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Firstly, I want to say that the game is ready, and in fact, I'm just waiting for my friend to correct my dialogues (as I understand, he is now heavily loaded at work, which is why this delay occurred), but if I don't get the text within 2 days - I will release *alpha* version of the game add-on with my version of the dialogues, and then I will replace it with the version with the corrected ones.

Secondly, I did not waste time in vain, and I have almost finished the work with transferring data  archives to my new computer (and not only, about 8 of my HDD external hard drives also required updates and data sorting)  + I have actually prepared a new computer for work (now, due to the global situation, it is not easy for us to purchase licensed programs, so I had to go to other by...), so about all  needed is set, and soon I will start working on new projects , but from my new computer.  ( I have  a lot of HDD btw, don't ask why I need so, I just need them ;s - https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2020469293452887874/66D10BE9B9F1363A2B517FE8AFA516BC07AE5C68/  )

Third - I already managed to pass the necessary verification on Patreon (yeah, now it's need to do it here too), and in the near future I have in plans to close the issue with the new affiliate program with Xv1deos. Hope won't take long, since they didn't like my first attempt to do so ;s

Thanks for Your attention and patience  ^^



Good luck