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Unfortunately - one of the private projects has been moved to "Full Private", so I will not post it anywhere, but will immediately transfer it to the order maker when it is finished. 

However, I am thinking of filling this gap with 2 video projects based on my game update version 0.07, and since I already have all the necessary materials - I don't think that the creation of such video projects will take much time, and therefore, I think in 2-3 days I will post one of the video projects, and then in 3-4 days another will be released video project. 

Overall - I don't think these videos will be very different from what you saw in my game version 0.07, but I think - I'll add a little more content to these videos that didn't make it into the game itself.

And, then I will start work on the next video order, which I will try to complete in the first half of next month (or a little earlier).

After that, I think - I'll take about 10 days (or maybe more) to work on errors in the game project itself, in order to correct completely unsuccessful dialogues, diversify the sound design in the game, and possibly partially cut video content (plus conduct an experiment with its format) to reduce the weight of the game by about 30-50%. 

I think there are enough plans so far, what will happen next - will be considered by me later.

Thanks for Your attention and support.

P.S. Maybe I'll also will try to make a Game Trailer for my game project, so that people can see in short what I have already done in the game, and what I plan to do. Will see.


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