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Unfortunately, the process of creating the update for the game is going slower than I planned, as there were several unpleasant errors in the code related to the combat system and the addition of new enemies to it, but at the moment, after quite a long time digging into the code, the problem has been fixed.

A separate delay also created a slightly larger expansion (than originally planned by me) of the very process of obtaining a new mission, which allows You to go down to the lower floor of the space station, but at the moment - everything related to this process has already been completed.

But I will need another 2-3 days to add all the video tracks to the combat code, adjust some parameters based on the characteristics of the new enemies, and then check all this for adequate performance.

Also, unfortunately - the space station new level has not yet been built, and then I pretty much have to tinker with it in terms of take the recs and writing the code (but much easier code than the one related to the combat system, fortunately), so the new update will not be ready earlier 7-10 days (taking into account the New Year's holidays, since my real life family can pull me well on those), but if I be lucky, I will finish everything earlier.

Thank You for Your patience and support, and I wish You a happy New Year ^^




You are doing great keep up the awesome work!


take all the time you need


Good luck!


Релиз получается новой версии 5-8 января только?


Еcли не подведут со строительством второго уровня космической станции, сегодня я попытаюсь докодить боевой скрипт и буду подготавливать все для добавления второго уровня в плане кода.


Но всё равно, получается релиз не раньше 5-8?