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Chapter 383 Ruined Good Deeds

After everything was arranged, Lin Wanrong's mood improved. Along the way, he held Luo Ning's small hand, whispering jokes in her ear that were both cheeky and clean. Luo Ning listened with a blushing face, her chest quaking, her heart pounding non-stop, yet filled with a feeling of excitement.

Xu Zhiqing stood beside the two, sometimes overhearing Lin Wanrong's teasing words, feeling a shiver of fear at first, but later becoming increasingly numb. Luo Ning of today was not as clingy as she had been before, always shadowing Xu Zhiqing. Following her sense of responsibility towards her close friend, Xu Zhiqing stayed close to the two, only responding to Luo Ning and completely ignoring Lin Wanrong. After encountering a few cold shoulders, Lin Wanrong prudently gave up on his teasing.

The journey was smooth and uneventful, and by noon, they reached their sixty-mile destination. Along the way, Lin Wanrong kept observing the sixty-mile stretch of water, noticing it was quite wide and with minimal reed marshes, quite suitable for net fishing. He felt somewhat relieved. Instructing Luo Yuan to set floating markers with a few fishermen, he marked the approximate sixty-mile range from the shore and assigned guards to watch over the area day and night, finally feeling at ease.

"Big brother, do you really plan to fish for silver with nets?" Luo Yuan asked incredulously as he watched the fishermen place the markers. "I think what Sister Xu said makes sense; these nets with tin bottoms are too light, they won't sink to the bottom."

Seeing Xu Zhiqing's ears perking up to listen, Lin Wanrong laughed loudly and slapped Luo Yuan's shoulder, "The mountain man has his clever ways. Little Luo, don't you trust your big brother? Also, there's one more thing. Later, spread the word that we've found the location of the 350,000 taels of silver buried in Weishan Lake, and we'll start fishing for it tomorrow morning, heh heh."

"Big brother, do you suspect that there are still thieves nearby?" Luo Ning quietly asked, following him.

"Naturally," Lin Wanrong nodded. "Ning'er, think about it; if you were a thief and buried all this silver in the lake, would you leave it so easily?"

"No," Luo Ning shook her head, "I would leave people to watch and be ready to move the silver at any sign of trouble. Oh, I understand now. Big brother, you are waiting for the thieves to walk into a trap?"

Lin Wanrong smiled without answering, and Xu Zhiqing took Luo Ning's hand to explain, "They might not walk into a trap. But they may reveal something in their haste, and that would be unavoidable. Little Yuan, you must patrol the sixty-mile lake surface tonight with guards, be vigilant, and immediately detain any suspicious individuals."

Luo Yuan looked at Lin Wanrong as if seeking his opinion. Lin Wanrong nodded, and Luo Yuan immediately became excited, "Big brother and Sister Xu, rest assured, I will complete the task. Big brother, I heard from General Hu that the Emperor has issued a decree for your trip to Shandong. You can command all the local officials, soldiers, and supplies in Shandong. Can you give me forty to fifty thousand of your troops? I will seal off the sixty-mile water surface without a leak."

Lin Wanrong patted him on the head, laughing, "Have you lost your mind, young man? Do you think this is child's play with mud? Asking for fifty thousand men right away? Can you even handle that many?"

Xu Zhiqing and Luo Ning burst into girlish laughter, while Luo Yuan scratched his head somewhat sheepishly, "Then how many troops should you give me? It's rare for me to lead soldiers, and I won't do it if the number is too small."

Lin Wanrong smiled, "You can't become fat with just one bite. You used to lead the Hung Hing brothers to slash at people, and that was just passable. But now you're not leading the Hung Hing; you're leading troops into battle. It's not a game. When we go back, you go find Brother Hu Bugui and lead five thousand troops to patrol this sixty-mile lake surface. If you do well, opportunities won't be scarce for you in the future. After all, you're my brother-in-law, and I've always been protective of my family."

With those words, Luo Ning blushed and pinched him hard around his waist. Luo Yuan, however, was extremely excited, "Alright, that's settled then. I'll lead five thousand this time, but next time, it must be fifty thousand. By the way, I heard that General Li Tai will soon lead two hundred thousand troops to resist the nomads. Big brother, can you talk to the old general and include me? I'm not asking for much, just to lead ten thousand troops. I guarantee I'll chop those nomads down, so they won't dare start a war again."

Luo Ning seemed a bit anxious, casting her eyes urgently at her big brother. Luo family had only this one heir, Luo Yuan. Going to the front line to fight the nomads was no trivial matter, and if anything happened to him, the Luo family line would end.

Lin Wanrong wore a bitter smile. This young man had grown too accustomed to having his way in Jinling, developing a fearless attitude, thinking he could mold those nomads as easily as mud. Just as he was about to speak, Xu Zhiqing interjected, "Little Yuan, why are you telling him all this? He's selfish, only thinking about his petty gains and ignoring the greater good of the nation. General Li asked him several times to lead troops to fight the nomads, but he refused every time. From what I see, if the nomads were to attack, he'd be the first to run."

"My big brother is not like that!" Luo Yuan's face turned beet red as he loudly defended, "He's courageous and wise, defying the powerful, fighting the White Lotus Sect, playing tricks on the young prince. Everyone in Jinling knows that he's a true hero."

"Is that so?" Xu Zhiqing replied calmly, "Maybe that was true in the past, but not necessarily now. He doesn't even dare to go to the battlefield. What kind of hero is that?"

This girl's thinking was indeed profound. Even at this juncture, she didn't forget to employ her provocation technique. Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Little Luo, I'm no hero. I'm just getting by day by day. When it comes to going to the front line, I indeed don't feel like going."

"Big brother, why is that?" Luo Yuan was bewildered, "You took over Jining City, wiped out the White Lotus Sect. Why don't you want to fight now? Victory in battle can lead to titles and high positions. How others will envy you!"

Lin Wanrong patted him on the shoulder and said with a faint smile, "The entire landscape of our nation is now drawn into the map of war. How can the common people find joy amidst such chaos? Speak not of the rewards and titles of war, for behind every victorious general, countless soldiers have laid down their lives. War means death. When you witness numerous lives falling beside you, it feels suffocating. I despise such scenes. Every soldier who dies on the battlefield was born and nurtured by loving parents. Every inch of their being is a testament to their parents' love. No life is lesser than another. In the end, it's the innocent civilians who suffer the most, while the elites continue to live their indulgent lives. They swear to defeat the enemies without regard for their own lives, yet thousands of luxurious armors are lost amidst the enemy's dust. Think of the countless wives waiting for their husbands, children longing for their fathers. The bones of many soldiers lie by the Wuding River, yet they remain the dream men of their families back home. When you ponder on the number of families torn apart by war, you'll come to loathe it deeply."

"But the nomads are slaughtering our brethren, insulting our Great Hua. If we do not lead troops against them, won't our Great Hua be nearly annihilated?" Luo Yuan asked, not quite understanding.

"To hate war, yet have to fight, is the helplessness of life. It's the old saying, 'Rise, and the people suffer; fall, and the people suffer!'" Lin Wanrong laughed and patted his shoulder again, "Do you understand your big brother's feelings now?"

Xu Zhiqing sighed softly and said no more, while Luo Ning clung to her big brother, her heart full of tenderness.

When they disembarked from the boat, it was already evening. The sunset over Weishan Lake filled the sky, the waves reflecting a beautiful golden color.

Xu Zhiqing suddenly said, "Did we overlook something? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Will it rain? If it does, things might not go smoothly."

‘This young lady is truly diligent, considering everything,’ Lin Wanrong thought, nodding and smiling, "Thank you, Miss Xu, for the reminder. I have already noticed this. Tomorrow will be as bright and sunny as today, cloudless, a day that couldn't be better."

Seeing his certainty, Xu Zhiqing was puzzled, but she had her reservations about Master Lin, so she didn't inquire directly. Master Lin, smiling, explained, "In my hometown, there is a saying, 'Morning glow, wait for boiling tea; evening glow, dry the toads.' The evening glow today is so beautiful and captivating, tomorrow will undoubtedly be clear."

"Although folk sayings are passed down collectively, they are not always precise; it's better to be cautious," Miss Xu shook her head, unconvinced by Master Lin's judgment based solely on a proverb.

‘This Miss Xu really is stubborn,’ Master Lin thought, ‘Competing with me all day. Fine, fine, I'll teach you another trick.’

"Miss Xu's considerations are comprehensive, and I admire that," he said, chuckling. "But when I say tomorrow will be clear, it is not a wild guess. It is derived from the logic of nature. Now is the time of sunset, and if Miss Xu often stays by Weishan Lake, she would know that this is when the fish rise to the water's surface. If rain were coming tomorrow, the air in the water would become thin, and the fish would sense it first. You would see ripples on the water's surface, and large numbers of fish coming up to breathe. I observed earlier, and there is no such scene now; tomorrow should undoubtedly be a bright sunny day. Predicting the weather, there are many good methods among the people, including watching fish rise to the water, ants moving before the rain, observing cloud shapes, and so on. If Miss Xu is interested, I can open a class one day to teach this subject. The tuition fee would be only five taels of silver." Master Lin said with a playful smile, speaking convincingly, with seriousness in jest, making it hard not to believe.

Along the way, the exchanges between Miss Xu and Master Lin were most captivating. Miss Xu's knowledge was profound, and her thoughts were well-considered; she could speak eloquently on any subject, earning people's deep admiration. Master Lin was even more incredible, resembling an unbeatable iron man, knowing everything and able to summarize anything in detail. Though his words seemed to flow effortlessly, they concealed profound truths, even overshadowing Miss Xu.

It was a vivid lesson in natural education. Master Lin's knowledge came from real-life experience, and he spoke authoritatively. Luo Ning listened with great interest, feeling particularly joyful. She clung to her big brother's arm and asked in a charming voice, "Big brother, where did you learn all this? How come Ning'er has never heard of it before?"

"Self-taught, self-taught," Master Lin replied without batting an eye. "I observed clouds by day and stars by night, diligently studying for twenty years, to achieve this success. The hardship and taste of this endeavor are not something I can convey to outsiders."

Xu Zhiqing listened with concealed bitterness. What night observation of the sky and self-education? With those lustful eyes of his, always fixed on others' chests or behinds, when would he have time to look at the stars? Surely he had simply picked up others' conclusions, and yet he boasted without shame. He had no shame.

As they were talking, suddenly a horseman galloped up. Hu Bugui jumped off his war horse, and hurriedly reported, "General, I've mobilized the fishermen and villagers within eighteen miles. Everyone is deeply grateful for the general's righteousness. They've gathered spontaneously, and today alone have made more than thirty nets. We can make another thirty tonight. Three hundred thousand fish fry are also ready and will arrive tomorrow morning."

Lin Wanrong excitedly clapped his hands, "Good, very good, Brother Hu has worked hard. Now everything is ready, and we only need the east wind. Let's see what kind of big fish we can catch tomorrow."

Returning to the residence after dinner, it was already late at night. Lin Wanrong, newly married to Ning'er, was naturally inseparable from her. Recalling Luo Ning's passion the previous night, Master Lin's heart itched with desire. Fearing that Miss Xu might take over Ning'er's room as she had done the night before, he shamelessly followed Luo Ning, wrapping his arms around her slender waist, laughing, "Ning'er dear, where have you arranged for your husband to sleep tonight?"

Luo Ning knew exactly what he had in mind. Her body felt weak, her pretty face flushed, her beautiful eyes shimmering, a bewitching charm about her. She said shyly, "Big brother, we are husband and wife, naturally sleeping together in life, buried together in death. Ning'er's room is big brother's nest."

This girl was truly tempting. Master Lin, knowing the taste, touched Luo Ning's full buttocks, feeling as smooth as if washed in milk, eliciting a fiery glare. The sensual pleasure was beyond words.

Following Ning'er into the bedroom, he smelled that familiar fragrance and thought of the previous night's erotic encounter, feeling a sudden alertness. What if Xu Zhiqing was hiding somewhere, ready to strike him down?

He looked around and searched Ning'er's bedroom but saw nothing unusual, finally feeling at ease. Miss Luo poured him a cup of hot tea, laughing, "Big brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking at Ning'er's bedroom. Ah, it's my first time coming in here!" he said, lying with his eyes wide open, his face not reddening in the slightest.

Luo Ning gave a shy smile and extended her little hand into his, saying, "Big brother, you must not speak like that again. This is Ning'er's boudoir, indeed, but it's also big brother's home. I am big brother's wife."

Lin Wanrong embraced her into his arms, preparing to let his hands roam, but Luo Ning stopped him, speaking softly, "Big brother, Ning'er wants to ask you something. You must not hide it from me, okay?"

"Hide from you? Why would I hide anything from you? You should know, I'm famous for my honesty and sincerity, not being good with words. Asking someone as upright as me to lie would be better off killing me," Lin Wanrong, full of righteousness, said with words that resounded like thunder.

"I don't believe it at all," Ning'er chuckled softly. "Today, in front of so many people, Ning'er only spoke like that for husband's sake. Seeing Sister Zhiqing's expression, Ning'er was truly embarrassed!"

"Embarrassed by telling the truth? Really now!" Lin Wanrong buried his head in her soft and ample bosom, gently nuzzling. "Ning'er, how do you keep this place so well-maintained, so full and luscious?"

Luo Ning let out a soft cry of reproach, both shy and proud, feeling his big mouth press against her tenderest spot through her clothing, her whole body tingling, her voice trembling, "Big brother, do not tease Ning'er, let me talk to you."

"Why not do both? It's more efficient that way, sharpening the knife doesn't stop the chopping of firewood!" Lin Wanrong held her slim waist, a surge of heat pressing against her hips, the sensation making him hum contentedly.

Miss Luo, now a newlywed, was exquisitely sensitive to his teasing, letting out a soft moan, her breath suddenly becoming hot, "Big brother, don't tease me, oh, Ning'er wants to ask you something serious, oh, you and Sister Zhiqing—"

Something serious? What could be more serious than this? Lin Wanrong was about to engage in something even more "serious" when he suddenly heard Miss Luo mention Xu Zhiqing, and he froze, "Ning'er, what's the matter with Miss Xu?"

Seeing big brother behaving more properly, Luo Ning exhaled a long breath, her face flushed with embarrassment, she whispered, "Big brother, did you do something wrong to Sister Xu?"

"Never, absolutely never! I swear to Heaven, if I've done anything to wrong Miss Xu, I'll become her ox or horse, for her to ride for a lifetime." Facing a major moral issue, Lin Wanrong was remarkably composed, responding with righteous indignation, taking such a grave oath. Having sworn, he suddenly giggled, shamelessly saying, "Ning'er, why are you asking this? Miss Xu and I are pure and innocent, without any hint of impropriety. We are whiter than snow."

Luo Ning smiled, gently tapping his nose, "Big brother, I only asked one question. Who made you answer so much? You and Sister Xu are the people I trust the most, and no one understands your innocence better than I do."

Sweating, should he feel touched or burst into laughter? Ah, what a dilemma. Lin Wanrong wanted to laugh but didn't dare; his expression was exceedingly strange, appearing to Luo Ning as though big brother was moved to tears.

She touched her big brother's face and said softly, "Big brother, even though I'm more than a decade younger than Sister Ning, we share a bond like real sisters and tell each other everything. When Ning'er was studying in the capital, I lived with her, and it was Miss Xu Zhiqing who took care of me all the time. She was like a teacher and sister to me, caring for me in every possible way. Ning'er has remembered every little thing, and I dare not forget. Now that she has come thousands of miles to help us with our family matters, big brother, what do you think Ning'er should do to repay her?"

‘Repay her? You're not thinking of giving her your husband, are you? That won't do; your husband is not just anyone; he's only to be admired from afar, not to be trifled with—and if he is to be trifled with, only by a beautiful woman!’

"Eh, Ning'er, how you intend to repay her isn't going to involve me—alas, I can't bear to part with you," Master Lin said with a pained expression.

"Big brother, where is your mind wandering?" Luo Ning chuckled and blushed. "I am asking you to get along well with Sister Xu. You always talk nonsense."

"Really?" Master Lin let out a dry laugh. "You scared me to death, scared me to death. Thankfully, I still retain my innocence."

Luo Ning giggled and tapped his forehead. "No wonder Sister Xu gets angry with you for always talking nonsense. You must have had no peace on your journey."

"Speaking of Sister Xu, she's indeed a tragic person. Engaged to someone she never even met, she has lived as a widow all these years. I don't know how she's been able to endure. We've known each other for many years, and I've never seen her cry. Just for that alone, she is much stronger than your Ning'er." Luo Ning's eyes dimmed, and she wiped away a tear. "She is proud, learned, and looks down on most men. But she's been alone and miserable all these years. If you care about Ning'er, big brother, don't be angry with Sister Xu anymore. I'm torn between my dearest husband and my gracious sister, and it's hard for me to be in the middle."

Seeing Luo Ning's pitiful appearance, Master Lin's heart overflowed with love, and he quickly embraced her, saying, "Ning'er, my little darling, I am not so petty. Rest assured, I promise not to make things difficult for her. But as you've seen, it is your Sister Xu who treats me coldly; I've always greeted her with a smile."

"Mm!" Luo Ning smiled sweetly and kissed her big brother's face, reassuring him, "Don't worry, big brother, I will speak to Sister Xu as well. With your talents, I'm sure she doesn't mean to trouble you intentionally. I just worry that there might be a misunderstanding between you two."

A misunderstanding? Unfortunately, the girl doesn't believe it. Lin Wanrong laughed and slowly stroked Miss Luo's waist, whispering in her ear, "Ning'er, let's consider this matter settled, shall we?"

Miss Luo lightly nodded, her ears reddening. She knew well what her big brother meant, and thinking of their passionate love, she felt a thrilling mixture of shyness and anticipation.

"My little darling, do you remember what I told you on the boat today?" Master Lin's face wore a mischievous smile. "We'll try a new position today, called the rear-entry. The key to this position is to lift your hips, stabilize your graceful legs, penetrate like thunder, and reach full speed. It's the ultimate in pleasure, boundless comfort! Alas, who knows when I'll finally get what I wish for?"

Luo Ning's heart was about to collapse as she listened, her face flushed like red cloth, and she shyly punched him, saying, "Big brother, you love to tease people? Why don't I see you tease Qiaoqiao in the same way?"

"Little darling, Qiaoqiao has many more tricks than you," he whispered in her ear, lightly teasing. "Have you forgotten? That day in Jinling, in your boudoir, if you hadn't intentionally caused trouble, I would have flown away with Qiaoqiao. Ah, playing games in Zhang San's room and messing around in Li Si's room, and then playing with Wang Wu, it's such a good taste."

Speaking of that day's affair, Luo Ning's heart filled with a different kind of emotion. She lowered her head and gathered her courage, tremblingly saying, "You scoundrel, teasing other women in my boudoir, I won't forgive you—Husband, whatever you do to Qiaoqiao, you must do to me too. Don't hold back, Ning'er won't lose to anyone!"

Master Lin's heart blossomed with joy, "Good girl, once we are finished here, we will go to the capital to meet Qiaoqiao. You and Qiaoqiao should learn from each other, compete in bed, and see who has more tricks. Only constant interaction can bring mutual improvement. The chaos of flowers can dazzle the eyes, but only shallow grass can hide the horse's hooves. Good poetry, such good poetry!"

His words became more and more vulgar, more and more unbearable. Luo Ning's heart trembled, wanting to scold him but not daring to open her mouth. Her body was already devoid of strength. With a soft moan, she threw herself into his arms, no longer daring to raise her head. Such boudoir whispers, even a touch was full of romance. Master Lin was well versed in the ways of it, his control of the situation was masterful, unparalleled in the world.

Master Lin began to untie her clothing, reaching into her embrace, moving his hands from top to bottom. Just as he touched the two hot buttocks, preparing to unleash the dragon-claw hand, a woman's voice sounded outside the door, "Ning'er, have you rested yet?"

"It's Sister Xu!" Luo Ning hastily sat up from Big Brother's embrace, pulled up her clothes, and glanced at him in a flustered and charming way, her face emanating thick spring love.

‘What's going on? The arrow is already on the string, what is Xu Zhiqing coming to do? Is she playing with me?’

Luo Ning bashfully replied, "I haven't slept yet, Sister Zhiqing, do you need something from me?"

"Ning'er, are you free? I want to talk to you. Why don't we sleep together tonight, and have a long chat?" Miss Xu's voice carried a faint weariness.

Luo Ning's heart panicked, and she looked helplessly at big brother, a hint of apology flashing in her eyes, "Big brother, Sister Zhiqing wants to talk to me. What should I do?"

‘What to do? What else can be done? Is she going to invite me to sleep with them? This Xu girl is doing this on purpose!’ Master Lin's teeth itched with rage, but seeing Ning'er's dilemma, his heart softened involuntarily, and he bitterly smiled, "Then you go, sigh, I'm used to sleeping alone. I wonder when I'll get what I wish for?"

Luo Ning grabbed his hand, gave a charming smile, and her face flushed. She leaned close to his ear and whispered in an almost inaudible voice, "Big brother, if Qiaoqiao is willing, Ning'er is willing too, but it can only be Qiaoqiao alone, um—" She darted out the door like a bird, almost running into Miss Xu.

Master Lin, a certain person, was momentarily stunned before bursting into great joy, "Ning'er, Ning'er, it's not just Qiaoqiao; there's also Eldest Miss, Second Miss, are you willing?"

"Shameless!" Miss Xu's voice came from outside the door; it was unclear what she had heard.

‘You disrupted my marital life, a grave sin indeed, and you even dare to call me shameless? I defy you, I defy, I defy, defy, defy!’ Master Lin raised his middle finger and jabbed it angrily, his face filled with a vulgar smile.

After spending the night in Luo Ning's boudoir, enveloped by the soft silk quilt as delicate as Ning'er's tender skin, Master Lin was plagued by the vexation of thinking about how the cooked duck had been snatched away. He spent a sleepless night.

On the second day, he got out of bed at the fourth watch of the night. Xu Zhiqing and Luo Ning were still silent, and he did not wake them. He left the room alone and had not yet reached the lakeside when he heard the noisy, bustling voices ahead. As he drew near to see clearly, he was instantly dumbstruck!


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