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(( The main reason for the delay of the project is an attempt to make the dialogues better (also as some rl crap did also took my time) than I usually do for videos. Whether I managed to make them better or not - it's up to You ^^ ))

To Watch -  Please, use this link (better copy and paste the link into browser bar) :


Have a pleasant viewing =^.~=

((( Important - please - do not try to load traffic too much, and do not download more than 1 video at a same time. I also strongly ask You not to download more than 5 videos per month (with a total size of about 15 gigabytes in month) in order to avoid Your IP address get blocked. )))

Other Notes:

This video file is heavy, since it in good quality here, so, for best performance video - use these tips:

- Push *play* button, after push *stop* button, wait 10-15 seconds to let video download a little, and after - push *play* button.

- If You have slow internet speed - to save Your nerves - better just download the video on Your computer, by using *Download* button ^^!)

Please keep in mind: before You upload any of my works on your online resource - you should get my permission. It is not difficult to obtain, but in order to avoid conflicts - do not bother to ask.

Thank you and...  Pleasant viewing! ^.~

P.S. More older vids & other stuff can be found here (this is the * Members * section from the site, You need to download it first. Also better copy and paste the link(s) into browser bar):

Public Vids - https://mega.nz/file/a1wWDZqJ#iu1GtU9VwGXR9nOFrq180Xljqtye_Qfa5FqcmiTZptI

Private Vids - https://mega.nz/file/OwhERLQR#GptlIdAbwnAowydCjBcu8vQpS2-kJdKUI4XdGkdwZes

Pin-Ups - https://mega.nz/file/e44znaJb#m2cIDSYnB2LLFjP-nvfWeIk6NFaQQNA7RWpYpSJWqCc




Now I need to finish the content for private version of this video, after I think I might do some Pin-Up with Sasha bunny to the holiday (better late than never), and after - I will continue the work on the game project, dedicated to Krystal adventures ^^



niko dakuras

so uh i cant open these links cause i need a decryption key


Please - read the short instruction that is written in brackets before each link