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((Always have a spare save just before You will take the elevator down to the lower level of the Space Station. The reason is that I may make serious changes in the game code in future game updates just starting after descending to the lower level, and all recorded saves after descending to the lower level will have errors in the code .)))

You can download the game here (Better copy and paste links to Your internet browser):

PC - https://mega.nz/file/y1pD3SSb#l1lANOGl6ma2ysfeqAUmWFXPGJd81aag0TOeUF227IA

MAC - https://mega.nz/file/W4wlwCDL#60yeQWa0hzM5ZIFb3oPTzjdkuefxfWj-Uahe7ELqDt0


finally one of the most problematic updates I've ever made to a game project is finally done! I will not describe all the problems that were during the creation of this game project update, You can find them in the posts below, but I will immediately go to the description of what was added to the game:

1) A plot has been added for the lower level of the Space Station. Now, when You go down the elevator to the lower level, the game will offer You a place where You should go, however, this does not mean that You should go exactly there, since I did not remove the freedom of choice, and I will even say more - I added several different variations of the passage of this plot add-on (for example - if You go to the hangar first, and only after to the armory - when Krystal will have talking with a new character - this will take into account).

2) A new boss fight has been added that can be completed solo or with a partner. A couple of alternatives have also been added, which will greatly simplify this battle, and even allow You to avoid it (hint - You need to remember the codes that You found in the Command Center). The battle itself will also be somewhat different from the standard battles, I also added a few quick time inventories for the sake of testing (They are still far from ideal, but purely technically, in the future I can add moments to such quick time inventories where it will be possible to hit enemy's head or torso, and depending on the type of enemy, it will either have a special effect or not. Will'see, I have not yet decided whether this is necessary for a game project or not).

3) And I also added content for adults. It is possible after eliminating the main boss in any way, however - it is only possible if Your character's lust level is above 100.

Well, I’ll add one more thing - I decided not to use fast travel on the lower level of the space station, since in this way You can simply avoid meeting with two enemies that are waiting for the main character in a random place. So you have to get used to using the map a little so as not to get lost in the maze (which in general is not difficult at all, just needs a little attention).

Thank You for Your attention, Your support, and of course Your patience! And I wish you a pleasant game!

P.S. In a few days I will upload a video project based on the adult content in this update, and then I will start working on a new video project with a new version of Krystal's avatar ( mostly for show how she looks, but if people will like her more then my classic avatar - who knows, maybe in act 3 she will replace the original avatar (but only after FAIR voting from my Patrons ^^)




Thats was more experiment on future, but yeah, some times need to a bit walking around ;s


pretty good update, it is better to move with the colors too


Well, I just wanted to try the maze idea for a long time, and I hope that different colors will help people not to get lost in that (as I pointed out in the post - in principle, with a certain care - there should be no problems, although I already look forward to negative comments from those who still manage to get lost, but ... All in the name of science!)))


Might have made the random enemies a bit too random, never encountered a single one and just went ahead and beat the robot myself after 30 minutes of searching