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Chapter 10

Cheong-ra hadn't seen a martial artist as handsome as Dang Ran-yeong in a long time. Looking closely, his teeth were white and clean, and his nails were neatly trimmed. Feeling inwardly satisfied, Cheong-ra blatantly looked Dang Ran-yeong up and down, from his face to his attire, then drank the cup of alcohol and replied.

"Was Young Master Tang born with that personality?"

He refilled the cup and passed it back. He was as interested in Dang Ran-yeong's hands as he was in his face. At a glance, he had an innate sturdy physique, and perhaps because of that, his hands were very firm and large. The handle of the whip hanging from his waist was also that thick and long. Seeing that, for some unknown reason, he felt a stirring sensation between his legs.

Cheong-ra felt a strong interest in the man in front of him, but he didn't show it at all on the outside. So, to others, it simply looked like a senior brother enduring a confrontation with a dangerous person to protect his junior brothers. And Cheong-ra had no intention of breaking that image. Of course, his desire to protect the junior brothers was also sincere.

"You're even more to my liking than I thought."

Dang Ran-yeong, who had drunk the alcohol Cheong-ra sent while saying that, slightly leaned his body forward from his lazy posture. Even though it was just that, it felt pressuring. He seemed very pleased that Cheong-ra was drinking the alcohol he offered without fear and retorting without backing down.

"Are you just a passing traveler this time as well?"

"No, this time I came to take care of some merchant group business. The damage caused by the spirit beast is quite severe."

After replying like that, Dang Ran-yeong sent the cup back again. Cheong-ra tilted the cup without hesitation but paused. After swallowing about half, he looked up and saw Dang Ran-yeong's eyes staring at him coldly.

'There's suddenly a fragrance coming from the alcohol.'

Unlike the two cups he had drunk before, the alcohol had a strong refreshing scent. Were there such fragrant poisons among the Tang Clan's poisons? As Cheong-ra hesitated, Dang Ran-yeong spoke in a gentle voice.

"What? Are you too scared to drink it because you think I put poison in it?"

Was he just teasing him? Cheong-ra slightly frowned and finished drinking without blinking an eye. Drinking the strong liquor that might really be poisoned in succession, a flushed energy rose to his face. It felt like his insides were burning, but after enduring and drinking it, Cheong-ra poured more alcohol and sent it back to the other person.

"Then it would be best for you to finish your business and leave."

After that, he abruptly stood up from his seat. It was a cold attitude as if three cups were enough to deal with him, but for Cheong-ra, it was an action of suppressing the desire to continue the confrontation as much as possible. Anyway, the top priority now was to successfully carry out the mission ordered by his master.

The junior brothers, who had been anxiously pulling their hair out of fear that their senior brother might get hurt, also stood up as if they had been waiting. As Cheong-ra left the inn without looking back, Dang Ran-yeong sent him a crooked smile and leisurely tilted his cup.

Fortunately, no hidden weapons flew from behind or anyone fell unconscious from being poisoned, perhaps because he was satisfied with the three cups of confrontation. When Cheong-ra checked his body by circulating his internal energy, there was nothing unusual. Cheong-ra, who had been tense, inwardly sighed in relief. As soon as they left the inn, the junior brothers began to scream.

"Senior Brother! How is your body? Are you in pain or paralyzed anywhere?"

"I'm fine, Junior Brother. I just drank some alcohol, that's all."

While reassuring the worried junior brothers, Cheong-ra was convinced. Dang Ran-yeong was definitely not a passing traveler, and it was definitely not a coincidence that he had encountered him so frequently.

Could it be... that Dang Ran-yeong had come to meet him...?

However, Cheong-ra quickly shook his head and erased that suspicion. He had several followers who were attracted to his appearance and followed him around. He knew well how they looked at him. Compared to those people, Dang Ran-yeong's gaze was too cold to be considered fascinated by him.

Due to being slightly excited during the confrontation, the area between his legs was uncomfortable, but fortunately, it wasn't noticeable on the outside thanks to the cloth tied around it. It was also fortunate that no one was hurt even though Dang Ran-yeong had picked a fight.

However, he couldn't help but imagine what would have happened if he had been alone in a situation like earlier. If there had been no junior brothers to worry about, he probably would have drawn his sword and rushed at him without hesitation... Cheong-ra forcibly suppressed the regretful sigh that was about to come out without him realizing it.


"From what I've heard, Dang Ran-yeong's hobby is fighting and defeating famous experts."

When they were some distance away from the inn, Jong-wi spoke in a worried tone. He, too, had been so anxious while Cheong-ra was confronting Dang Ran-yeong that his pale face had not yet returned to normal. The junior brothers, who had barely put aside their worries, looked at Cheong-ra at Jong-wi's words.

"Senior Brother didn't recklessly engage in a fight with that person because of the matter with the Dragon Gate Sect."

"That's right. After this matter is over, if that person is still staying here, we should teach him a lesson!"

Before the junior brothers could continue, Cheong-ra firmly shook his head.

"Shamefully, with my skills, it would be difficult for me to defeat him."

To an expert, the level of an inferior is visible at a glance. Conversely, the fact that one cannot easily infer the other person's level itself means that person's strength.

In fact, Cheong-ra was not easily convinced that even the Great Senior Brother Gong Hyeok-rin could defeat Dang Ran-yeong in a fight. So, even if it was not him, it would only be after at least ten more years of training that he could face the current Dang Ran-yeong. There were countless people, and Cheong-ra himself had been called a genius while growing up, but Dang Ran-yeong seemed to have even more outstanding talent than himself. Cheong-ra said to Jong-wi, who was still anxious.

"So there's no way I can be an expert worthy of being his opponent."

Just as Cheong-ra couldn't easily infer Dang Ran-yeong's level, the other person must have easily seen through Cheong-ra's level. What fun would there be in defeating an inferior? So even though he had said it to reassure him, Jong-wi couldn't let go of his worries.

"Well, according to rumors, that person has an even more wicked hobby."

Because he spoke too politely, the martial artists of Moon Lake Sect, who had a strong tendency towards Taoist sects, couldn't understand well, so Jong-wi spoke again in a small voice.

"They say he has the temperament of a lecher."

"What?! No matter how much that person is called the Red Whip Rakshasa, isn't he nominally from a righteous faction?"

Lim Jeong was startled and unknowingly spoke loudly, then looked around. Cheong-ra was also inwardly surprised by Jong-wi's words.

Although the Sichuan's Tang Clan was notorious for its poison arts, unique vicious techniques, and relentless revenge, it was a legitimate member of the righteous factions in the martial arts world. No matter how bad Dang Ran-yeong's relationship with his family was, the term "lecher" was not easily attached. It was a term used for those who used the art of seduction or went around raping women. Jong-wi lowered his voice even further and said.

"The famous expelled monk from Shaolin Temple suffered an unspeakable thing from Dang Ran-yeong and is going around committing various... misdeeds... out of shock. Of course, it's just a rumor, but there can't be waves without wind (Korean proverb equivalent to 'There's no smoke without fire')."

"Then, does that mean... he engages in male-male relations?"

At Lim Jeong's words, the faces of the junior brothers stiffened in unison. On the other hand, Cheong-ra was rather excited at the news that Dang Ran-yeong's preference was for men. As long as the other person's appearance was good, he didn't care about their gender. The junior brothers, who didn't know their senior brother's dark secrets, glanced at the inn where Dang Ran-yeong might still be and quickened their pace, saying.

"Senior Brother, it's best to avoid encountering him as much as possible."

"That's right. If a top expert like Dang Ran-yeong becomes obsessed like Yeon Jeok-san, it will be a real headache. Moreover, isn't he very skilled in poisons?"

"Yeon Jeok-san? You don't mean the Thousand Forms Sword Yeon Jeok-san, do you?"

Jong-wi, who had been listening to the junior brothers' words, asked in surprise. Lim Jeong nodded his head vigorously and lamented.

"Senior Brother Baek Ri is so handsome that there are many who follow him around, and that's understandable, but there are those who go too far. Among them, Yeon Jeok-san is the worst. One time, that person..."

"Junior Brother Lim."

When Cheong-ra called out softly, Lim Jeong closed his mouth with a startled face. Cheong-ra, who had been listening with interest to Dang Ran-yeong's story inwardly but calmly on the outside throughout the conversation, cut him off and said.

"No matter how notorious that person is, he wouldn't commit such lewd acts. If he had, it would have been known to the martial arts world long ago."

"Hmm, that's true."

Perhaps feeling that he had spoken rashly even though the other person was notorious, Jong-wi smiled awkwardly. The junior brothers also shut their mouths tight in unison.

"Anyway, as long as I'm in charge of this matter, the attack that will happen tonight is more important to me than that person."

With those words, the conversation did not continue further.


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