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Unfortunately - there will be another delay, as for creating adult content for the game - the choice was made in favor of building the desired location (rather than using the ones already in the game), and then, my friend, what I need for filming - became too busy in real life, and without him - I can't do the records. Today I will try to find out for the last time about the approximate dates - when the location will be ready and my friend will have time to shoot, if this appears in the really near future - then I will not switch to any other projects, but if I hear some no certainty - I will pause the work on game update (the update of which is already finished, except for adult content for version 0.2), and will focus on a video project with an updated version of Krystal. 

Speaking of the updated version of Krystal - I found another version of the head (I won’t say that it is better than the first one, but maybe someone will like it), more photos of which can be seen here - * https://mega.nz/file/61pHEAJZ#fTXQ8eugovWLpbLvENaAv-owh0btTsmXvnLxBFY-RUM *

Thank You for Your attention and patience.

