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The work on the first update of Act-3 is gradually moving towards its finale (I have already completed 70-75% of the tasks I wanted to implement), and I think if nothing seriously distracts me - by the end of the month, or the beginning of the next - I will post the game update online.

What has already been accomplished:

- Work on the game code (the skeleton of the game project) has almost been completed, and more than 100 videos already has been added to it (each of which is approximately 20-30 seconds)

- An introduction and quite a few dialogues have been added to the game, which will help player to understand approximately in what direction the game plot will move (However, the dialogues have not yet been edited by my friend, but I will give them to him as soon as I finish working on them and switch to another task). 

- Added small tips, which will help the player not to get lost in the game, and to roughly understand what can be done in this version of the game project and what cannot.

In fact, I can post the build now, and it is quite playable, but still, before I do this, I would like to do the following:

- Add sound effects of day and night, perhaps music, perhaps something else.

- Add a few more versions of dialogues for characters that did not appear in the game intro, but the player will also be able to interact with them in the first game addition (perhaps the dialogues will not be as extensive as the dialogues with the first key characters, but we’ll see)

- Add a short description of the surrounding places that Krystal can visit (her comments on these places)


In conclusion, I want to say that I am generally pleased with what I did in the end, but there are always moments that I would like to redo or improve. But I’m afraid that if I start fixing all the points in a row, I’ll have to redo too much, and therefore, I’d rather release the first version of the game project as it is now, and only then I’ll think about where and what to change if necessary in future.

Thank you for your attention and support ^^




i cannot contain my excitment