestimate this hemostatic medicine, Brother Lin. It contains at least five different herbs: Lotus seed head, golden monkey fur, ramie root, chrysanthemum leaves, and large thistle. All of these are abundant in our great nation. I've spent years studying medical texts; how could I not know to mix these five together for their hemostatic effects? I'm truly humbled."

While they were talking, Yueya’er's dagger was now close to the arrow wound on the chest. Her expression grew increasingly serious. Each movement of the dagger was as delicate as treading on thin ice, and her face was dampened by sweat.

Taking on the role of a nurse, Lin Wanrong rolled up his sleeves, approached her beautiful face, and spoke gravely, "Don't move, stay absolutely still. I'll wipe your sweat for you, so it doesn't infect the wound."

Just as Yueya’er's small knife touched the wound—a critical moment—she saw his grimy sleeve approaching and her eyes widened in anger. However, she couldn't afford to move an inch.

Both Hu Bugui and Gao Qiu looked on with envy. "What do you call a masterful stroke of audacity? Just look at General Lin, he knows exactly when to seize the opportunity! Truly admirable!"

Lin Wanrong continued to wipe Yueya’er's face, who looked as if she had been taken advantage of. Her eyes filled with tears, which threatened to spill over any moment.

"Eh, why are you crying?" Lin Wanrong was shocked. "Ah, there's no need to be moved to tears. Now, I'll have to wipe those too. Brother Gao, on my horse, there's a bag containing a pair of floral underwear that Ning'er made especially for me. I've only worn it twice and nothing untoward has happened yet. It's wrapped around a beautiful handkerchief. Fetch it for me; I'll use it to wipe away Miss Yueya’er's tears. Ah, these two items are my personal treasures."

Yueya’er's expression changed drastically. Her eyes were filled with horror, and her hand trembled uncontrollably. She dared not let her tears fall any longer.

Gao Qiu struggled to contain his laughter, "If these clothes were made by Lady Ning'er, then they must be extremely precious. Why keep such treasures locked away? Isn't that a waste?"

Lin Wanrong sighed, "What can I do? It's been so hot lately, I had to take off my underwear, lest it hamper my growth. Ah, I fear I'll have to use a large sack for underwear in the future. There was a song, how did it go? 'I don't wanna grow up'—it perfectly captures my current mood."

The two men, Gao Qiu and Hu Bugui, looked at each other in astonishment, as if their teeth would fall out from sheer shock.

All three of them continued to chat and laugh obscenely while Yueya’er kept her head lowered, focusing on the wound. Her ears and neck were tinted a faint rose.

In Li Wuling's chest were several small crisscrossing bloodstains. With precise aim, Yueya’er focused on the arrow wound and delicately inserted the blade of her dagger just an inch deep. Her face grew tense, and the bandit leader, quick to read the situation, hastily wiped the sweat from her brow.

The Turkic girl clenched her teeth and lightly exhaled as the dagger went in a little deeper. A gush of blood spilled from Li Wuling's chest—dark and thick. Lin Wanrong was stupefied. ‘What kind of technique is this? How did she manage to expel all the clotted blood with just a single cut?’

"Aqmaq, qan aqıtudı tez toqtat!" Yueya'er's exclamation snapped Lin Wanrong out of his daze. Looking up, he saw the Turkic girl's eyebrows inverting sharply, her eyes glaring at him furiously. He didn't understand what she was saying.

"General, she's calling you an idiot! Stop the bleeding, quickly!" In his rush, Old Hu, forgetting to omit any crucial words, hurriedly translated for him.

Lin Wanrong looked down and noticed that the stagnant blood from Li Wuling's chest had been drained, replaced by bright red fresh blood. No wonder Yueya'er was urging him to stop the bleeding. In his haste, Lin Wanrong awkwardly smeared some medicinal herbs onto the wound.

Yueya'er snorted dismissively, casting a few disdainful glances at him.

When she finally withdrew her dagger and the bleeding stopped, the Turkic girl took a deep breath and slowly sat down on the carriage floor. Sweat glistened on her smooth, pale forehead, even soaking through her light veil.

Li Wuling's chest was covered in scars, his face pale. Hu Bugui felt his forehead and found it frighteningly hot. Gao Qiu, however, was overjoyed, "His skin is burning up. Although he's overheating, it's a sign that his body is starting to function again. Brother Lin, Little Li is truly alive. He's really alive! This Miss Yueya'er is simply miraculous."

Old Gao was right. Despite running a high fever, Li Wuling was far better off than before, when he showed no signs of life. Grinning, Lin Wanrong bowed to Yueya'er, "Thank you, Turkic miracle healer. Together, we have created a miracle."

Hu Bugui translated his words, and Yueya'er snorted dismissively, "I am not a miracle healer. And I don't need your praise. Just keep your promise and release my people."

"Of course! My honesty and kindness are renowned throughout Great Hua," Lin Wanrong said cheerfully, nodding repeatedly. "Brother Gao, release one more of Miss Yueya'er's people. Oh, I remember there's a blind man among them; let him go first. We might be bad, but we can't mistreat the disabled. Congrats, Turkic Brother; you can now search for your beacon in the grasslands with all your heart!"

Listening to this Great Hua bandit talk was enough to choke someone. Yueya'er was furious and about to chastise him for his insincerity when Lin Wanrong, unfazed, waved his hand and chuckled, "Don't worry, Miracle Healer. I always keep my word. Once my brother wakes up and recovers, I'll naturally release your people. For now, I'm just giving you a small token of my intentions. By the way, could you tell us when my brother is likely to wake up?"

Under someone's roof, one must lower one's head. The Turkic young woman had no choice but to suppress her emotions and said, "I don't know! He was seriously injured by arrows. The clotting blood wasn't drained in time, compressing his chest and causing him to remain unconscious. All I did was drain the blood. As for when he will wake up, only the god of the grasslands knows."

Lin Wanrong gave a thoughtful nod. So she had just used a dagger to cut around the wound to drain the clotting blood from Little Li's chest cavity. She wasn't exactly performing surgery, but her courage, demeanor, and judgment were indeed extraordinary. Lin Wanrong nodded deeply, "I see, I see. May I be so bold as to ask, how many times have you performed such a procedure?"

The young woman named Yueya’er hummed, "Do you want the truth or a lie?"

‘Hmm, has this young woman learned my tactics? Is she trying to tease me?’ Lin Wanrong blinked, "You see, I'm most afraid when young women get sincere with me. Many of them, not winning me over, resort to violent methods. So, better stick to the lie."

Yueya’er smirked, "If I say I've done this treatment thousands of times, would you believe me?"

"So, you've only done it a few dozen times?" Lin Wanrong looked at her incredulously.

Yueya’er shook her head and raised a delicate finger, waving it in front of him.

"Ten times?" Lin Wanrong went pale.

"Do you not know how to count?" The Turkic young woman grew irritated, "The first time!!!"

Thud. Lin Wanrong sat heavily on the cart floor, his forehead beading with cold sweat. So it turns out Little Li was Yueya’er's lab rat, and she had hidden her inexperience so well. ‘Dammit, she's a fake healer.’

The young woman disdainfully looked at him, "What? Are you scared now?"

"Why should I be scared if you're not? — Brother Gao, we've been duped. Quickly move Little Li to another cart and establish an intensive care unit. Monitor him around the clock, and never leave him unattended. The danger he's facing now is unlike anything we've ever seen before. Hurry—"

Yueya’er let out a string of laughter as sweet as silver bells, the corners of her beautiful eyes curving like a charming crescent moon. Her triumphant demeanor seemed to sweep away all her previous discontent, transforming her into a cheerful Turkic girl.

Lin Wanrong gritted his teeth, "In that case, I'm afraid we'll have to inconvenience you, 'healer,' for a few days. Until my brother wakes up, don't expect me to release your people. Of course, if you have any special needs, feel free to ask. Even if they're unreasonable, I will consider them. Brother Hu, go prepare the most spacious cart for our 'healer's' special needs."

What special needs could a healer have? Hu Bugui was puzzled but obeyed the general's orders without question and excused himself.

Once everyone had carefully moved Little Li away, Lin Wanrong stepped down from the cart. Suddenly, he lifted the curtain and peered inside, speaking mysteriously, "Healer Yueya’er, I heard you can't understand our language, is that so?"

The Turkic young woman, Yueya’er, looked at him blankly. Her beautiful, large eyes blinked rapidly, and the light blue irises were as deep as the clearest lakes in the grasslands. She genuinely couldn't understand his words.

"Good." Lin Wanrong patted his chest and took several quick breaths. "Since we're alone, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. Miss Yujia, you're one of the eighty thousand most beautiful young ladies I've ever seen. Naturally, those who rank higher are my wives. They're ordered by the strokes in their names, so there's no particular ranking. You're beautiful too, but only to the extent of one in eighty thousand, comparable to my household maid, Ruhua. But I'm not here to compliment you today; I want to talk about your flaws."

Yujia looked at him with a neutral expression, her gaze indifferent as if she didn't understand what he was saying.

"Actually, you're not bad overall—your nose is a nose, your eyes are eyes. But there's one area that's just incredibly unattractive. Honestly, I've never seen something so unappealing. If you're interested, you could guess which part I find most unappealing."

The young woman from the Turkic tribes bit her red lips and remained silent, her small hand tightly clenched. A thin, uncolored vein subtly emerged on her pure and white neck, like a swan's.

Lin Wanrong stared at her ample bosom, swallowed hard, and nodded. "I believe you've guessed it. Yes, it's the rations you carry with you. Do you know that buns should not be made carelessly? There are standards. In my household, for instance, the buns must be rectangular. The dimensions, length, width, and height must adhere to strict rules. That's the standard set by the Lin family and shouldn't be changed. If you change it, it's not a bun anymore. Now look at you—your buns are both round and large, completely against the standard. So unappealing!"

Yujia's face flushed red, her hands clenched into fists, and the thin vein on her white neck swelled instantaneously.

Lin Wanrong spoke earnestly, "Making round buns, and so large at that—you've violated the standard, and this is a severe issue. It's had a massive impact on both my sight and soul, leading to unforeseeable consequences. You must rectify this—make them square!"

"Your wives are the square ones! You devil from the prairie—" Yujia could no longer contain herself. Her neck and cheeks reddened with fury as she grabbed the dagger she had used for treatment and lunged at him.

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily as he grabbed her hand, immobilizing her. "My wives naturally have round buns, even larger and rounder than yours. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day—those are the results of my laborious fondling and caressing. But you, you're not even married, and yet they're so large and round? You've seriously violated the bun standards—it's an outrage! Wait, how come I can understand what you're saying now?"



That ending bit was top 5 funniest moments in the story so far 😭