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Chapter 346 Borrowing the Cannon

Xu Zhiqing was momentarily stunned. Lin San, who was usually all smiles and never serious, looked today as wilted as an eggplant hit by frost. Could he really be injured?

Qiaoqiao's face turned red as she stole a glance at Madam Xiao and Xu Zhiqing. She gently opened her heart and embraced Lin Wanrong, her adorable little head resting against her big brother's chin, and said softly, "Big brother, are you scared? If we have to, we can start all over again. We originally had nothing anyway."

Lin Wanrong nestled his head into her chest twice, the soft and delicate honeyed touch calming him down. The faint fragrance entered his nostrils, and he inhaled deeply, lifting his head to say, "Little treasure, I know. Rest assured, if it really comes to that, your big brother would rather have nothing but you and my other wives, alright?"

"No ambition!" Xu Zhiqing, hearing his words, couldn't help but frown slightly, snorting in a voice that was neither loud nor soft, but fell into Lin San's ears.

Lin Wanrong looked up at her and snapped, "Can ambition be eaten like a meal? Miss Xu, you need to understand the difference between grains before you talk to me about ambition."

"How can I not distinguish the difference between grains? Don't demean all women like that! Qiaoqiao, your big brother, aside from showing off in front of you, is otherwise quite ordinary. You must not spoil him." Earlier, Lin San had gone to see the Emperor, and Madam Xiao had already introduced Qiaoqiao to Xu Zhiqing. Women naturally become familiar quickly, and after chatting for a while, they began to call each other sisters.

Qiaoqiao shook her head, saying, "Sister Xu, you are wrong. My big brother is the most unique man in the world, unmatched by anyone. You need to interact with him more, and you will understand."

Madam Xiao curiously looked at Xu Zhiqing and Lin San, shaking her head and sighing, "Zhiqing, you are very much like the old Yuruo." Miss Xu did not understand her meaning, and the Madam just smiled, shaking her head, and refused to elaborate.

Regardless, the old Emperor did treat Lin San fairly well. The house he bestowed was certainly large, giving him plenty of face. Lin Wanrong inspected it back and forth, but his brow never relaxed. Seeing her big brother's unhappy expression, Qiaoqiao obediently followed him, not daring to make a sound.

Lin Wanrong suddenly stopped, sighing, "Little treasure, I will find some people for you later. You direct them to clean this house."

Qiaoqiao hesitated for a moment, asking, "Big brother, are we really going to live here?"

Lin Wanrong looked surprised, "Why, don't you want to?"

Qiaoqiao gently shook her head, "That's not it. If we all move here, what will happen to Miss Xiao and Madam Xiao? We are all one family!"

Lin Wanrong laughed, knowing her heart so well, "Don't worry, as you said, we are all one family! We can move them here as well when the time comes. The yard is so big, it can accommodate hundreds of people. If need be, I will work harder and earn more money."

Qiaoqiao smiled radiantly and tightly hugged his arm, saying, "Big brother, you're so good. Actually, you don't have to work so hard. I've already planned everything. When we get to the capital this time, I want to open 'Food for Immortals' there. Since you know the Emperor, when we open, you can invite His Majesty as well, to add prestige to our establishment."

Lin Wanrong inhaled sharply, thinking to himself, ‘This girl dares to dream bigger than I do. Do you think inviting the Emperor is as simple as chopping cabbage or grabbing a radish, one after the other with precision?’ He playfully touched Qiaoqiao's little face, nodding and smiling, "Invite the Emperor? We can try. Little darling, let's settle on that then. Your big brother is now an official of some rank. Not engaging in some enterprise would be unworthy of the Emperor's trust. You find Eldest Miss to help, and together, go scout a location. Once you've found a good spot, let me know. I know many in the military. We can put on our armor, bring a few squads of soldiers, and even the most stubborn squatters will surely give way to me. Darling, isn't your big brother clever?"

Qiaoqiao giggled melodiously, remembering the day in Jinling when he cleverly obtained what he wanted, her heart filled with warmth. Madam Xiao, listening from behind, shook her head, thinking, fortunately, this Lin San is part of her Xiao family; if he were to oppose them, no one would truly be able to deal with him.

Impatient as Qiaoqiao was, she immediately began to organize the cleaning of the large, dust-filled mansion. Xu Zhiqing was quite supportive of her, deploying over twenty strong men from her household, personally leading them to help Qiaoqiao. The two women chattered away, and Madam Xiao also became interested, instructing how to arrange things here and there. The three women made such a spectacle that Lin Wanrong was left aside.

As eager as Qiaoqiao was, someone was even more impatient. Lin Wanrong, thinking about what the old Emperor had said, was feeling annoyed. Just as he was about to step out for a walk, he spotted a tall-nosed foreigner at the door. Lin Wanrong recognized him; he was the one who had delivered the blood-sweat treasure horse from Ashile the day before.

"Alibaba, what are you doing here?" Lord Lin called out with a smile, pondering to himself that he had never tried the Turkic blood-sweat treasure horse. He should find a time to ride it; it might come in handy if he ever had to flee from the old Emperor.

"Sir, my name is not Alibaba, it's Hanibal!" the tall-nosed Turk corrected.

Lin Wanrong laughed, "It's all the same, all the same. Hanibal is your Turkic name, translated into our Great Hua language; your name would be Alibaba. You know, Alibaba is a very famous wise character in the Arabian Nights. You, with your thick eyebrows and grand appearance, must be as wise as him. Tell me, Alibaba Hanibal, what are you doing here?"

Hanibal was left somewhat dizzy by Master Lin's words, wondering how, in just a few sentences, his name had been altered to "Alibaba Hanibal."

"Sir, the National Master Lu Dongzan and Lord Ashile have instructed me to invite you to a feast tonight. I have come specifically to escort you!" Hanibal said, appearing respectful.

Lin Wanrong looked up at the sky and noticed the sun was directly overhead, then exclaimed in surprise, "I say, Alibaba, it's only noon, isn't it? If you want to invite me to dine, there's really no need to be this early!"

Hanibal shook his head, saying, "Sir, it is imperative to be early. Lord Ashile heard that you have accepted invitations from both the Goryeo Prince and Prince Cheng for tonight, and it's uncertain where you will go. He's extremely anxious and specifically instructed me to come here early. I set out this morning, went to your shop, and people there told me you had gone out to look at a house, so I've been searching for you all the way here."

"You set out this morning?" Lin Wanrong suppressed a laugh. "You're fortunate I didn't make you search all the way to Tongzhou. I guess that's enough trouble for you." He nodded and asked, "Alibaba, your Mandarin is quite good. Who taught you?"

Hanibal lifted his head, proudly stating, "My tribe has often traded with the Great Hua, so learning your language wasn't difficult. But your Mandarin is too coarse and cannot compare to my Turkic script."

"You must be joking," Lin Wanrong chuckled. "Your so-called script, coarse as an undeveloped fertilized egg, dares to compare with my square characters?" He grinned slyly and said, "Hui hua fei fa hei, hei hua fei fa hui! Alibaba, repeat that after me."

Hanibal's mouth opened and closed, unable to replicate the phrase, as Lin Wanrong laughed heartily and started to walk away. Hanibal hurriedly followed, calling, "Sir, Sir. Lord Ashile is still waiting for you!"

‘What could these Turkic people want with me, to invite me so eagerly? Could they really want to give me two foreign beauties? With their curly hair, high noses, blue eyes, and thick lips, the girls might be suitable for pole dancing,’ Lin Wanrong thought, suddenly intrigued. He smiled and said, "Since your lord is so respectful, I'll go see him. Alibaba, you don't understand the meaning of 'respectful,' do you?"

Hanibal shook his head, and Lin Wanrong waved his hand, saying, "Then quickly prepare a palanquin! I'm waiting for you to honor me!"

Hanibal hastily shook his head, "Sir. I don't have a palanquin. We Turkic people are born on horseback, and we travel by horse. I've prepared swift horses for you—look."

He whistled sharply, and the clear sound of hooves could be heard. Two strong Turkic horses galloped towards them from a distance. Although not as majestic as the fabled blood-sweat horses, they were large and robust, clearly built for running.

"Sir, please mount the horse!" Hanibal said, handing over the reins with a respectful bow.

"Alibaba, don't you have blood-sweat horses? Bring a couple of those for me to ride!" Lin Wanrong said, his mind on the blood-sweat horses. Seeing Hanibal trying to fob him off with ordinary horses, he was quite unwilling and spoke directly.

"About that..." Hanibal said, somewhat awkwardly, "To tell you the truth, Sir. Although we Turkic people breed blood-sweat horses, they are extremely precious and not available to just anyone. Lord Ashile brought ten of them this time. Two were given to you, Sir, and the rest were given to—oh, our lord no longer has any left!"

"You rascal, only two were given and then none left? I have so many wives; if I were to ever take to the road, wouldn't I need one for each hand?" He snorted from his nose, saying, "Alibaba, you are quite filial, aren't you? You Turks are skilled in horsemanship and have fought with our Great Hua for years. Do you mean to say you don't ride the blood-sweat treasure horses?"

Hanibal burst into laughter, responding, "From your words, Master, I can tell that you've never been to the northern lands. We Turks are indeed skilled in horsemanship, but blood-sweat treasure horses are gifts from Tengri, precious beyond measure. How could they possibly be used as war horses? Our battle horses are bred from the inferior blood-sweat horses crossed with common ones, like the two you see here. Though they've been bred through many years and their lineage has grown distant from the blood-sweat horses, they still cannot be compared to the stunted ponies of your Great Hua."

‘Damn, so they've been riding mongrel horses all along.’ Master Lin chuckled and mounted the horse, giving it a hearty pat, and the two large horses galloped towards the city outskirts.

Turks were indeed natural horsemen. Though Master Lin had fought on horseback and was by no means deficient in his riding skills, Hanibal's galloping demonstrated an even more exquisite mastery.

"Alibaba, these Turkish horses of yours are indeed excellent," Lin Wanrong praised as they rode side by side.

"Of course! Our strength as Turks comes from these fleet-footed steeds," Hanibal proclaimed proudly.

"What do these Turkish horses fear?" Lin Wanrong asked casually.

"They fear fire, smoke, and are not good with endurance. Turkish horses are great for running but not for stamina," Hanibal explained.

This lad was indeed filial, Lin Wanrong thought, patting him on the shoulder and laughing heartily. The two men and their horses continued on toward the outskirts of the city. The Turkish envoy, consisting of over a hundred people, had mostly set up camp outside the city, which was more suitable for their lifestyle.

As they rode northward, they beheld the towering beauty of a green mountain, its pines standing tall and springs flowing, painting an exquisite landscape. At the foot of the mountain, a large grassy area was tinged with the faint green of new growth. Dozens of white tents were erected, resembling patches of pure white clouds amid the green, striking to the eye.

This place, with its clear mountains and beautiful scenery, was well-chosen by the Turks, Lin Wanrong thought, humming in appreciation.

From afar, two spirited horses sprang from the encirclement of white tents, rushing towards them. Hanibal let out a long cry and pulled the reins, his horse rearing and neighing.

"Master, State Teacher Lu Dongzan and Master Ashile are coming to welcome you," Hanibal quickly informed. Lin Wanrong looked up to see the two figures riding towards them; it was indeed Ashile and Lu Dongzan.

The two arrived, and Lu Dongzan placed one hand on his chest, bowing respectfully, "Master Lin, your presence graces us. Lu Dongzan is honored!"

Lin Wanrong returned the greeting with a fist, smiling warmly, "Brother Lu, it's good to see you. Brother A, you as well!"

The two of them noticed that Master Lin's way of addressing them was unconventional, and they couldn't help but glance at each other, a smile playing on their faces. The four men and four horses proceeded directly toward the camp tents. In the camp, several tall wooden racks were set up, with a few freshly caught wild sheep bound to them. The bonfire roared, roasting the wild sheep to a golden hue, and droplets of oil slowly fell. When they splashed onto the flames, sparks flew, and a sound of crackling filled the air. Nearby, three wooden sticks supported large iron pots filled with steaming hot food, the aroma of wild vegetables carried by the wind.

‘The Turks live such healthy lives,’ Master Lin mused. ‘They eat organic food and enjoy extreme sports; no wonder they are so strong.’

Ashile noticed that Master Lin's eyes were fixed on the food all along and gave him a meaningful glance, saying with a grin, "Master Lin, we Turks have been riding horses and shooting arrows since we were children. We may not be skilled in poetry or embroidery, but when it comes to horsemanship and swordsmanship, no one in the world can surpass us."

Ashile's Chinese was somewhat awkward, but the implied meaning of his words was clear to Lin San, who chuckled and replied, "Brother A, you are mistaken. Our Great Hua has vast territories and numerous ethnicities, encompassing all kinds of talents and skills. We have poets, embroiderers, and even more who ride horses and cut down enemies. Our two countries have fought for years, and Great Hua has always been patient. But if you think Great Hua is afraid of the Turks, you are gravely mistaken. An ancient poem says: 'Desert sands white as snow, Yan Mountain's moon shaped like a hook. If I wish to fight, what are the barbarians but a ball?'"

Lu Dongzan, as the Turks' national teacher and someone familiar with Chinese culture, furrowed his brow and said, "Is there such a poem? I've never heard of it."

"Not having heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is the profundity of Great Hua's culture, Brother Lu. You still have much to learn," Lin Wanrong laughed.

Lu Dongzan was no ordinary person and nodded in agreement, saying, "What Master Lin says is true. Among our people, if one were to talk about the most learned and the one who understands Great Hua the deepest, it's not me, Lu Dongzan, but another."

‘Lu Dongzan is already impressive, and the Turks have someone even more extraordinary?’ Lin Wanrong was taken aback. This unfamiliar world was entirely different from his past life. The Turks had not only survived through the centuries but had grown stronger, nearly on par with Great Hua. Whether Great Hua would annihilate the Turks or be defeated by them remained an unknown variable. Should he help Li Sheng invent something useful, like airplanes or cannons? He chuckled to himself, feeling a growing sense of patriotism.

His mind wandered for a moment, and the three men had already stepped into the tent, which seemed to be Ashile's main quarters. The interior was adorned with a red carpet and decorated with pearl milk tea, exuding an exotic flavor.

Ashile proudly pointed to the carpet and said, "Master Lin, please look at this carpet. It's called the Tear Carpet, a spoil of war I obtained from subduing the Tiele tribe. It's said to have been embroidered by the Tiele Dada through generations, accumulating over time to this grand scale. The tears of Tiele Dada were said to have fallen upon it, hence its name, the Tear Carpet."

Lu Dongzan explained, "Dada refers to the sister or daughter of the Tiele Khan, equivalent to a princess in the Great Hua."

Lin Wanrong chuckled and pulled out a firearm from his bosom. "Gentlemen, please take a look; this object is called a handgun, colloquially known as the handheld cannon. Heh heh, the might of a cannon; Brother Ashile, you've seen it with your own eyes. In years past, my grandfather's grandfather's great-grandfather took it with him as he conquered the south and the north, subduing Goryeo and Dongyin, vanquishing Persia and Arabia, sweeping across the Mongolian steppes, fighting from Asia to Europe, fishing in the Amazon, drinking from the Danube, ruling all under heaven—who dared to disobey? Every time they killed a man, they took a strand of hair, later gathering all the hair to make a carpet buried underground. Ah, that's the very grassland where you live today."

The audacity of this man! Where in your Great Hua Dynasty's history is such an act recorded? He boasts so outrageously. Both Lu Dongzan and Ashile looked at him with simultaneous disdain. But when they saw the gun in his hand, they couldn't help but pause, exchanging a glance and nodding slightly.

"Don't just talk, Master Lin; please, take a seat," Lu Dongzan said with a smile, diverting the topic and guiding Lin Wanrong to sit cross-legged.

Master Lin sat on the carpet, his legs going numb, feeling quite awkward. No wonder the Turkic people loved riding horses; it seemed there was no alternative. Sitting cross-legged like this for a few days would surely result in sciatica.

In the midst of their conversation, attendants had already brought in a whole roasted fat lamb, glittering golden, dripping with oil, and temptingly delicious. Ashile lifted his cup and said, "Master Lin, I'm truly grateful that you could attend my banquet today. Come, let's drink this cup together to welcome your arrival."

Ashile and Lu Dongzan drained their cups in one gulp, wiping their mouths with great satisfaction. Master Lin had just raised it to his lips when a pungent smell assaulted his nose. What on earth was this? Horse urine?

Ashile laughed heartily, "Master Lin has never tasted this fine wine, has he? This is our Turkic specialty, mare's milk wine, squeezed from the teats of pregnant mares. It's incredibly satisfying, even more so than milking a woman!"

‘Crude! Did he really call them teats? More like breasts!’ Master Lin thought, despising Ashile. He closed his eyes and took a sip of the mare's milk, finding it fishy, foul, bitter, and indescribably unpalatable. He wondered how those two large-nosed fellows managed to drink it. Fortunately, roasting a whole lamb was a specialty of the nomads—spicy, pungent, yet tender and delicious, a pure and natural green food. Master Lin stuffed his mouth with several bites, finally managing to forget the taste of the mare's milk.

Seeing Master Lin wolfing down his food, both men smiled slightly. Ashile clapped his hands, and there was a rustling sound outside the door. A few exotic women entered, their entire bodies draped in thin yellow silk, except for openings at their navels and foreheads, revealing white bellies and a pair of enchanting eyes.

These foreign women were taller than the women of the Great Hua, with more pronounced figures. Their breasts were full and firm, like rolling mountains; their hips round and sturdy, like resilient millstones; protruding at the front and tilting at the back, alluringly inviting.

‘My word,’ thought Lin Wanrong, ‘the women who ride horses really have it all—large and round buttocks, perky and firm breasts. They're fiery! Should I install a steel pole in the tent and give Ashile and Lu Dongzan a show?’

As he gazed at the women, filled with exotic charm, Lin Wanrong felt a pang of desire. Ashile's eyes roamed over them, and he swallowed hard, clapping his hands lightly. A melody of stringed instruments began to play, and the voluptuous foreign women slowly swayed to the music.

Their thin silk garments could not contain their rounded breasts and perky hips. In time with the music, the graceful foreign women swung their waists freely, their beautiful eyes expressing a hint of flirtation, their bosoms and hips moving together. Suddenly, with a swishing sound, the silk was all thrown off. The women, now in short skirts, revealed their slender, white jade legs. Their hips lightly twisted, their legs slightly parted, glimpses of hidden allure peeked out from under their skirts, an indescribable enchantment.

Powerful indeed, thought Lin Wanrong, entranced. They must feel very powerful when clenched. Just as he was enjoying the spectacle, he heard Ashile's voice beside his ear: "Master Lin, if you like them, these women are yours."

"This... isn't it inappropriate? Can they dance with a pole? Let's see it, quickly show me," Lin Wanrong said, wiping his mouth.

Ashile and Lu Dongzan exchanged a smile, and Lu Dongzan said, "Master Lin, we'd like to borrow something from you."

"Borrow what?" Lin Wanrong replied without turning his head.

"Borrow the cannon!" Ashile said with a smile.


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