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Chapter 259 The Four Rounds of Poetry Contest (Part 1)

"Ding!" The gong rang out, struck by the officiating officer who then boomed, "The winners of the first group of the wine-poetry challenge have been decided. Gentlemen, you have employed your love of wine and words to create an entertaining spectacle. Please, indulge yourselves and drink heartily!"

The drinking challenge, though seemingly simple, was far from it. Firstly, one had to have a tolerance for alcohol. Secondly, one had to have the scholarly ability. Each command was a poem and after a round of these, the one who persevered to the end would have recited at least four to five poems. Lin Wanrong, groggy and oblivious to the complexity of the task, simply found it enjoyable, saying whatever came to mind. It was only after winning first place in his group that he sobered slightly, still feeling immense pleasure.

As per the rules, the winner of each wine-poetry group could advance to the next round. The rest would lose the privilege to enter the main ship. While it might have been a disappointment, they could still indulge in the poetic arts on the flower ship, using predetermined lyrics and verses to hold their poetry gatherings. There was no need for them to worry about advancement anymore. Surrounded by fine wine and food, they would be free to let loose and recite their poetry in an unending flow.

The officer summoned the five winners aside, bowed, and congratulated them. "Congratulations, gentlemen. Winning this round allows you entry into Miss Luo's flower ship to exchange verses with her. If you manage to win her favor, you may take the beautiful woman home. Great success awaits you."

Lin Wanrong, with the effects of the alcohol still lingering, laughed, "Simply writing a few verses could lead to success? This is truly amusing." The other scholars glared at him upon hearing his dismissive words, but seeing his slightly drunk state, they chose not to argue.

The officer continued, "The five gentlemen from the other ship have also advanced successfully. In addition to our own Young Master Hou Yuebai from Jinling, there is Young Master Zhao and the most famous scholar from the capital, Wu Xue’an. While you may not have as notable names, I can see your scholarly abilities are equally extraordinary. There's no guarantee you cannot surpass them. Shortly, someone will escort you to the main flower ship. I wish you all good luck."

Under the influence of the alcohol, Lin Wanrong paid little attention to who the others were. Under these circumstances, making it to the top ten was a considerable achievement.

Yan Shenghui, who had drunkenly fallen over, wobbled over to him, grabbing his hand. "Brother San, I'm sorry I cannot accompany you further on this journey. You must win Miss Luo's hand and restore some pride for us powerless scholars."

This Yan Shenghui was a man of integrity. An idea came to Lin Wanrong. He could introduce him to Xu Wei; it could be a good opportunity for them to meet. He slapped Yan Shenghui on the shoulder, laughing, "Brother Yan, wait for my good news."

As they were talking, the flower boat they were on drew close to Luo Ning's boat. Drums and gongs were sounding, firecrackers exploding, a carpet was laid across the gangplank bridging the two ships, inviting the qualifying scholars onto Miss Luo's boat.

The remaining scholars, mostly humble literati, admired the scene. They applauded and cheered, offering encouragement to those they were acquainted with who had made it to this stage.

On the ship, aside from Yan Shenghui, Lin Wanrong did not know anyone else. Nevertheless, the other nine competitors in the same group were impressed by his courage. They waved frequently, saying, "Brother San, you must come back victorious." Lin Wanrong returned their salute with a small smile and followed the others over the footbridge.

The majesty of Luo Ning's flower boat was truly magnificent. Flying eaves and walking walls, carved railings and jade masonry, red lanterns and green hangings, the boat was bustling and filled with color. The five scholars from the other boat were already waiting for them. Lin Wanrong glanced around and indeed saw the Young Prince Zhao Kangning smiling at the head of the group. But his gaze did not waver, he hadn't even given the other five a glance. Behind him was a young man also smiling, very handsome, swaying a folding fan with grace and elegance. He seemed to be chatting with Prince Zhao, ignoring the others.

The long-absent Master Hou Yuebai stood third, his gaze riveted on the two men in front, apparently viewing them as his most formidable opponents. The others simply didn't enter his sight.

Walking at the end of the group, Lin Wanrong went unnoticed by the trio of Zhao Kangning. The ten scholars were divided into two groups and proceeded inward.

Upon entering the main gate, they saw a screen with a small door in the center that could accommodate one person at a time. They didn't know who should enter first. This was called "entry", a deliberate obstacle to test the scholars. The order of entry didn't matter in theory, but the proud scholars wouldn't easily give way. They needed a contest.

Zhao Kangning, leading the other group, smiled and said, "There is a wall in front of us, with a door in the middle. If I don't go in first, it will be like a dog climbing the wall."

The scholar leading Lin Wanrong's group blanched. Zhao Kangning was metaphorically berating them, implying that anyone who dared enter before him was a dog climbing the wall. Intimidated by Young Prince Zhao's power, the scholar didn't dare to retort, and Zhao Kangning smirked, ready to enter.

"Hold on, hold on," Lin Wanrong stepped forward, laughing, "Young Prince, do you still recognize me?"

Zhao Kangning glanced at him, his face instantly changed, "You, you... weren't you killed in that massive explosion?"

Lin Wanrong's expression darkened. So, it was this bastard who was backing Tong Cheng. He smiled ominously, "Young Prince, are you that eager for me to die? Ha, I, Lin San, have nine lives. No one can just take it away with a little scheme."

Laughing heartily, Lin Wanrong recited loudly, "I'll climb the wall if I need to, I won't be as reckless as you. If the teacher hasn't entered, you should go home and ask your mother!"

Zhao Kangning had once said that he would treat Lin Wanrong as his teacher if they met again. So, how could he enter before his teacher? Despite Lin Wanrong's sarcastic verse even scolding his mother, he was in the right. Zhao Kangning's face turned from red to white, but with so many witnesses present, he couldn't argue.

With a disdainful snort, Lin Wanrong was about to step in, but he heard the handsome man behind Zhao Kangning say, "Wait—"

Lin Wanrong turned to look at him, and the man saluted, "I am Wu Xue'an from the capital. May I know who you are?"

"Wu Xue'an?" Lin Wanrong frowned, "I've never heard of you. I am known as Lin San."

"You're Lin San?" Wu Xue'an was surprised. He glanced at Zhao Kangning, who remained silent, then coldly said, "You're too arrogant. Do you really think you, a commoner, have the right to lecture the young prince?"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Whether I can or cannot, it's not for you to decide. The young prince should speak for himself. Isn't that right, young prince?"

Zhao Kangning clenched his teeth. He had harshly reprimanded Tong Cheng, even suggesting to kill Lin San amidst a sea of bullets to appease the prince, but unexpectedly, while Tong Cheng had become a ghost, Lin San was still standing alive right before him.

Zhao Kangning remained silent, but Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "All this fuss over who goes first through a door. What does it matter if I let you go first? The Great Wall still stands today, yet the Emperor Qin who built it is long gone. Isn't that right, Brother Wu Xue'an? The process of entering the door is like seeking the truth. Even though you've entered, you haven't found the truth, so your reading of poetry and books is in vain. Let me give you the honor of going first."

With that, he stepped back with a laugh, yielding the doorway. Wu Xue'an glanced at Zhao Kangning, unsure what to do. Young Prince Ning gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Lin, after you."

With a slight smile, Lin Wanrong turned to the man leading the group and said, "Brother, let's go in."


"Sister Ning, the newly chosen ten scholars will be here soon, you should go take a look." Qiaoqiao spoke to Luo Ning, who was daydreaming in front of the mirror.

Luo Ning shook her head, "Why should I look at them? This is all just a farce arranged by my father, it has nothing to do with me. He even made me keep it a secret from everyone, causing Brother Lin to misunderstand me. He hasn't been willing to come, he must be angry with me. Qiaoqiao, what should I do?"

Qiaoqiao looked at Luo Ning up and down, biting her red lips, "Sister Ning, could it be that you have feelings for Big brother?"

"No, Qiaoqiao, don't get me wrong. Brother Lin and I are just good friends. We haven't... " Luo Ning's face turned red as she said this, feeling uncomfortable to deceive her close friend.

Qiaoqiao sighed lightly, "Big brother may seem shrewd on the surface, but he is clueless about a woman's feelings."

Luo Ning snorted, "He's not clueless. He knows exactly what he's doing, but he pretends not to. He's extremely annoying and detestable."

Qiaoqiao shook her head and laughed softly, "Regardless of whether he's truly clueless or just pretending, he's the bane of us women. When I first met Big brother, I loved listening to him talk. Even though he never spoke seriously, I enjoyed his company very much. Every day, I thought of him and worried about him, and I could only sleep well after seeing him. Sister Ning, do you feel the same?"

"Exactly... no, no..." Luo Ning hurriedly denied it, her face turning crimson. Embarrassed, she lowered her head shyly.

A slight bitterness filled Qiaoqiao's heart as she forcefully held back the tears welling up in her eyes. "Sister Ning," she said, "If Big brother knew how much you cared about him, he would be overjoyed. Even at the cost of his own life, he would surely rush back."

Hearing a choke in Qiaoqiao's voice, Luo Ning quickly raised her head to see the young girl's eyes brimming with unshed tears. She was biting her lip in a desperate attempt to keep them from falling. "Qiaoqiao, what's wrong?" Luo Ning asked hurriedly.

Qiaoqiao let out a sigh. "Big brother, he really has caused so much trouble. Sister Ning, if you truly love him, I can have a serious talk with him. He might act tough, but he has a soft heart. I guarantee he will fulfill your wishes."

Unable to respond, Luo Ning leaned closer to whisper a few words into Qiaoqiao's ear. Qiaoqiao blushed in surprise, covering her cheek with her small hand. "Sister Ning, you're terrible. How could you eavesdrop like that? I absolutely despise Big brother!"

Bitterness and sorrow filled Luo Ning's heart. Angrily, she retorted, "Doing such wicked things in my own bedroom, Brother Lin must be the worst man in the world."


So this was the venue for the grand finale? As Lin Wanrong entered the main cabin of the painted boat, he carefully observed the surroundings. Hanging lanterns illuminated the colorful murals on the walls. The room was already filled with the elite and influential figures of Jinling City. A large charcoal furnace in the center warmed the fine wine, while servants hustled back and forth, making the place extremely lively.

A steward announced, "The top ten scholars of the Jinling Poetry Contest have been selected. Please take your seats—"

At the swish of the door opening, all eyes turned to the entrance. The scholar leading the group had never seen such an assembly of eminent figures. The weight of their collective gaze made his hands tremble unconsciously. Lin Wanrong, who was fifth in line, wasn't frightened by the scene; he had faced such situations countless times before. Moreover, his battlefield experience had bolstered his courage. It should be the others who were afraid of him.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin—" A woman's coarse voice called out. Lin Wanrong turned his head to see that it was none other than Liu Yue'er, who had once helped the Xiao family in Hangzhou City. She was now waving vigorously at him, looking happier than when she herself had entered the competition.

"Sister Liu—" Lin Wanrong greeted back with a wave and a slight smile. If the Liu family was invited, then the Xiao family must be here as well.

As he surveyed the crowd, he heard someone call out, "Lin San, Lin San—" Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw Young Master Guo standing on a chair in the second-to-last row, frantically waving at him. The excitement on his face was hard to miss.

Smiling broadly, Lin Wanrong walked over and asked, "Young Master, what brings you here? Weren't you also participating in this poetry contest?"

Guo Wuchang answered regretfully, "Don't even mention it. I bribed the judges in my section with a hundred or so taels of silver to get onto this flower boat. But then I lost in the first round of the wine command. Ah, if only I'd known... I should have just stuck with you. I could have at least made it into the top ten."

Lin Wanrong chuckled. Speaking with Young Master Guo felt like a return to old times, except now Xian'er was his wife and Eldest Miss was drifting further from him. Life truly was full of unexpected changes.

"Lin San," Guo Wuchang leaned in closer, whispering confidentially, "I heard you upset cousin Yuruo last night?"

"No, it's just a personality clash, a temporary separation. We all need to cool down a bit," Lin Wanrong said with a chuckle.

Guo Wuchang sighed lightly, "My cousin's temperament is indeed a bit too strong. She dares to scold anyone. Considering the immense contributions you've made to the Xiao family, I really don't know what the consequences will be if this continues. How could my cousin be so confused?"

Lin Wanrong sighed gently, "Let's not talk about this. How's the Second Miss doing?"

Guo Wuchang said, "Cousin Yushuang has been hoping for your return every day. But as soon as you returned, you argued with Yuruo, and she had to keep it a secret from her. Poor Yushuang, marking off the days on the calendar, unaware that you're just outside the door. How did things become like this?"

A sour feeling arose in Lin Wanrong's heart. Glancing at the empty seat next to Guo Wuchang, the Young Master seemed to understand his thoughts. "This is Cousin Yuruo's seat. She said she would come, but we have yet to see her despite the time. We had no idea that you made it to the top ten of this poetry competition, otherwise I would have brought Si De, Xiao Feng, and everyone from the mansion here to cheer you on."

Despite his lack of education, Young Master Guo's words warmed Lin Wanrong's heart. Lin Wanrong gave him a light pat on the shoulder, cast a glance at the vacant seat beside him, sighed silently, wondering how things got so out of hand.

"Lin San, you must give it your all, marry this talented woman of Jinling, make her serve tea, wash clothes, cook, and give her a good torment. Show her we men are not to be underestimated," Young Master Guo grumbled.

Lin Wanrong chuckled. Before he could reply, someone shouted, "Big brother, Big brother--" The excited voice of Dong Qingshan came from the side. Looking over, he saw Qingshan and Luo Yuan racing towards him.

Lin Wanrong stepped forward, "Qingshan, Little Luo, how are you?"

Dong Qingshan embraced him, "Big brother, brother-in-law, you're finally back."

Lin Wanrong nodded, "Qingshan, where's Qiaoqiao? Why don't I see her?"

Qingshan replied, "My sister is helping in Miss Luo's room. Miss Luo has been overworked these days and is somewhat ill." ‘Luo Ning was sick again? Ah, women are prone to illnesses when they have too many worries.’

Luo Yuan said, "Big brother, where have you been these days? You've gotten much darker."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "I went to do something very important. Little Luo, how's your sister?"

Luo Yuan shook his head, "Not great, she's been frowning all day. My father is too much. Knowing my sister's standards are sky-high, he still arranges such a vulgar poetry contest for a marriage proposal."

Qingshan added, "Exactly. Miss Luo is like a celestial being, far beyond the reach of these impoverished scholars. Brother-in-law, I think you should put in some effort, defeat these guys, marry Miss Luo and also become Little Luo's brother-in-law."

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily. ‘This Qingshan, always so blunt.’ The three brothers were laughing when an official called out, "The top ten scholars, please come forward and take your seats."

Lin Wanrong walked up to the front of the stage and took a vacant seat. Looking down, he saw the eyes of all the prominent figures of Jinling focused on the individuals on stage. Among them, Zhao Kangning, Wu Xue'an, and Hou Yuebai were undeniably the most eye-catching. As for Lin Wanrong, this dark horse, only Young Master Guo and Liu Yue'e had confidence in him; others naturally regarded him as mere accompaniment.

An official stepped forward and announced loudly, "The Jinling Poetry Contest, the grand duel of verses, is about to begin. Present today, in addition to Jinling's notables, we also have Governor Luo, Commander-in-chief Cheng, and the Educational Commissioner Tong from Jiangsu, along with other local officials."

Glancing around, Lin Wanrong indeed saw Luo Min seated on a high platform in the distance, smiling at him. Next to Luo Min was Cheng De, his expression unreadable under his stern facade.

The official continued in a booming voice, "In this duel of verses, the format is as follows: from ten, six will proceed, then four, then two, with the two finalists competing against each other. A total of four elimination rounds." This arrangement made sense; there was no second place in the literary world, and in martial arts, there was no first. The pursuit of this poetry duel was to emerge as the ultimate victor.

"For the first round, Educational Commissioner Tong will set the theme," the official loudly announced, and applause echoed through the crowd.

Commissioner Tong stood up, bowing to the crowd, "Today, we gather many talents, a grand event for the literary world. I shall put forth a challenge to start the poetry topic. Among the noble four: plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum, the plum takes the lead. I invite the talents here to compose a verse on a plum in the snow."

Many of those present had a decent knowledge of literature. Upon hearing that the first round was about a plum in the snow, they inwardly groaned. This was because the number of famous classic poems on the plum was countless, and surpassing a classic was always a challenge. Composing a fine verse on the plum in such a short time was indeed difficult.

After a moment of thought, the Jinling scholar Hou Yuebai was the first to stand. "This student, Hou Yuebai, presents a verse on the plum: 'The warmth startled the plum, spreading fragrance first, a myriad of spring treasures following the night. The remaining winter snow, meeting the warm air again, beautified the famous garden.'"

"Good!" No sooner had Hou Yuebai finished his verse than an approving "Good" exploded from the crowd. Being the first to recite and a local of Jinling, Hou Yuebai was naturally given due respect.

Young Prince Zhao was not to be outdone and stood up to recite his verse, "This student, Zhao Kangning, also presents a verse on the plum: 'Spring's chill locks the courtyard, a few plum trees lament the east wind, clear buds yet to bloom, its hidden fragrance distant.'"

"Good!" This time, it was the stern-faced Cheng De who shouted approval first. Luo Min beside him couldn't help but chuckle. This stern man, who could hardly recognize a few characters, where would he understand the underlying meaning?

The talented scholar from the capital, Wu Xue'an, was already prepared and was the third to stand. "This student, Wu Xue'an from the capital, presents a verse on the plum: 'Heaven frowned at the snow's pallor, casually embroidered a plum blossom. When winter arrives next year, it will bloom again in the same place.'"

The first three people were indeed well-known for their talent. Their verses on snow and plum were expertly composed, not quite masterpieces, but certainly excellent lines. The rest, having witnessed their performances, felt somewhat ashamed. Of the remaining six, only three followed the previous scholars with their verses on the plum, but their efforts paled in comparison. The remaining three could not produce any lines, and needless to say, they were eliminated.

Lin Wanrong sat respectfully at the end of the table, his head heavy from the wine. He was now a little drowsy, yawning continuously on this stage. Everyone watched, stifling their laughter. If this scholar didn't have a world-shocking talent, then he certainly had a world-shocking ailment.

Young Master Guo and Dong Qingshan, among others, watched with increasing anxiety. This was an elimination round! Regardless of whether he could craft a timeless masterpiece, at the very least, he should be able to recite a poem about a plum blossom!

The other nine had finished their turn, and lastly, it was Lin Wanrong's turn. He glanced over at the seat next to Guo Wuchang’s, but it was still empty. He sighed silently in his heart and rose to his feet.


"Sister, sister--" Luo Yuan ran into Luo Ning's room panting, announcing loudly, "Good news, good news--"

Luo Ning was gazing at her reflection in the mirror, sighing quietly. She seemed not to hear his words. Instead, it was Qiaoqiao who asked, "Luo Yuan, what's the good news--"

"Big brother Lin, he--"

"What happened to Brother Lin--" Luo Ning's hand mirror crashed to the ground at his words. The two women exclaimed in unison, "What happened to Big brother?"

"Big brother participated in the Poetry Contest and made it into the top ten!" Luo Yuan announced loudly.

"Big brother--" The two women gasped simultaneously, tears falling down their cheeks. Supporting each other, they hurried outside.

They were just outside the room, still behind the curtain, when they heard Lin Wanrong's voice saying, "As for composing a poem that involves the word 'plum,' I am incapable--"

"Big brother--" Upon hearing these words, Luo Ning stiffened and fell backward, fainting on the spot.


